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any problem in the computer's hardware or software..

1 answer

The word "bug" in computer terminology refers to an unexpected glitch that a program may execute by accident. The first computer bug was an actual bug! I forget how the story goes, but one day someone was opening up their computer to fix it because something was wrong with it, and they found a dead moth inside!

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Bug, as in insect, is die Wanze or das Insekt.

Bug, as in computer bug, could be said a number of ways, like: Programmfehler.

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magnify glass

a computer bug is what she found in the computer

2 answers

Well your computer might have a bug

1 answer

I used the no ad can and Happened to throw it right before the bug crawled on the computer then he randomly ate the bug

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No dont use bug spray you use porocside. It heals bug bites try porocside not dum old bug spray.GOODLUCK.

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You can tell if it has a bug by scanning the program with a antivirus software. If you have Norton that will do it automatically. But one of the easiest and most obvious reasons is if it doesn't work. But sometimes it will still work if it has a bug.

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A bug in a computer program is when something doesn't work in the computer program.

Cause could be: Something was entered in the programming correctly.

Ex. you want to click on exit button but it does something else.

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A bug tracking system is a program that are used to track bugs in a software. The people that are most likely to use bug tracking systems are computer technicians or people who run computer programs.

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"Bug" means "error" in Computer Programming. So it means they're exactly the same.

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nope not at all

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Well we can only help you if you tell us why symptoms you have with this computer bug called fly.

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The term "bug" to refer to errors in a computer program originated in the early days of computing. In one instance, a moth caused a malfunction in a Harvard Mark II computer in 1947, and engineers found and removed the moth, starting the use of the term "bug" for programming errors.

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A bug virus is a computer virus that infects software programs and causes them to malfunction. It can spread through infected files and disrupt the normal operation of a computer system. Bug viruses are typically designed to either cause harm to the system or steal sensitive information.

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A computer bug, also known by its scientific name uno grando nuisance.

Sorry, couldn't help myself...

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There will be some more ... impact is difficult to imagine ...

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NOTHING, except bug up your computer. My son did the same thing to our computer, and we had to get a new one.

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Bug catchers can be anyone who catches enough bugs - 75 - although all current bug catchers are supervisors, some of whom are not "computer specialists."

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you cant remove it you have to format you computer.

hope you dont have something very important that will be removed...

good luck

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Sometimes it is because of a bug or virus in the file and your computer will not download it

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For information on GIGO in computers, see the related question "What does GIGO mean?".

For information on computer bugs, see the related question "What are computer bugs?".

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bug spray of course! Just kidding, you should go to a computer store so PROFESSIONALS can safely dissasemble your computer so you can get the ants of of your computer. :)

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There is a google article about her 107th birthday (Dec. 9, 2013) where it describes the "bug" that she found while they were testing the computer (Mark I Electromechanical Computing Machine). The anecdotal story is that the moth they found was a bug and that they debugged the machine.

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The first recorded computer bug was indeed an insect, a moth smashed in the contacts of a relay of the Harvard Mark II electromechanical computer. It caused a hardware malfunction not a software problem though. There were certainly many hardware & software problems before it though!!

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As a noun, "bugs" is the plural of "bug". It means small insects. Informally, "bug" can be some type of virus (stomach bug) or a glitch in a computer program.

As a verb, "bugs" is the third person singular conjugation of "to bug" (bother) or to install a listening device (they bugged the phone).

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For the animal

a bug is une bête or une bestiole.

For the computer program bug, french keep the same word : Un bug (masculine) sometimes "un bogue" For the default in equipement : "un défaut".


To be bugged : être sur table d'écoute.

To do something to bug someone : Faire quelque chose pour ennuyer quelqu'un. a stomach bug : une gastroentérite (or "une gastro")

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The most effective way to de bug a 'stuck' mouse is to restart your computer.

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moth in computer in 1952

The term "bug" had been in use for any malfunction or error of a machine long before electronic digital computers existed.

Its first use referring to a computer problem was on the Harvard Mark II electromechanical computer in 1947, when a moth got smashed inside the contacts of a relay causing a failure. When the failure was located and the moth removed from the relay, the operator on that shift taped it to the logbook below the entry on the failure and labeled it First Computer Bug. That morning Grace Murray Hopper came on duty and read the logbook and thought it was a great story to tell every time she spoke somewhere. The first computer bug wasn't even in an electronic computer, the Harvard Mark II was electromechanical.

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The term "bug" in the context of computer programming is believed to have originated from an incident in 1947 when a moth became trapped in a relay of the Harvard Mark II computer, causing a malfunction. Grace Hopper, a computer scientist, is often credited with the discovery and popularization of this term in the programming context.

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A bug is an unintended operation of a computer program. Computers nearly always "Do what I say", but they may fail to "Do what I mean". Thus, most bugs are the fault of the programmer or system architect, not the computer.

An unintended operation can occur anyway when an unforseen input was not considered by the programmer or architect. Often, the complexity of a computer model may make it difficult for the programmer or architect to anticipate all possible states or inputs. Various design principles are aimed at reducing complexity and eliminating common types of bugs.

A "soft bug" is a functionality that was actually intended by the system analyst, but which is seems incorrect or puzzling to the end-user. In this case, the fault lies with the system analyst, rather than the programmer.

According to computer folklore, the term "bug" originated from an actual insect interfering with the computing hardware. While there were actual cases of this, the term "bug" in this sense predates computers.

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"It all depends on if you are talking about a real bug or one that harms computers, which are usually referred to as viruses. AVG is a good program to download if you are worried about ""bugs"" on your computer."

1 answer

It's an old term that has just stuck around.

The story is told of people who were working on one of the early computers. The computer suddenly stopped working and everyone started going over every component individually.

That computer used mechanical relays to make many of the circuits function, and the story is that a moth became trapped in one of the closed relays. Since the moth wing did not allow the relay to function properly it had to be removed before the computer would work.

From that experience came the term "bug". It was said that the computer stopped working because it had a "bug" in it.

Of course it follows that once the "bug" was removed, the computer continued to work. From that came the term "debugging".

The term is used in all aspects of computer hardware and software.

Many programmers and computer professionalsstill use the term "bug" to describe any problem with computer hardware or code.

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Virus, slow computer aka lag, bug, or it just takes awhile to get it started.

1 answer

on the launch screen for mincraft click forceupdate to reset the game. if there is still a bug there is ither a problem with the game wich will be fixed asap or somthing with your computer/acount.

note: force updating will break any mods you have.

If you find a bug, just report it. If you notice the bug after you've installed a mod, there might be a problem with the mod.

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No because she’s a computer system then died by a bug(virus)

3 answers

An error in a computer program is called a bug. Prior to releasing programs, developers will debug them, making sure there are no errors in the final version.

1 answer

A bug.

The story may be apocryphal, but supposedly an early programmer, possibly Grace Hopper or one of the people involved with the ENIAC, was trying to figure out why their primitive computer was not working correctly. They traced the problem to a board that held dozens of electromechanical relays. After inspecting it for a while, they found that an insect had crawled between two contact points as was preventing a circuit from completing. When asked what the problem was, the programmer replied that they "had found a bug".

3 answers

Stack Overflow offers a free bug tracking system that one can download for one's computer. One can download the bug tracking system, Bugzilla, from The Geek Stuff. One can also download Trac and Mantis from this website.

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a moth was smashed in a relay (blocking current flow, not shorting anything) of the Harvard Mark II (a very slow electromechanical computer, nowhere near a supercomputer).

actually the term bug had been in use for decades for machine malfunctions.

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That's commonly called a bug. Even the smallest spelling error in a line of computer code can have a 'cascade' effect over the whole program.

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1947 for a moth smashed in relay of Harvard Mark II. It shut it down.

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More than likely a syntactical error caused by transposing input.

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I think it's on behaviour of the virus program, i.e. Trojan Horse,Black Bug etc.

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