The body of water that is closest to wales is the Atlantic ocean.
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The closest body of water to San Jose is the San Francisco Bay, which is approximately 30 miles northwest of the city.
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The solid phase of water (ice) allows individual water molecules to get closest together due to the orderly arrangement of molecules in a crystalline lattice structure.
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water well acid really but water is the closest
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Water and ice are closest in density because ice is simply the solid form of water. Both water and ice have a density of around 1 gram per cubic centimeter.
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When the water is closest to the beach, it is high tide. High tide is when the water level is at its peak, covering more of the beach area. Low tide is when the water level is at its lowest, exposing more of the beach.
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go to the kitchen on the left and on the table there is 2 bottles of water click on the on closest to you.
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Fresh water is decreasing because factories put their waste into oceans/rivers that are closest near by and then fresh water spoils.
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Many ships were on the water that night. The Frankfort, the Virginian, the Mt. Temple, even the Olympic, but by far, the closest one was the Californian.
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The troposphere is the layer closest to the Earth.
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India because that was the closest coutry to the under water earthquake
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The Mediterranean Sea borders turkey, is that close enough?
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It is closest to the water. You have to blow kiss someone. :)
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NJ's water supply comes from Lake Earie. It is the closest Great Lake to NJ and has so much water that it supplies 6 states with water.
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The kitchen is probably closest to the water heater and the shower is the farthest. Water cools down the farther it travels through the pipes.
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Bees need water to cool their home. They also add it to the honey.Bees go to the closest water. If your fountain is the closest water source, then the bees need more water sources. Put in a few more water sources and encourage the neighbors to do the same. It's nature and we people are in their backyard. If you don't want bees in your fountain drain the water and put a plant in it.
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There is no water stage as such, as the creators cut it from the game. however, cell stage would probably be the closest thing to it, and there is water in all the other stages.
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The Pentland Firth lies between Orkney and Scotland.
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The Pentland Firth lies between Orkney and Scotland.
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The closest thing I can think of is aquatic, hope that helps.
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The most accurate measurement would be the one closest to the known freezing point of water, which is 32°F. The measurement that is closest to 32°F is the most accurate.
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because that's where the water is closest to the heat. the water at the bottom is heating up faster, thus that water is evaporating faster than the water above it
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the body of water on the northern coast of Alaska is the artic ocean. the closest "sea" to northern Alaska is the north sea.
the body of water on the northern coast of Alaska is the artic ocean. the closest "sea" to northern Alaska is the north sea.
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There really isn't one near Memphis, TN. We do have other great attractions though.
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The Nile river is the closest major source of water to the Sahara desert.
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