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Correlation coefficient is a measure of the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables. It quantifies how closely the two variables are related and ranges from -1 (perfect negative correlation) to 1 (perfect positive correlation), with 0 indicating no correlation.

3 answers

Correlation alone cannot be able to complicate causation.

1 answer

If the correlation coefficient is 0, then the two tings vary separately. They are not related.

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Correlation refers to the extent to which two variables are related or move together in a consistent way. It measures the strength and direction of the relationship between the variables. A positive correlation indicates that when one variable increases, the other variable also tends to increase, while a negative correlation indicates that as one variable increases, the other variable tends to decrease.

2 answers

A correlation coefficient represents the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two variables. A correlation coefficient close to zero indicates a weak relationship between the variables, where changes in one variable do not consistently predict changes in the other. However, it is important to note that a correlation coefficient of zero does not necessarily mean there is no relationship between the variables, as non-linear relationships may exist.

2 answers

The correlation coefficient is a measure of linear association between two (or more) variables. It does not measure non-linear relationships nor does it say anything about causality.

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my line of business is manufacturing

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saale gadhun tum se mai pooch rahi hun ?????

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No correlational study is not cause and effect because correlation does not measure cause.

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used for internal consistency or error estimation

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There is a negative correlation between precipitation rate and atmospheric pressure. As atmospheric pressure decreases, it usually indicates a low-pressure system approaching, which can lead to rising air and ultimately increased chances of precipitation. Conversely, higher atmospheric pressure tends to be associated with clearer skies and lower chances of precipitation.

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Hell yh there is -

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Engeneeing uses a lot if maths inventor is both physics scientist slot of both there's teacher Work for NASA a plane old scientist a desiner a lot of maths a technician etc

1 answer

both of them are positively correlated, as we can witnessed with 2008 scenario, as FII`s keep pumping the money in Indian stock market our sensex sores to 20000, and with current financial meltdown FII starts withdrawing money which forces the OVERVALUED stock to come to their actual worth price and let sensex to drop to mere 9000

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Auto correlation is the correlation of one signal with itself.

Cross correlation is the correlation of one signal with a different signal.

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False. One of the most important rules to learn in statistics is that correlation does not equal causation. Just because two items or correlated, or linked, doesn't necessarily mean that one caused the other. For example, think about if every time you go out for a run it starts raining. Those two events may be correlated, but that doesn't mean you cause it start raining because you went for a run.

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positive correlation-negative correlation and no correlation

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The strongest correlation coefficient is +1 (positive correlation) and -1 (negative correlation).

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pKa of a drug is the pH at which the drug is 50% ionized and 50% non-ionized. This can affect drug absorption as the ionized form may have different solubility and permeability properties compared to the non-ionized form. Understanding the pKa of a drug can help predict its behavior in different pH environments and optimize absorption.

2 answers

The correlation can be anything between +1 (strong positive correlation), passing through zero (no correlation), to -1 (strong negative correlation).

1 answer

If measurements are taken for two (or more) variable for a sample , then the correlation between the variables are the sample correlation. If the sample is representative then the sample correlation will be a good estimate of the true population correlation.

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Indentation rhymes with correlation

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Evidence that there is no correlation.

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No, The correlation can not be over 1. An example of a strong correlation would be .99

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They can be positive correlation, negative correlation or no correlation depending on 'line of best fit'

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The units of the two variables in a correlation will not change the value of the correlation coefficient.

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partial correlation is the relation between two variable after controlling for other variables and multiple correlation is correlation between dependent and group of independent variables.

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A correlation coefficient of 1 (r=1) is a perfect positive correlation.

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correlation is a difference in statistics

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Yes it can be a correlation coefficient.

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No, it cannot be a correlation coefficient.

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Yes, but not a linear correlation.

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The three different types of correlation are positive correlation (both variables move in the same direction), negative correlation (variables move in opposite directions), and no correlation (variables show no relationship).

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Positive correlation = positive association Negative correlation = negative association

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correlation implies the cause and effect relationship,, but casuality doesn't imply correlation.

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Positive correlation has a positive slope and negative correlation has a negative slope.

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A positive value for a correlation indicates a positive correlation; e.g. it has a positive slope.

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* A positive correlation is when the dependant variable increases as the independent one does.

* A negative correlation is when the dependant variable decreases as the independent one increases.

* Perfect correlation is when all the points lie along a straight line; no correlation is when the points lie all over the place.

In calculating the correlation coefficient it can have a value between -1 and 1, with 0 indication no correlation and values between 0 and ±1 showing a greater correlation until ±1 which is perfect correlation. Moderate correlation would be one of these intermediate values, eg ±0.5, which shows the points are moderately related.

1 answer

A coefficient of correlation of 0.70 infers that there is an overall correlation between the trends being compared. The correlation is not perfect, but enough to be acknowledged and researched further.

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We consider correlation as a several independent variables.

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Sir Francis Galton invented the Correlation

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The correlation remains the same.

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