Public confidence is very much necessary to get votes for leadership. After sometimes public want to see results to get their confidence.
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Believing in the potential benefits or rewards of a task can enhance one's confidence in pursuing it. Knowing that the effort put in will lead to positive outcomes can motivate and boost one's self-assurance in achieving success.
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The confidence level is the probability that the true value of a parameter lies within the confidence interval. It is typically set at 95% in statistical analysis. The significance level is the probability of making a Type I error, which is mistakenly rejecting a true null hypothesis. It is commonly set at 0.05.
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yes, because you need to state your opinion on the decision you are making and let people know that that decision you are making is for the best and it is for you. if you answerthe ? with how you really feel your confidence level goes way up because you spoke your mind in your decision you made.if you let people make you decisions for you who is to say your going to let some one run your whole life for you, if that happens you have no confidence to do it on your own. :)
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a solid conviction to a report...being an authority on the subject had been written
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Anne Frank demonstrated immense courage and resilience during her time in hiding. Her diary reflects her unwavering spirit and hope for a better future despite the challenges she faced. Anne's confidence in her own beliefs and thoughts shines through in her writing, making her a source of inspiration for many.
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The correct spelling is "self-confidence," with a hyphen.
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General, what has happened to your self-confidence?
Don't forget to greet the interviewer with confidence.
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Confidence is a noun. "She has confidence."
The adjective form of confidence is confident. "He is confident."
The adverb form of confidence is confidently. "She walked confidently into the room."
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Either is correct, but they have slightly different implications. "don't have confidence" implies that you're lacking confidence to some extent, while "have no confidence" emphasizes that you have ZERO confidence, period.
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Confidence is a river; easy to swim.
But over confidence is a ocean; difficult to stay.
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confidence then achievements cause you need confidence to achieve some thing.
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Confidence is needed to do many things.
Self confidence can be supported by the people around you.
Confidence! Rallied the girl.
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Now you may proceed with confidence.
The confidence man is a con-man.
NOW have I gained your confidence?
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The word confidence is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for a belief or a feeling.
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The confidence interval becomes wider.
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CONFIDENCE Confidence is an adjective and means to be sure of oneself. Confidence is a noun and is the state of feeling of trust in another.
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No. The width of the confidence interval depends on the confidence level. The width of the confidence interval increases as the degree of confidence demanded from the statistical test increases.
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Confidence level 99%, and alpha = 1%.
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Confidence intervals represent an interval that is likely, at some confidence level, to contain the true population parameter of interest. Confidence interval is always qualified by a particular confidence level, expressed as a percentage. The end points of the confidence interval can also be referred to as confidence limits.
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An example of confidence when you have a firm trust in someone or something. I have confidence in my car to get me their. I am confident in you to keep this secret.
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She spoke with confidence during the presentation, clearly showing her expertise on the topic.
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For You I Will - Confidence - was created on 2006-01-10.
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The Production Budget for Confidence was $15,000,000.
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The opposite of 'confidence' is 'diffidence'. The opposite of the word begins with 'di'.
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Young women often forget that looks are not all about wearing the latest trends from fashion designers or having flawless makeup. While having a neat appearance is important in society, it is not what truly makes up a person. What attracts people to others is confidence. When a person is confident, he or she radiates a special energy that others want to be around on a daily basis. If you can work on projecting confidence in your demeanor, then you will find that people want to be around you and have relationships with you.
Some teenagers wonder why they do not have friends or good relationships in their life. While part of this may be due to circumstances, the other part may be because a teen is not projecting confidence. Starting today, there are a few things any teen can do to project confidence to his or her peers.
First, one way to project confidence is to avoid slouching the shoulders. If you tend to look down at the ground, then people will take notice of this behavior. Looking down at the ground and slouching one's shoulders are immediate signals that a person lacks confidence in his or her abilities. Try walking and looking straight ahead of you. Also, try walking with your shoulders relaxed and be conscious of whether they are slouching down or not. If you can walk forward with your head held high, people will instantly start to respect you and will wonder where you got your confident energy from.
Another tip is to be inviting of opportunities to talk with other people. Teens who lack confidence often have a tendency to shut the world out. Those teens who make a conscious effort to engage people are the ones who smile frequently and can have a good laugh. Try saying hello to those students you walk by in the hallway. Try saying hello to the staff and faculty at your high school. Doing these small things will cause people to remember you as a social person who is enjoyable to be around. The more open you make yourself to people, the more likely you are to develop good relationships with these people.
Confidence definitely is the hottest accessory of any fashion season. If you are confident, then people will rarely pay attention to the type of clothes you wear or the makeup that is on your face.
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Yes there has been a vot of non-confidence in CanadaYes there has been a vot of non-confidence in CanadaYes there has been a vot of non-confidence in Canada
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Antonym of diffidence (Sense 1)
=>diffidence, self-doubt, self-distrust
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no,these are not the same thing.The values at each end of the interval are called the confidence limits.
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An attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence
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