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Myofibril, composed of actin and myosin.

2 answers

Contractile vacuoles are found in aquatic protists.They remove excess water.

1 answer

An axostyle is a sheet of microtubules found in certain microbes, arising from the base of each flagella. It will sometimes be flexible or contractible, and provide support for the cell.

1 answer

adhd isn't necessarily a "contractible" disease; it is a mental illness. it is not communicable, and most people who have it are born with it. however, some studies suggest that certain people can attain adhd-like symptoms from long term drug abuse.

1 answer

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magnify glass

commenceable, conscionable, contemptible, contaminable, communicable, correlatable, commerciable, controllable, counsellable, confoundable, concrescible, commemorable, contractible, commiserable, configurable, contemplable, complainable, contractable, contrastable, compressible, commoditable, consumptible, considerable, compoundable

1 answer

HPV exists in the urethra of the male. He has no symptoms if he has it. He can pass it to a woman through vaginal intercourse. Very simply put, HPV is a penis-vagina related infection. It is not a finger related infection. That is not the way it's transferred.

AS ALWAYS THOUGH-- to prevent concerns about whether a guy is carrying HPV, *insist* he wear a condom!

1 answer

I'm not sure if it is really possible to centre text on Horseisle, because i have tried doing it. I would ask a Mod if i were you. HOWEVER if you really want to centre text right away, i would do the following: space space space space BLAH BLAH BLAH space space space space space space space space space BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH space space space space space space space space space BLAH BLAH BLAH space space space space space So pretty much, all you're really doing is just pressing the space bar until you get to the spot where you want the text.

1 answer

Nothing is on space. There are two types of 'space'

# Galactical Space- Space in Galaxies

# Intergalactical Space- Space in between galaxies

1 answer

Neptune was discovered on September 23, 1846 by mathematicians Urbain Le Verrier and John Couch Adams through calculations based on the irregularities in Uranus's orbit. It was confirmed as a planet through observations made by Johann Galle at the Berlin Observatory.

6 answers

Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity, Space and oppurtunity,Space and oppurtunity!!!!!!

Um all i know is that Theron Dingas is Gay!!

Oh and Ryan has a big head!!

1 answer

The space shuttle went into space and studied outer space.

1 answer

storage space, control space, and build space storage space, control space, and build space

1 answer

No. Space holds everything in space. Galaxies are held in space by space.

1 answer

How dense is space? What is the chemical makeup of space? Is our Sun new or old? How big is space? How much does space weigh? Where is space? Is space always dark? Is there precipitation in space? Can sound travel in space? Are there UFO's in space, or just here on Earth? Are there colors in space? Is space three dimensional? Does the theory of relativity apply in space? How far away could you see a flashlight in space? Is space new or old? How old is space? What kind of things have come close to the Earth? (see asteroid encounters)

1 answer

Space stations can help in the exploration of space because in space stations they do experiments on things they find in space.

1 answer

There are more than two regions of space:


Cislunar space

Interplanetary space

Interstellar space

Intergalactic space

1 answer

Yes, because in space there's a lot of space and space is everywhere! The solar system is made up of space.

1 answer

Space can mean a few different things. Space can mean outer space, or space in between letters or getting space to your self.

1 answer

Positive space is the space taken up by shapes or color. Negative space is the space that isn't.

1 answer

"Space Junk" gets into space because of us leaving materials behind when we visit space.

1 answer

if there is no space eagle than you can't get a space eagle smarty!! :$

1 answer

The International Space Station was assembled in space and is designed to stay there. It is meant as a place of research and as a place for astronauts to stay in space. A space shuttle is a vehicle that can lauch from Earth into space and then return, something a space station cannot do. Space shuttles transport people and equipment to and from space.

1 answer

general space is the space that everyone shares

2 answers

A space laboratory was placed in space so it was easier to study it.

1 answer

space hub is ahub in space called space hub and hub.

1 answer

Lle (place)

Gwagle (space, void)

Gofod (space)

Encyd (space; while)

Ysbaid (space of time)

2 answers


1 answer

There IS weather in Space. a whole branch of Space research looks at Space weather.

1 answer

A space laboratory was placed in space so it was easier to study it.

1 answer

They both start with space and they both can be in space

1 answer

Correct spelling of space:

S-P-ACE! Space!

I love space.

1 answer

A space shuttle is able to float because there is no gravity in space.

1 answer

Skylab was a space station, launched by NASA in the 1970s to conduct scientific experiments in space. It was not a space probe or a space shuttle.

2 answers

Personal space is self space while general space is the space that a group of people share in a place

1 answer

there is so much open space

1 answer

it was disposed in space by arcrafts

1 answer

An affine space is a vector space with no origin.

1 answer

Going into space. Going into space.

1 answer

they are both in space

1 answer

it was disposed in space by arcrafts

1 answer

Some words that describe space are:

  • vast
  • void
  • cryptic

3 answers

a space shuttle blasts off to space containing people and other organisms or devices. we discovered space through a telescope, and explored it with a space shuttle.

1 answer

In a space shuttle usually but now that has been decommisioned the only way to get into space is to build your own (safe) space craft or go to Russia where you can get into space using their space craft.

1 answer

Technically, as an astronaut is weightless in space, so should a space shuttle!

1 answer station, space blanket, space age

1 answer