Referring to someone as a cretin means you are calling said person of lower intelligence. Cretin is a derogatory term similar to ignorant, moron or stupid.
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A sentence using the word cretin would be, The cretin was sent to an educational home where he could reside with other cretins who were also considered to be outcasts of society.
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Cretin-Derham Hall High School was created in 1871.
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While the etymology of the word cretin remains uncertain, the glimpse of trust glimmering in his eye reflected my warm smile.
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Narcssistic - Self loving
Misogynistic - woman/girl/female hater
Cretin - Stupid person/ mentally handicapped person
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And You Know Who You Are - 2012 Are You a Belligerent Cretin 1-9 was released on:
USA: 4 August 2012
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Baba called his nemesis Assef a big-toothed cretin in Khaled Hosseini's novel "The Kite Runner."
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The word cretin means a stupid or mentally defective person. Therefore, this word has negative connotation especially when used to refer to another person.
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Yes, "cretin" is considered a derogatory term to describe someone who is stupid or foolish. It is not a polite or respectful way to refer to someone.
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He did not go to a middle school. He went to St Columba from K-8th grade. Then to Cretin for high school.
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oviusly u spaztics, or he will get knocked out u cretin!
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You poor cretin; Paraguay is a separate country.
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Previously the girls school, Derham High School, was founded in 1905. The boy's school, Cretin, was founded in 1871. They merged into Cretin-Derham Hall in 1987 and still is today.
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fool, idiot, imbecile, cretin, moron
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My Dad is an extremely intelligent man who works hard and earns the respect of all who know him. However, his older brother is a lazy, shameful cretin who drank his way through school, has never been employed, and can barely write his own name.
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A cretin is a person who suffered from cretinism. They are very short short in height and mentally retarded.
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Sophisticate, Well-cultured individual, any descriptive noun involving intelligence or cultural proficiency.
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Get off club penguin and get a job, and grow up you cretin
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The lifespan of a cretin can vary depending on the severity of their condition and access to medical care. In cases where treatment and support are provided, cretins can live a normal lifespan. However, severe cases without treatment may lead to early death.
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With a smirk on her face, the girl retorted, "Flattery will get you nowhere, you cretin!" then she stalked off with a shake of her head.
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Moron, idiot, boob, half-wit, cretin, dimwit, changeling, retard, stupid, imbecile, nitwit, doofus....
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He did not go to a middle school. He went to St Columba from K-8th grade. Then to Cretin for high school.
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The adjective Cretan refers to the island of Crete.
The noun cretin is a term for someone of congenitally low intellect (as an insult, stupid person).
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The term "cretin" is considered offensive and outdated, used in the past to describe a person with intellectual disabilities resulting from a lack of thyroid hormone. It is not an acceptable term to use and should be avoided in favor of more respectful language.
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The cast of Triphopping in the Planet Drug - 1999 includes: Carlo Bagnolo as Gestapo Guard Maurizio Corda as Royal Cretin 2 Elke Gschwindl as Lust Slave Laura Mura as Slave Dancer Paul Poet as Second Gestapo Guard Allessio Santoni as Royal Cretin 1 (Band Member) Marion Zitzler as Sex Queen of Doom
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On DVD it comes out on the 28th of October or you can pre-order it on cretin websites like ebay or amazon and there are a few other ones to.
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You can almost get any place on your body pierced how you want but some piercers may not have the skill to do cretin piercings, you will have to ask you piercer if he/she will do that for you, but yes, it is possible.
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When he begins to pay more attention to the other girl than he pays to you is a pretty good sign. Dump the cretin ... there are more and better fish in the ocean.
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Hors concours is French for "out of competition". Strictly speaking, it is used to denote someone who can't compete because of an obvious and massive superiority to the others competitors, for example an olympic champion wishing to compete at a amateur-level event. It is often used a superlative, like "Ce restaurant est hors-concours dans la ville" meaning the restaurant is so good it has no serious competion in the area or "Un cretin hors concours", meaning an extreme cretin.
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Are you referring to the NFL player named Matt Birk? I believe he is a graduate of Cretin Durham High School and Harvard University. He currently plays professional football for the Baltimore Ravens as a center.
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You are an insufferable cretin with absolutely no purpose in life. Your question has no syntactical sense whatsoever. Do job = Get Money. Do lot job, get lot money. Buy less drugs, do less drugs, grow a brain.
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idiot --> idiot(e) -- "ee-dyoh (-dyoht)" Note that this word can also be used as an adjective, e.g. "C'était une question idiote."
Could be idiot, or idiote, or imbecile, or bete, or cretin.
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Cretinism is a condition of severely stunted physical and mental growth due to untreated congenital deficiency of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism). The term cretin refers to a person so affected1.
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Secondary devices? Secondary devices? You might as well ask "what are the benefits of using tertiary ideas?"
The question is the type of question, that a complete cretin with a toilet paper degree would write. Probably was.
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