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how does the computer and hardware works

1 answer

Computer hardware is the components that make up a computer. Computer architecture is the model used to combine the Hardware into a working unit.

1 answer

A computer monitor is hardware. It only provides for display.

4 answers

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10 computer hardware errors and troubleshooting

1 answer

what is hardware computer parts

1 answer

The Advantages of computer hardware is if your computer using hardware is more faster than the others

1 answer

In computer hardware, "cards" usually refers to the different silicon boards that make up the hardware of a computer.

1 answer

· What can happen if your hardware and computer cables are not maintenance?

1 answer

You can discuss computer hardware on the major discussion forums.

1 answer

A hardware is the inside of a computer. This is what makes a computer work.

1 answer

NO. Computer hardware is a completely different part of the computer system from the Software. Software is not a physical Item like hardware.

1 answer

Hardware is any part of the computer you can touch it's type of hardware is i dont know

5 answers

A computer hard disk or hard drive (fixed disk) is hardware.

3 answers

Hardware theft: the act of stealing computer equipment

Hardware vandalism: an act of defacing or destroying computer equipment

2 answers

What are the new latest computer hardware system?

1 answer

is a standard modem considered to be a computer hardware

1 answer

An operating system coordinates the activities of computer hardware

1 answer

Computer hardware is a set of physical devices with which we get to connect ourselves with the computer with help of softwares

1 answer

The term "1pc" in the context of computer hardware refers to a single piece of hardware, typically a computer or a component of a computer. It signifies that the hardware is a standalone unit and not part of a larger system or network.

1 answer

Computer science is the study of computers (particularly software). Computer hardware is the physical parts of a computer. Hardware may include a screen, a hard drive, a mouse, a keyboard, RAM, etc. Basically, computer science is something people study, and computer hardware is what a computer is physically made out of.

1 answer

both a hardware and software

1 answer

No, McAfee virus protection is not hardware. Instead, it is a software program. Hardware is the physical parts of a computer, but software is computer code. So an antivirus program is software, not hardware.

1 answer

A modem is a piece of hardware. Mechanically installed in a computer to communicate with the internet or other computers. Software is a written program to operate within a computer.

2 answers

Software or computer programs.

4 answers

Hardware is something you can touch. So it is the physical components of the computer.

1 answer

Yes. Anything your computer uses that you can physically touch is hardware.

1 answer

Modem is a hardware connect your computer with the ISP, then your computer can surf online.

1 answer

The hardware does the following:

.Send signals

.Connects the computer together

.Communicates with other hardware.

1 answer

It is hardware. Anything physical that you can touch, is hardware.

1 answer

The components of computer which can be touched are called hardware component without hardware components computer are not useful.

1 answer

1. graphics card 2. ram 3. dvd/disk/dvd-r/rw drives 4. wireless pci card 5. usb devise specialty computer= firewall hardware

1 answer

Computer hardware is technical equipment, to the computer, which you are able to physically touch e.g monitor, tower, mouse, keyboard etc.

2 answers

Software. Short and sweet. Hardware needs software to work.

4 answers

There are no disadvantages of computer hardware, because without it, the computer would not be able to function, or even exist for that matter!

1 answer

A computer consists two main parts:

1) Hardware

2) Software

Hardware is material stuff, chips, coolers, monitor, Hard drive....

Software is just some programs that is writen in computer hardware.

Software manages how hardware should work.

1 answer

Computer Hardware is a component that is physically touchable; • Disk Drive • Graphics Card

1 answer

These are physical equipment the best hardware allianceminers and abstract instruction (software). ... Computer hardware allianceminers or computer hardware is those parts of the computer that can be touched and seen, such as monitors, mice, casing, motherboards, ROMs, CDs, DVDs, etc.

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2 answers

The hard drive in a computer is hardware.

1 answer

A computer hardware engineer is involved in the design and development of systems and components. This would include hardware such as processors and circuit boards.

1 answer

A few examples of hardware are the monitor and the mouse. The hardware is the physical pieces of the computer. The software is the applications and programs on the computer.

1 answer

Yes. A working computer is composed of hardware which physically exists as opposed to software which is stored in the hardware and subject to change in normal usage. So a chip is hardware. A computer program is software.

1 answer