Yes, it is a form of contraception because, it prevents sperm from getting to the eggs therefore preventing pregnancy.
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They would if they could, but at the current state of knowledge they aren't able to.
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Vaginal discharge is the hallmark to STD.. get tested. Brown smelly discharge is Gonnorhea. If it is ordorless brown discharge around the 28th day when your cycle would have been, that is a normal side effect of the treatment and a pant liner should take care of it. It should be less than 2 tablespoons of drainage. If it is more in volume and it's persistent... refrain from sex and get tested for STD.
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Yes they are both types of contraception.
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Henri Rozenbaum has written:
'200 questions sur la contraception' -- subject(s): Contraception
'La contraception'
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Protestants are overwhelmingly in favour of the use of contraception.
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No, abortion is not considered a form of contraception. Contraception is used to prevent pregnancy, while abortion is the termination of a pregnancy that has already occurred.
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There are several kinds of hormonal contraception:
1. Combined oral contraception,
2. Progestogen-only pills,
3. Progestogen-only injectable contraception,
4. Combined injectable contraception,
5. Subdermal implants.
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There are different kinds of contraception with different protection guarantees. For example, pills can protect from pregnancy in 97-98%. The best modern secure contraception is dual contraception which can give almost 100% security.
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No, that's why it's called CONTRACEPTION.
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紧急避孕 = emergency contraception simplified form.
緊急避孕 = emergency contraception traditional form.
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No, weed does not prevent pregnancy or interfere with contraception methods.
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Yes, birth control is a form of contraception. I came across a website where you can get all information about different types of contraception or birth control options which can be used to prevent pregnancy. You can contact for more information.
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Christian thoughts vary on just about ANY topic, not just on contraception.
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No, stevia is not an effective form of contraception. It is a natural sweetener and has no proven contraceptive properties.
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Contraception is defined as methods or devices used to avoid getting pregnant. Birth control means the same thing. Therefore, all birth control methods are used for contraception.
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Planned Parenthood is a family planning clinic that offers contraception. In addition to contraception, Planned Parenthood also offers gynecological exams and abortion services.
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what are health teaching about basal body temperature method of contraception?
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It is extremely rare to get pregnant on the contraceptive implant. It is one of the most effective methods of reversible contraception.
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The Advocates for Youth websites offer links to other websites with information on contraception. Some of the websites listed inlcude Condom Hunt and Facts About Emergency Contraception.
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Well Billy, can i call you Billy? The oldest contraception is the good old snipity snip.
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No, birth control cannot be inserted directly into the cervix for contraception.
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After using emergency contraception, your period may come a week earlier, a week later, or right on time.
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Pierre Macart has written:
'Les Techniques de la contraception' -- subject(s): Contraception, Contraceptives
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The main arguments and motivations behind the anti-contraception movement are often rooted in religious beliefs, moral values, and concerns about the sanctity of life. Some individuals and groups oppose contraception due to their belief that it goes against natural law or religious teachings that prioritize procreation. They may also argue that contraception promotes promiscuity and undermines traditional family values. Additionally, some anti-contraception advocates may view certain methods of contraception as abortifacients, leading to concerns about the potential destruction of human life.
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Yes, males and females should be educated on contraception. With more information, they can make a sound choice about what they need to do.
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It is a form of contraception in the eyes of a Catholic. We are supposed to live to reproduce. You are not supposed to use contraception when you are Catholic.
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How I Seize It - 2010 Contraception 2-28 was released on:
USA: 1 June 2012
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You don't use the withrawal method for contraception. You don't use any method for contraception. Use a condom or take it up the ass.
By the way, you're pregnant.
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