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yes, the coelacanth is older than the dinosaurs.

1 answer

No, the coelacanth is a carnivorous fish. It feeds on other fish and cephalopods.

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You can catch a coelacanth when it is raining or snowing

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The scientific name for the coelacanth is Latimeria chalumnae.

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The living coelacanth, Latimeria spp., can reach a total length of 2 metres.

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The Coelacanth lives in the Indian Ocean, ranging anywhere from South Africa to India, and Indonesia.

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Ii is about 154.5 million dollars for this rare species known as the coelacanth

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You can catch a coelacanth in the ocean when it is snowing or raining, and is a very big fish.

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In year 1938.

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through its gills

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Coelacanth fish first appear in the fossil record about 410 million years ago.

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The cast of Coelacanth - 2013 includes: Sarah Corey as Nadine Traig Trumbo as Dave

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A coelacanth is a fish that can only be caught when it is snowing or raining in animal crossing. It is caught in the ocean.

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A Coelacanth is a rare type of fish and means hollow spine in Greek. A Coelacanth was considered a living fossil as it did not evolve over its millions of years. It was thought to have gone extinct millions of years ago but was rediscovered in 1938.

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its skeleton has changed

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In Wild World, the coelacanth shadow is the same size as a sea bass shadow.

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It was growing lungs like a humans

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To catch a coelacanth, it must be raining or snowing- anything else is not suitable weather for the coelacanth. Just search in the ocean from night to morning, and if the fish is large, it should be a coelacanth.

5 answers

West Indian Ocean coelacanth

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good question.

the coelacanth fits into the food cain.. oviously under the sea, !

its a meat eater and it eats oother fish and gets small fish from the corals

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yes they do have defenses against enemies

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Yes......But they're already extinct

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Well according to the study of biological scientists and Sir Beverly's theory of string theory, the coelacanth is more closely related to the kangaroo species.

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A coelacanth is a type of deep-sea fish that was thought to have been extinct for millions of years until a living specimen was discovered in 1938. They are known for their lobe fins and unique evolutionary history. Coelacanths are sometimes referred to as "living fossils" due to their ancient lineage.

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There are only two species of this fish surviving, the West Indian Ocean Coelacanth and the Indonesian Coelacanth. (It was thought to have been extinct for 65 million years.)

Both species are endangered. Losses occur when they are caught accidentally (they are not good eating) but specimens now are no longer thrown back, but are kept to be sold to scientists and museums!

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it's because was time time that the scientist were proven that they can make mistakes, scientist thought that coelacanth was only an instinct but at 1938 they were proven wrong, the people saw a ugly unknown fish at south africa then the south africans caught the fish and gave it to the nearest professor and analyze it. the professor said that this fish is a coelacanth.

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COELACANTH - the lobe-finned fish.

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It will be in the sea on a rainy day.

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Proubaly as large but not as thick as a polar bear

3 answers

A coelacanth is a primitive looking fish. They have eight fins, two dorsal fins, 2 pectoral fins, 2 pelvic fins, 1 anal fin, and 1 caudal fin. They can grow up to 1.8 meters.

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coelacanths are any colour and they have white spots and 7 fins

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In the so-called "Midnight Zone" about 2,00 feet deep.

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The coelacanth is the fish that was thought to be extinct but was later discovered to still be alive. This prehistoric fish was believed to have gone extinct over 66 million years ago until it was found off the coast of South Africa in 1938.

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Coelacanth coelacanths had become extinct 60 or 70 million years ago

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Genetic analysis suggests that the coelacanth is the closest living relative of amphibians due to shared genetic traits and similarities in their morphology. Additionally, both coelacanths and amphibians possess certain anatomical features, such as similar skull structures, that indicate a close evolutionary relationship.

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The natural lifespan of a coelacanth is about 60 years. Thanks for reading my answer!

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Lobe-finned fish were prehistoric fish from the order of Crossopterygii. These type of fish were discovered in fossils with no known live specimen at the time of the discovery.

However in 1938 a fish species called Coelacanth, which was thought to have been extinct, was discovered off the Southern coast of Africa.

More recently, in 1997 and again in 1998, a separate breed of Coelacanth, named Indonesian Coelcanth (Latimeria Menadoensis), were discovered living in the oceans off of Indonesia. The Indonesian Coelcanth (Latimeria Menadoensis) is officially listed as "threatened", not extinct.

All species of lobe-finned fish are believed to be exctinct except for the Coelacanth and Sulawesi Coelacanth.

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No, Since 1938 There have been many reports even a caught Coelacanths around central Indonesia and in along side the coast of Africa, The Indian ocean side.

Coelacanths were thought to be Extinct 65 Million years ago, But by Actual Footage I Have seen I can assure you the Coelacanth is alive.

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It's big enough to inflict a good bite on a human, but the very fact that we thought they were extinct indicates how rarely we bump into each other. As compared to a shark or a jellyfish, no, a coelacanth is not dangerous.

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The river Ganges dolphin, the Coelacanth fish (an ancient fish) and the Gharial crocodile.

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