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The Council of Jerusalem was the Church Council held at Jerusalem.

1 answer

The Council of Jerusalem was the Church Council held at Jerusalem.

1 answer

There is no important outcome of the council of Jerusalem. It was one of the less-important council's

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It depends on whether you count the Council of Jerusalem or not. The Council of Jerusalem, in the book of Acts, was the first great Council of the Church, the next 21 are listed at the link below, starting with the Council of Nicea.

2 answers

The Jerusalem council was held in Acts chapter 15. It was a meeting of the early Christian leaders to discuss the inclusion of Gentile believers in the church without the need for circumcision.

2 answers

It depends on whether you count the Council of Jerusalem or not. The Council of Jerusalem, in the book of Acts, was the first great Council of the Church, the next 21 are listed at the link below, starting with the Council of Nicea.

1 answer

Judas Barsabbas and Silas were sent by the leaders of the council of Jerusalem to Antioch with a letter outlining the decisions made by the council regarding the Gentile believers and the requirements placed on them.

1 answer

Acts 15 in the New Testament outlines the meeting of the Jerusalem Council. The council was called because Gentiles were being told they had to be circumcised (as part of the law of Moses) to be saved.

The result or "accomplishment" of the council's meeting is known as the apostolic decree (Acts 15:20, 29; 21:25). It is a list of requirements for Gentiles.

1 answer

Holger Zeigan has written:

'Aposteltreffen in Jerusalem' -- subject(s): Bible, Council of Jerusalem (ca. 50), Criticism, interpretation

1 answer

Saint Paul and Barnabas left Jerusalem for Antioch to deliver the letter from the Jerusalem Council, which clarified the requirements for Gentile believers. They were also appointed by the church in Jerusalem to share the decision with the believers in Antioch.

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It was decided that a person did not need to become a gentile to become a Jew

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The Council of Jerusalem was a meeting of Christian leaders in about 50 AD, which is described in Acts 15 and possibly in Galatians 2.

The Council concluded that gentiles who convert to Christianity are not obliged to keep the Law of Moses, in particular they are not obliged to practise circumcision.

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The Council of Clermont initiated the First Crusade. Pope Urban II asked the attendees to reclaim the Holy Land, Jerusalem, from the Muslims.

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Jerusalem itself has a mayor and town council, along the same paradigm as most Israeli cities. Within Jerusalem is also the Israeli government, which is composed of the Knesset or Israeli Parliament, the Israeli Supreme Court, and numerous bureaucratic offices.

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The main event is the Council at Jerusalem, where there was a debate about Christian vs Jewish custom, especially circumcision.

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The Byzantine emperor Alexius Comnenus wrote a letter to the council of Piacenza in 1095 asking for help to free the christians in Jerusalem from persucation of the Muslims. The pope, Urban II gave permission to kill the infidels (the muslims) at the council of clermont and this caused this mass expedition which followed into the capture of Jerusalem. This first expedition was the bowling ball for all of the other crusades that have followed.

1 answer

Israel does not have two capitals. Jerusalem is the only capital of Israel, pursuant to Israel's Jerusalem Law which united the Israeli West Jerusalem with the Occupied East Jerusalem to create one united capital city.

However, because of the Jerusalem Law being ruled illegal by the United Nations Security Council Resolution 478 and the fact that Jerusalem was not envisaged as being Israeli in 1947, no country outside of Israel puts its embassies in Jerusalem and instead recognize Tel Aviv as the capital of Israel (even though all government functions happen in Jerusalem).

2 answers

Roman Catholic answer:The Council of Jerusalem was the first ecumenical council of the Church. It is recorded in Acts, chapter 15. There were many apostles present, including James, who was Bishop of Jerusalem, Peter, the first Pope, along with Paul and Barnabas. The central problem the church was having at the time was with the Judaizers who seemed to think that just following Jesus wasn't enough, new converts had to be converted to Judaism first, be circumcised and follow the whole law (the law of Moses). The decision was that you didn't have to be a Jew to convert to Christianity, a letter was written and sent to Antioch with Paul, Barnabas, Judas, and Silas.

1 answer

Actually, the first Council of the Church was the Council of Jerusalem in the book of Acts, but the Council that you are talking about is the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D. which produced the first version of the Nicene Creed in which the Church is described as "One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic." The heresy that they were dealing with was Arianism, a heresy by the priest Arian who denied the divinity of Jesus Christ.
The Church has been known as Catholic since the first century, it is first recorded in writing in St. Ignatius' Epistle to the Smyreans at the beginning of the second century. Thus the Church was known as Catholic before any conflicts that we know about outside of the Council of Jerusalem discussing whether converts had to be Jewish before they could become Christian.

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Gotthold Resch has written:

'Das Aposteldecret nach seiner ausserkanonischen Textegestalt' -- subject(s): Council of Jerusalem (ca. 50)

1 answer

The First Ecumenical Council was the Council of Jerusalem recorded in the book of Acts, however, the First Council of Nicaea is most commonly called "the first":


Year: 325

Summary: The Council of Nicaea lasted two months and twelve days. Three hundred and eighteen bishops were present. Hosius, Bishop of Cordova, assisted as legate of Pope Sylvester. The Emperor Constantine was also present. To this council we owe the Nicene Creed, defining against Arius the true Divinity of the Son of God (homoousios), and the fixing of the date for keeping Easter (against the Quartodecimans).

2 answers

they decided that Gentile Christians no longer needed to get circumsized but they had to change their dietary plans, so they could no longer eat meat.

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Pope Urban II called for the first crusade at the Council of Clermont.

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Catholic Answer

Not counting the Council of Jerusalem, which is recorded in the Book of Acts, there have been twenty-one ecumenical Councils of the Church. They are listed at the link below.

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1 answer

Previously to the Council of Jerusalem, Jewish Christians were demanding that converts to Christianity from paganism be circumcised and follow the Jewish law. Peter, as the first pope rules that under Christianity, circumcision is no longer a badge of covenant membership for the people of God, and that converts were not bound to the liturgical rites of the Jewish religion. James goes on to clarify that they should, however, respect those aspects of Jewish custom necessary to maintain harmony within the congregation of Jews and Gentiles.

1 answer

Previously to the Council of Jerusalem, Jewish Christians were demanding that converts to Christianity from paganism be circumcised and follow the Jewish law. Peter, as the first pope rules that under Christianity, circumcision is no longer a badge of covenant membership for the people of God, and that converts were not bound to the liturgical rites of the Jewish religion. James goes on to clarify that they should, however, respect those aspects of Jewish custom necessary to maintain harmony within the congregation of Jews and Gentiles.

1 answer

No, its the opposite. Jerusalem is a city within Israel the country.

In fact - Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

Read more about Jerusalem at: jerusalem

1 answer


Those who were leaders in the early Christian community included people like James the brother of Jesus (who presided over the first church council in Jerusalem), Peter who preached the first sermon at Pentecost and Paul who brought the Gospel to the Gentiles.

2 answers

There is a Biblical Zoo in Jerusalem, Israel.

4 answers

According to historians, many important events occurred during the year 1095. One of these would be the beginning of the Council of Clement. This is when the Pope decided to send the First Crusade to Jerusalem.

1 answer

Jerusalem. It was the city of prophets, of the holy Temple, and the dynasty of King David.

For the importance of Jerusalem for Judaism, see: Jerusalem in Judaism

4 answers

No. Egypt is a country. Jerusalem is a city in Israel.

No. Egypt is a country. Jerusalem is a city in Israel.

No. Egypt is a country. Jerusalem is a city in Israel.

No. Egypt is a country. Jerusalem is a city in Israel.

No. Egypt is a country. Jerusalem is a city in Israel.

No. Egypt is a country. Jerusalem is a city in Israel.

No. Egypt is a country. Jerusalem is a city in Israel.

No. Egypt is a country. Jerusalem is a city in Israel.

No. Egypt is a country. Jerusalem is a city in Israel.

No. Egypt is a country. Jerusalem is a city in Israel.

No. Egypt is a country. Jerusalem is a city in Israel.

3 answers

Jerusalem is the name of a city

1 answer

Jerusalem is at Israel

1 answer

council of deans has. not have. has!

1 answer

Vespasian was emperor when Jerusalem was taken in 70 AD.

Vespasian was emperor when Jerusalem was taken in 70 AD.

Vespasian was emperor when Jerusalem was taken in 70 AD.

Vespasian was emperor when Jerusalem was taken in 70 AD.

Vespasian was emperor when Jerusalem was taken in 70 AD.

Vespasian was emperor when Jerusalem was taken in 70 AD.

Vespasian was emperor when Jerusalem was taken in 70 AD.

Vespasian was emperor when Jerusalem was taken in 70 AD.

Vespasian was emperor when Jerusalem was taken in 70 AD.

2 answers

There is no such thing as the "Jerusalem Religion". Jerusalem is a city, not a set of beliefs. Although Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all hold Jerusalem to be sacred, none of these religions was founded in Jerusalem.

1 answer

The answer to this question depends on what time period you are speaking of. During the life of Jesus, the answer would have to be Jerusalem.

During the ministry of Paul the Apostle, Anioch, because Paul's missionary journeys to the gentiles began in this city. Also important is Jerusalem because of the Jerusalem Council. Here, Paul succeeded in persuading other Apostles to carry the Gospel to gentiles without any requirements of Hebrew law.

Second century Christianity was decentralized with key cities being Antioch, Jerusalem and Rome.

By the third and fourth centuries, the Church of Rome progressively became the center of the Christian religion.

1 answer

The Council of Jerusalem, held around AD 50, confirmed that gentiles could become Christians without being circumcised. The decision was made by the apostles and elders of the early Christian church, led by Peter and James. They agreed that faith in Jesus and baptism were sufficient for salvation, regardless of background or adherence to Jewish customs.

3 answers

a cactus indigenous to Jerusalem

1 answer