That is Halley's comet, named after English astronomer Edmond Halley,
20 answers
Halley's Comet is visible from Earth approximately every 76 years. It is one of the most famous comets and last appeared in 1986. Its next predicted appearance is in 2061.
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Comet tails are made mostly of _____.
gas , i think?
i got it from someone on wikianswers
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Comet Hale-Bopp has an orbital period of roughly 2,533 years, meaning it appears in our solar system approximately once every 2,500 years. It made its most recent appearance in 1997 and is not expected to return until around the year 4,500.
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a comet/meteorite
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The tail of a comet always points away from the sun due to the solar wind, a stream of charged particles emitted by the sun. The pressure of the solar wind pushes the comet's gas and dust particles away, creating the distinctive tail that points in the opposite direction of the sun.
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=The reindeer who's name is also the name of a kitchen cleanser is COMET=
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Comet tails are made up primarily of dust, rock, and gas expelled from the comet as it is heated by the Sun. The frozen gases expand and throw off material, some of which is blown by the solar wind into a "tail" for the comet.
(The tail is always pointing away from the Sun.)
melted materials (apex)
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there's comet halley, comet hale-bop, comet borrelly, and Comet wild 2... that's all i can think now.
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it is called a comet chameleon because it can change colours to the different colours in the comet
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The tail of a comet is longest when the comet is closest to the sun, as the sun's heat causes the comet's icy surface to vaporize, creating a bright glowing tail that streams away from the comet.
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That varies completely from comet to comet.
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Its the nebulous shock around the nucleus of the comet. Basically its the head of the comet.
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The comet head refers to the spherical cluster of dust and gas surrounding the comet's nucleus, which is primarily composed of ice, dust, and organic compounds. As the comet approaches the Sun, the heat causes this material to vaporize and form the comet's characteristic coma or fuzzy halo.
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It's "Hally's" comet, and no, there are thousands, perhaps millions more
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No. The tail of the comet points away from the sun.
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Some other examples of comets include Comet Halley, Comet Hale-Bopp, and Comet Hyakutake. These comets are known for their brightness, size, and visibility from Earth.
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No. For one thing, Halley's comet is a comet, not an asteroid. The largest asteroid is Ceres, which is far larger than Halley's comet.
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Comets are typically named after their discoverers, with the addition of a numerical code to indicate the order of discovery in a given time period. For example, Comet Halley is named after astronomer Edmond Halley who predicted its return in 1758. Other comets may be named based on specific characteristics or observations made about them.
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Same as any other comet: away from the Sun.
Same as any other comet: away from the Sun.
Same as any other comet: away from the Sun.
Same as any other comet: away from the Sun.
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