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The refractive index of vacuum is 1.

2 answers

The sun's color index is around 0.65, which classifies it as a yellow star. This value is determined by comparing its brightness across different wavelengths.

2 answers

Here's a start




while index<5000:


while index*multiplier <= 5000:




while Numbers[index]==False and index < 5000:


for x in range(0,5000):

if Numbers[x]==True:



print primes

1 answer

it is rainbow color. just kidding:) put down another question. okay?:0

1 answer

Still have questions?
magnify glass

You can change color Mode from Image > Mode > choose from list.

1 answer

All colored stone refractive index and name with inclusions and country?

1 answer

The minimum value of the refractive index is 1, which corresponds to a vacuum. The refractive index of a medium is always greater than or equal to 1.

1 answer

Some properties of solutions are: viscosity, density, refractive index, color, pH, freezing point, etc.

2 answers

5 atoms

1 atom of S + 4 atoms of O

S's index is 1 so only 1 atom (no index is 1) + O's index is 4 so 4 atoms

1 answer

Examples: concentration, color, density, refractive index.

1 answer

Cursa is a blue star with a B-V color index of -0.19, indicating a bluish-white color.

2 answers

The online store Bulk Office Supply sells index cards at really cheap prices. The store also has many different size and color index cards to choose from available.

1 answer

they have sum on this website they have sum on this website

1 answer

The error message "index 1 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 1" in Python programming indicates that you are trying to access an element at index 1 in an array or list that only has one element. This means that the index you are trying to access is beyond the bounds of the array or list.

1 answer

The range of modulation index in amplitude modulation (AM) is typically between 0 and 1. A modulation index of 0 indicates no modulation, while a modulation index of 1 represents full modulation where the carrier signal amplitude varies from zero to peak value.

2 answers

diesel index = aniline point *API(1/100)

1 answer

The igneous rock peridotite has a very high color index. It is comprised of more than 95% mafic minerals (like olivine), giving it a dark green color.

1 answer

It CAN not be reduced

1 answer

(array.length - 1) will find the index of the last element in an array (or -1 if the array is empty).

1 answer

The new index property return the selected item number of a list box. Say their is a list box of 1 item the index is 0. You can get the index by one line of code.


That's all the index does.

1 answer

Granite is felsic on the color index. It is largely composed of potassium feldspar and quartz.

2 answers

An index card typically weighs around 1-2 grams.

1 answer

my 5/1 arm adjusted in Sept. 2008 and the 1 yr. treasury index was 2.20

1 answer

An index is basically a numeric association to an element in a collection of data.

When you talk about an index in Java, you will most often be talking about the position of an object in an array.

int[] numbers = new int[] {10, 20, 30, 40};

Given the array declared above:

numbers[0] = 10 <- Element at index 0 is 10
numbers[1] = 20 <- Element at index 1 is 20
numbers[2] = 30 <- Element at index 2 is 30
numbers[3] = 40 <- Element at index 3 is 40

1 answer





int a[100];

int n,largest,index,position;

printf("enter the number of elements in the array");


printf("enter %d elements",n);











printf("largest element in the array is %d\n",largest);

printf("largets element's position in the array is %d\n",position+1);



1 answer

Conan - 2010 The Asiago Index 1-51 was released on:

USA: 16 February 2011

1 answer

By design; it makes the compiler's work easier.

1-based array's addressing-function:

Address (array, index) = Address (array) + (index-1)*Elemsize(array)

0-based array's addressing-function:

Address (array, index) = Address (array) + index*Elemsize (array)

1 answer

template<class T>

void insertion_sort(T A[], size_t size)


if( size<2 )


for( size_t index=1; index<size; ++index)


T value = A[index];

size_t gap = index;

size_t left = index-1;

while( gap!=0 && value<A[left] )





1 answer

In a complete binary tree (CBT) stored using an array, the parent of an element at index i can be found at index (i-1)/2, assuming the array is 0-indexed. So for an element stored at index 11, the parent node would be stored at index (11-1)/2 = 5.

1 answer

Water has a higher refractive index than air. Refractive index is a measure of how much light is bent, or refracted, as it passes through different mediums. Water's refractive index is approximately 1.33, while air's refractive index is close to 1.

2 answers

Several examples: density, color, refractive index, crystalline structure, melting point.

1 answer

Several examples: density, color, refractive index, crystalline structure, melting point.

1 answer

Refractive Index

(i) Refractive index of a medium is that characteristic which decides speed of light in it.

(ii) It is a scalar, unit less and dimensionless quantity.

(iii) Absolute refractive index :

When light travels from vacuum to any transparent medium then refractive index of medium w.r.t. vacuum is called it's absolute refractive index i.e. vacuumµmedium = c/v

Absolute refractive indices for glass, water and diamond are respectively µg = 3/2 = 1.5, µw = 4/3 = 1.33 and µD = 12/5 = 2.4

(iv) Relative refractive index :

When light travels from medium (1) to medium (2) then refractive index of medium (2) w.r.t. medium (1) is called it's relative refractive index i.e. 1µ2 = µ2/µ1 = v1/v2 (where v1 and v2 are the speed of light in medium 1 and 2 respectively).

(v) When we say refractive index we mean absolute refractive index.

(vi) The minimum value of absolute refractive index is 1. For air it is very near to 1. ( 1.003)

1 answer

To compute the largest value in an array, assume that the first element is the largest and store the value. Then traverse the remainder of the array. Each time a larger value is encountered, update the stored value. Once all values are traversed, return the stored value. In pseudocode, this algorithm would be implemented as follows:

Algorithm: largest

Input: array A of length N

Output: largest value in A

let largest = A[0] // store first value

for index = 1 to N-1 // traverse remaining elements

if A[index] > largest then largest = A[index] // update stored value if current value is larger

next index

return largest

To determine the position of the largest value, we alter the algorithm as follows:

Algorithm: largest_by_index Input: array A of length N

Output: index of the largest value in A

let largest = 0; // store index 0

for index = 1 to N-1 // traverse remaining elements

if A[index] > A[largest] then largest = index // update stored index

next index

return largest

We can do the same to find the position of the smallest element:

Algorithm: smallest_by_index

Input: array A of length N

Output: index of the smallest value in A

let smallest = 0; // store index 0 for index = 1 to N-1 // traverse remaining elements

if A[index] < A[smallest] then smallest = index // update stored index

next index

return smallest

To perform both algorithms simultaneously, we need to return two values. To achieve this we can use a simple data structure known as a pair:

struct pair {

int smallest;

int largest;


Algorithm: range_by_index

Input: array A of length N

Output: a pair indicating the position of the smallest and largest values in A

pair result = {0, 0} // initialise the pair

for index = 1 to N-1 // traverse remaining elements

if A[index] < A[result.smallest] then result.smallest = index // update stored index

else if A[index] > A[result.largest] then result.largest = index // update stored index

next index

return result

1 answer

Yes, glycemic index is on a scale of 1 to 100, so 100 is the highest reading.

1 answer

This error message in Python programming indicates that you are trying to access an index that is outside the bounds of a one-dimensional array or list. It means that you are trying to access an element at an index that does not exist in the array or list.

1 answer

To indicate the color red, you touch your index finger to your bottom lip! If you are wearing deliciously bright red lipstick, that helps too!

1 answer

Index 2.

All subscripts are zero-based in C++ because the first element (at index 0) is offset 0 elements from the first element while the second (index 1) is offset 1 element from the start, and so on. Given a vector of n elements, the valid subscripts are in the range 0 through n-1.

1 answer

A shot a hole on holes 1-18 on the stroke index or handicap holes, and then a further shot on 1-5 on the stroke index or handicap holes.

1 answer

The normal brachial ankle index is typically around 1.0 to 1.4. An index below 0.9 may indicate peripheral artery disease, while an index above 1.4 may suggest arterial calcification.

2 answers