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Without clean air we couldn't breathe

2 answers

The Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act were created to help clean up the air and water from pollution. The Clean Air Act was passed in 1970 and the Clean Water Act followed in 1972.

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  1. what is the Philippines air act 1999
  2. what is the primary good of philippines air act 1999
  3. what are the guiding principle of clean air act of 1999

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  1. what is the Philippines air act 1999
  2. what is the primary good of philippines air act 1999
  3. what are the guiding principle of clean air act of 1999

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The Clean Air Act Amendments passed in 1990

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Both the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act were created to prevent air and water pollution respectively. Both acts are managed by the Environmental Protection Agency.

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The Clean Air Act of 1970 passed because congress wanted to implement legislation against pollution. The Clean Air Act is actually a very beneficial act for the American people as it limits the amount of pollution in our air.

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The Clean Air Act Amendments dramatically changed the allowable types and amounts of emissions

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The Clean Air Act was supported by a broad coalition of environmentalists, health advocates, and some industry leaders who recognized the importance of reducing air pollution for public health and the environment. Politicians from both parties also backed the legislation, culminating in its passage in 1970 with bipartisan support.

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The Clean Air Act, (CAC), is an act passed by the federal government in 1963, after many state governments passed legslistaions about the bad air pollution

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The Clean Air Act was enacted in 1999 in the Philippines. This is an act to help reducuntry.cuntary gay guy

2 answers

by the clean air has somethng in it to fight the dirty pollution.

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Yes, the passage of the Clean Air Act occurred during Richard Nixon's presidency. The Clean Air Act was signed into law by President Nixon on December 31, 1970.

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The clean air act is designed to lower emissions for cars and factories. This is done in an effort to protect the ozone layer.

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Air needs to be treated before it is released to the atmosphere to reduce air pollution.

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most likely the Clean Air Act Answer: Like many milestones in human affairs the first was the most important since the first demonstrates that the law can do something about the problem, In the case of air pollution we have several choices: 300 CE: Roman law controls air emissions from certain industries in England 1272 CE: Use of Sea Coal banned by Edward I (and several folowing kings)

1895 CE: 1st US law against air pollution 1956 CE: British Clean Air Act 1963 CE: US Clean Air Act

1 answer

The Clean Air Act was started by and signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. It was made a federal law on December 17, 1963.

1 answer

The Clean Air Act was started by and signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson. It was made a federal law on December 17, 1963.

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Various technologies and methods have been developed to clean up air and water pollution, such as scrubbers for removing pollutants from industrial emissions and wastewater treatment plants for purifying water. Additionally, environmental regulations and policies play a key role in reducing pollution through monitoring and enforcing standards for emissions and discharge.

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reducing the pollutants in the air that cause health problems

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Reducing the pollutants in the air that caused health problems

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most likely the Clean Air Act Answer: Like many milestones in human affairs the first was the most important since the first demonstrates that the law can do something about the problem, In the case of air pollution we have several choices: 300 CE: Roman law controls air emissions from certain industries in England 1272 CE: Use of Sea Coal banned by Edward I (and several folowing kings)

1895 CE: 1st US law against air pollution 1956 CE: British Clean Air Act 1963 CE: US Clean Air Act

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the environmental protection agency (EPA)

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Very successful. Many air pollutants have decreased significantly..:-)

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The word "smog" is a portmanteau of smoke and fog.

4 answers

What was th act passed in 1956

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You can read the most recent guide of the Clean Air Act on the website of World Resources Institute. You can download the file as a Fact Sheet. It is in PDF form.

1 answer

is an act help to reduce air pollution in the philippines though the law also seek to protect our environment from damages cause by air pollution.

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Yes they implement the Clean Air Act and No Belching Policy

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It put regulation in the hands of the federal government.

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Puegeot??? The Clean Air Act of 1970, mandated the use of unleaded fuel in automobiles sold in the U.S.

Puegeot??? The Clean Air Act of 1970, mandated the use of unleaded fuel in automobiles sold in the U.S.

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The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (RCRA), regulating both hazardous and non-hazardous solid waste; The Clean Water Act (CWA), regulating surface water discharges; and The Clean Air Act (CAA), regulating air emissions.

1 answer

The Clean Air Act sets emissions standards for pollutants, promoting cleaner air quality. It also establishes guidelines for monitoring and reporting air pollution levels, as well as enforcing penalties for non-compliance. Overall, the Act helps minimize air pollution and protect human health and the environment.

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