Clew Bay is the largest bay in county Mayo. See the maps below.
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There are lots of bays in county Mayo, but the biggest and most well known is Clew Bay.
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Hint is another word for clew
2nd Answer:
No, 'Hint' is not another word for clew.
A clew is either a ball of thread or yarn, or it is the corner of a sail, or the ring that its rope is tied to.
I found no other words for clew in my Thesaurus . . .
1 answer
Clew, or clue, is a ball of thread. The meaning "something to help solve a mystery" comes from the myth of Theseus, who used a clew given to him by Ariadne to mark an escape route out of the Labyrinth.
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The Courtin' of Calliope Clew - 1916 was released on:
USA: 11 August 1916
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Clew is originally a ball of yarn, and the lower part of a sail. The meaning "clue" ( itself a variant spelling of clew) comes from the tale of Theseus and the Minotaur. Ariadne gives Theseus a clew of yarn with which he is able to mark his way in, and so to find his way out, of the Labyrinth. "I don't have a clue" means "I don't know how to get out of this maze."
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The purpose to clew a hammock is to structurally sustain the hammock with a knot that will be hung by a tree with a lasso. This can be looked up online.
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i have no clew about the awnser to this question
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The Cliffs of Moher. The Giants Causeway. Some distinctive mountains like Errigal or Ben Bulben. Glendalough. Lough Neagh. The Aillwee Caves. Clew Bay.
The Cliffs of Moher. The Giants Causeway. Some distinctive mountains like Errigal or Ben Bulben. Glendalough. Lough Neagh. The Aillwee Caves. Clew Bay.
The Cliffs of Moher. The Giants Causeway. Some distinctive mountains like Errigal or Ben Bulben. Glendalough. Lough Neagh. The Aillwee Caves. Clew Bay.
The Cliffs of Moher. The Giants Causeway. Some distinctive mountains like Errigal or Ben Bulben. Glendalough. Lough Neagh. The Aillwee Caves. Clew Bay.
The Cliffs of Moher. The Giants Causeway. Some distinctive mountains like Errigal or Ben Bulben. Glendalough. Lough Neagh. The Aillwee Caves. Clew Bay.
The Cliffs of Moher. The Giants Causeway. Some distinctive mountains like Errigal or Ben Bulben. Glendalough. Lough Neagh. The Aillwee Caves. Clew Bay.
The Cliffs of Moher. The Giants Causeway. Some distinctive mountains like Errigal or Ben Bulben. Glendalough. Lough Neagh. The Aillwee Caves. Clew Bay.
The Cliffs of Moher. The Giants Causeway. Some distinctive mountains like Errigal or Ben Bulben. Glendalough. Lough Neagh. The Aillwee Caves. Clew Bay.
The Cliffs of Moher. The Giants Causeway. Some distinctive mountains like Errigal or Ben Bulben. Glendalough. Lough Neagh. The Aillwee Caves. Clew Bay.
The Cliffs of Moher. The Giants Causeway. Some distinctive mountains like Errigal or Ben Bulben. Glendalough. Lough Neagh. The Aillwee Caves. Clew Bay.
The Cliffs of Moher. The Giants Causeway. Some distinctive mountains like Errigal or Ben Bulben. Glendalough. Lough Neagh. The Aillwee Caves. Clew Bay.
2 answers
Clew garnets are small, deep red garnets that are sometimes found attached to matrix rock in a cluster. They are known for their vibrant color and glassy luster, and are often used in jewelry making due to their attractive appearance. Clew garnets are a popular choice for those seeking gemstones with deep red hues.
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it firstly means what is inside a poo and and second how dum you are
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On a fore-and-aft rigged vessel, the clew is the point on the sail where sheets are attached and is furthest aft. The tack is attached fast to standing rigging (usually) and is furthest forward. The head (the third corner on a triangle-shaped sail) is topmost and is attached to the halyard.
In the case of a chute or spinnaker, the tack is the point attached to the spinnaker pole, and the clew is attached to running gear, e.g. the sheets. Note that, unlike other sails that can be tacked, and where the clew and tack are permanent, the clew and tack on a spinnaker reverse when you jibe.
In cases of a spinnaker without a spinnaker-pole (i.e. the so-called cruising chute), the tack attaches to the standing gear foreward and typically on deck; the clew is attached as always to the running gear. This works exactly like a big, nylon genoa.
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The head, clew, and tack are the three primary points of a sail.
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Probably the best known and largest Bay in Europe is the Bay of Biscay located to the west of France and to the north of Spain which has an area of 85,000 square miles. Other sea areas called Bays are Cardigan Bay is to the west of Wales, the Bay of the Seine in the north of France west of the port of Le Havre, Galway Bay, Clew Bay and Donegal Bay on the west coast of Ireland and Lyme Bay and Tor Bay on the south coast of England and the Bay of Setubal to west of Portugal The term Bay is also used for the Pomeranian Bay to north of Poland. But otherwise in most of the rest of Europe other terms are generally used to name sea inlets. The term Golfo is used to name sea inlets into Spain and Italy, and the bay-like inlet into Amsterdam in the Netherlands is called the Zuider Zee. The term Bucht is the term for sea inlets into northern Germany and the term Fjord for sea inlets in western Norway.
3 answers
A group of worms is called a clew. In fishing terms, they may be referred to as a bait of worms.
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it is 20 try and work it out in division if you dont have a clew just think or partner up.
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ofcrs,it ll work,ur under arm black pits clew out!!
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hi my gas dryer is not staying on cud you give me a clew thank you
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The present day meaning of the noun 'clew' is a word for a metal loop attached to the lower corner of a sail through which cords are passed; the cords from which a hammock is hung; a ball of thread or yarn. Based on these definitions of the noun, it not difficult to picture a group of worms that resemble a clump or ball of cord or yarn.
The present day 'clue' was originally spelled 'clew', and based on the same meanings of the word, it isn't difficult to imagine untangling (following) a cord to secure a sail or hang a hammock.
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A good way to get a level one clue scroll is to pick-pocket H.A.M. members until you get one.
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A group of worms is commonly referred to as a "cluster" or "bunch."
3 answers
yes, my Grandad is called Chloe, but spells it Clouie, you say it the same way. Some people pronounce it Clew-ie
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Tents they made themselves if they got a chance to even sleep.
5 answers
Here are some in the State of Maine,in the United States
Passamaquoddy Bay
Cobscook Bay
Dennys Bay
East Bay
Sipp Bay
South Bay
Straight Bay
Whiting Bay
Johnson Bay
Little Machias Bay
Machias Bay
Holmes Bay
Little Bay
Little Kennebec Bay
Englishman Bay
Mason Bay
Chandler Bay
Eastern Bay
Alley Bay
Western Bay
Wohoa Bay
Pleasant Bay
Narraguagus Bay
Back Bay
Flat Bay
Harrington Bay
Pigeon Hill Bay
Dyer Bay
Pinkham Bay
Gouldsboro Bay
Joy Bay
West Bay
Hancock County
Winter Harbor
Frenchman Bay
Eastern Bay
Flanders Bay
Taunton Bay
Egypt Bay
Hog Bay
Thomas Bay
Youngs Bay
Eastern Way
Somes Sound
Western Way
Western Bay
Union River Bay
Blue Hill Bay
Penobscot Bay
Belfast Bay
Gilkey Harbor
Seal Bay
Rockport Harbor
Clam Cove
Rockland Harbor
Muscongus Bay
Johns Bay
Linekin Bay
Boothbay Harbor
Booth Bay
Sheepscot Bay
Montsweag Bay
Hockomock Bay
Merrymeeting Bay
Sagadahoc Bay
Quahog Bay
Harpswell Sound
Middle Bay
Maquoit Bay
Casco Bay
Saco Bay
Bay of Fundy
Gulf of Maine
3 answers
cast, case, cost, coup, cusp, curt, chop, chap, chip, chit, chat, clue, clew, cite
2 answers
a two masted boat with a spirit sail with a gaff on the after most mast. The forward mast would have no boom and a line at the clew. Many time including a jib or jibs.
1 answer
The word "shoe" has the same vowel sound as "chew."
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San Francisco Bay
Massachusetts Bay
Chesapeake Bay
Botany Bay
Bay of Biscuttes
1 answer
Hudson's Bay
9 answers
Willow (tree); shallow; fallow; crow; below; harrow; slow; fellow; now; snow; plow; clew; flew; shrew; tow; below.... Need more?
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The bay located at the southern end of Hudson Bay is James Bay.
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Yes. The Hudson Bay is the largest bay in the U.S. The largest bay in the world is the Bay of Bengal.
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