My child has to pay for lunch can I claim that on my taxes?
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Claim? What are you asking?
WC is generally taxable.
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"Claims Made Policy" - The Insured is indemnified in case a claim arises during the policy period, no matter when a claim may arise, the Policy pays the insured for the Claim, provided the policy is active since its retroactive date(inception date).
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Standardized testing has lowered graduation rates among students in lower-income schools :)
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A decrease in class size would require more teachers, which would be too expensive :)
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Standard-form categorical claim
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Converting to electric vehicles would be too costly for schools that are already facing severe budget problems :)
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From chapter 15 or other chapters
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"The best way to claim construction accident money is to contact your lawyer, the construction company's insurance, workman's compensation and/or the company's lawyer directly. If you have been emailed or given instructions to claim online at a certain website, then I would suggest verifying the website and instructions with the entities above before giving any information."
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Is required and a absic part of filing. Rememebr, the IRS received that same info already from the matches to make sure you do report it.
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Beating and torturing animals is wrong :)
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____________________, referred to herein as the First Party, and _______________, referred to as the Second Party, agree:
That the parties have a potential claim dispute.
In full and complete settlement of any and all claims under the laws of any applicable jurisdiction, First Party shall pay $____________ to Second Party related to or arising from the claim referred to herein. Said settlement shall also include any attorneys fees or claim/litigation expenses.
This release shall also inure to the benefit of _____________________.
This release shall be contingent upon the approval of the ________________. Upon final approval, which shall be defined as an approval for which no further review is possible, payment shall be made. In the event that the settlement is not approved this agreement shall be void and of no effect.
This is the entire agreement between the parties and may only be varied by a writing executed by the parties.
Dated: ___________________
First Party
Second Party
Claim SettlementReview List
This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. Claim settlements, like releases, are a good idea to get memorialized and signed. This form provides that vehicle to effect that action. Use it if in doubt.
1. Make multiple copies. Give one to each signatory. Keep one with the transaction file.
2. Most parties are willing to accept less money immediately after an event than later after brooding over it. This is why insurance companies work hard to get quick settlements. Be so advised yourself to follow their experienced approach to these kinds of matters, if possible in your case.
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When a person goes into an accountant's office to get his or her taxes done, that person often expects to be able to itemize deductions. When one sees a person walk into an office with a stack of receipts, that usually means a person has certain expenses he or she wants to write off. It is so funny to see how many people think it is worthwhile to claim certain itemized deductions, as opposed to simply claiming a standardized deduction.
In many cases a person will earn more money in refunds by claiming a standardized deduction, as opposed to an itemized deduction. A person will likely earn a few hundred more dollars by claiming the standard deduction. When a person walks into an accountant's office, it is likely that many accountants will try to tell a person this helpful tip. Some people end up choosing to follow it, while other people try to go about their own way of filing taxes. When a person does not listen to this good advice, he or she will likely end up receiving a return that is a lot lower than what one anticipated.
A person should truly research the differences between certain kinds of deductions, before deciding to claim any single one. Only when a person invests the time into learning about each kind of deduction, will he or she be able to make wise financial choices. Choosing to claim a certain tax deduction can be a lot smarter than claiming other types of deductions, as shown before. If a person wants the best refund possible, then a person should only claim those deductions that will help his or her situation rather than hurt it.
It is also a good idea for a person to claim tax deductions when he or she has a family. A person that lives within a family will often be able to claim greater deductions than a single person, since there are more people that this person must support with his or her income. It is a good idea for families to figure out all of the deductions that they can ultimately claim on a certain tax return.
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Graduate school students can add a little extra cash to their pockets by taking advantage of certain educational credits. The American Opportunity tax credit allows students to claim up to $4,000 a year in deductions. Claiming this large deduction can greatly aid the poor grad school student who is starving to get by. The typical student will end up receiving about $1,000 back from the filing of his or her tax returns with this tax credit. That is not a bad deal for a student who likely has a lot of debt and little to no income from a part-time job!
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A person can truly claim all sorts of great tax credits for his or her situation. It is truly to a person's benefit to know all of the tax credits that he or she can claim on a tax refund. If a person invests just a bit of time, he or she can learn about all of the tax credits that exist and their various amounts.
When a person wants to claim the best tax credit, it is probably a good idea for him or her to meet with a tax professional. It is a good idea to meet with such a professional, so that one can know if there are certain credits that one should simply avoid. Sometimes, if a person claims a certain credit, it means that he or she can not take a certain deduction. This can be one of the most annoying experiences for any person, and it truly can have an impact on the refund one gets. If a person wants the best refund possible, then meeting with an accountant or other tax professional is absolutely necessary.
There are so many tax credits that a person can choose from. If a person has children, then there are definitely all sorts of tax credits he or she will be able to take. In addition, if a person has daycare expenses for those children, then he or she will likely be able to claim many other sorts of deductions and credits. If a person is pursuing a college degree, there are likely educational expenses that can be written off through deductions or credits. A tax professional will be able to help a person decide what credits are best for him or her to claim in a certain situation.
It is also a good idea for a person to make sure his or her taxes are done in the most accurate way possible. It is important to hire an accountant that has been highly recommended by other people in the community. When one hires a high quality tax consultant, then one can be sure his or her taxes will be done in the best and most accurate manner possible.
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To: _______________________________________
1. Claimant
(a) Full name: ________________________________________
(b) Address: __________________________________________
City: _________________________ County: _____________
State: _________________ Zip Code: __________________
(c) Age: _______ (d) Marital status: _______________________
2. If claimant is married, name and address of spouse:
3. Amount claimed for property damage: ___________________
4. Amount claimed for personal injury: _____________________
5. Total amount claimed: ________________________________
6. Place of accident (include town or city and state; if outside city limits, indicate distance to nearest city or town):
7. Date and time of accident: ____________________________
(a) Day of week: ________________________________________
(b) Date: _____________________________________________
(c) Time: _____________________________________________
8. Description of accident
(a) Names and addresses of persons involved: ______________
(b) Identification of property involved: ______________________
(c) Surrounding circumstances: __________________________
(d) Cause of accident: __________________________________
(e) Other pertinent facts: ________________________________
9. Name and addresses of witnesses to accident: ____________
10. Property damage
(a) Description of property damaged: ______________________
(b) Present location: ____________________________________
(c) Name and address of owner, if other than claimant: ________
(d) Nature of damage: ___________________________________
(e) Extent of damage: ___________________________________
11. Personal injury
(a) Nature of injury: ____________________________________
(b) Extent of injury: ____________________________________
12. Collision insurance
(a) Does claimant carry collision insurance? (If yes, answer (b)- (f) below)
(b) Name and address of insurer: _________________________
(c) Policy No.: _________________________________________
(d) Has claimant filed claim against insurer in this instance?
(e) If claim has been filed, is coverage for full amount of loss?
If not full coverage, amount deductible: ________________
(f) If claim has been filed, action taken or proposed to be taken by insurer with respect to claim:
13. Public liability and property damage insurance
(a) Does claimant carry public liability and property damage coverage? (If yes, answer (b) below)
(b) Name of insurer: ____________________________________
I declare under the penalty of perjury that the amount of this claim covers only damages and injuries caused by the accident described above. I agree to accept that amount in full satisfaction and final settlement of this claim.
Dated: __________________________
Claim for Damage and/or InjuryReview List
This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you in its preparation. Use this document to transmit your claim to your insurance agency. Be complete; add any necessary and useful exhibits. The more thorough you are the more apt you are to be believed and get prompt payment.
1. Make multiple copies. Give one set to the insurance agency. Keep a backup set (agencies are notorious for losing or misplacing paperwork). Keep one set with the transaction file.
2. Remember that getting paid on a claim is a sales situation. If they are “sold†on your credibility, they will generally pay promptly. If not sold, it can be a long and ugly process. As we have said before, you have one chance to make a good first impression. Do your homework; get a complete and thorough file together; send it to them promptly. All of this will increase the odds of a satisfactory result in your favor.
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When a policy is written on a "claims-made" basis, it means that the policy in force at the time a claim against the insured is asserted applies to the claim, regardless of when the occurrence forming the basis of the claim occurred. Correlatively, the policy must be in force at the time that the claim is make for coverage to apply. The insured must also timely report it and follow all conditions precedent outlined in the policy while it is in force. There is a variant of a claims made policy, which may be set forth in an endorsement to the policy, that provides for a "retro" date. This means that the policy will apply to occurrences that took place prior to the inception of the policy (if they otherwise fall within the ambit of coverage).
With an "occurrence" based policy, even though the policy may have expired as of the time the insured received notice of the claim, the policy will afford coverage if the claim otherwise comes within the scope of coverage. This type of policy also has claims reporting provisions to which the insured must adhere, as well as a cooperation clause. The latter means that the insured must cooperate with the insurer (and the attorney it selects to defend that claim) in the defense.
Both forms of coverage have advantages and drawbacks, depending on the circumstances. It is difficult to predict whether, in any particular instance, it will be advantageous to insure using one form or the other. Only in hindsight can a judgment be made.
Advantages of "occurrence" policies
Disadvantages of "occurrence" policies
For malpractice exposures written on an "occurrence" basis it is important to arrange limits which are somewhat more than is necessary in order to meet tomorrow's exposures. On a "claims-made" basis, one does not need to project twenty years or more into the future when setting limits; 7 years is usually the longest time it takes for a case to go through the court system, so even though you still need to project into the future, the length of time is much less.
Advantages of "claims-made" policies
Disadvantages of "claims-made" policies
This insurance does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" which occurred before the retroactive date, if any, shown in the Declarations.
A "claims-made" policy can have:
Ideally, you want no retroactive date or one that includes the entire period that you have had "claims-made" coverage. Anything less makes you effectively self-insured for any claims for injuries or damage that occurred during prior claims-made policy periods which you have not reported to your insurer at the time of the occurrence (unless such claims are covered by supplemental "tail" coverage).
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On your income tax there is what's called the standard deduction. I think its currently a little under $6000 for singles. Everyone gets to subtract this from their income. However, if your interest on your home mortgage plus your state taxes add up to more then $6000 then you should put them on Schedule A (called itemizing) and you will be able to subtract more then the standard deduction. If you are married & filling jointly then the standard deduction is a little under $11000 and your mortgage interest + state taxes would have to be more then this to get anymore deducted from your income.
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Date: ____________________________________
Claimant's Name: _____________________________
Address of Claimant: __________________________
Name of Carrier: _____________________________
Address of Carrier: __________________________
This claim for $ ______ (_____________________________ & ____/100 dollars) is made against the carrier named above by _________________________, Claimant, for overcharge in connection with the following shipment(s):
Description of Shipment: ____________________________
Name and address of Shipper: _________________________
Shipped from ____________________________ to ____________________
Final Destination: ______________________ Routed Via ____________
Bill of lading issued by _______________________ (Company) on the ______________ day of _________________, 19___.
Paid freight bill No. _________________ Truck No. _____________
And initials ___________________________,
Name and Address of recipient __________________.
Nature of Overcharge: __________________________
Number of packages __________________, articles _______________, weight ___________, rate ___________, charges _____________, amount of overcharge ________________ Dollars.
Authority for rate or classification claimed: __________________________________________
In addition to the information given above, the following documents are submitted in support of this claim:
(___________) 1. Original Bill of lading, if not previously surrendered by carrier.
(___________) 2. Original Paid freight ("expense") bill.
(___________) 3. Original Invoice or Certified Copy.
(___________) 4. Weight Certificate or certified statement when claim is based on misrouting or valuation.
(___________) 5. Other Particulars obtainable in proof of loss or damage claimed: __________.
Remarks: ________________________________________________________
The above statement of facts is hereby certified as correct.
Dated: ________________________________.
Claimant for Reduced PriceReview List
This review list is provided to inform you about this document in question and assist you with its preparation. Claims for price reduction are a standard feature of most commercial businesses. This general format can be adapted to a host of different situations. The more complete the form appears, the more apt you are to get a reduction in price, whether technically merited or not.
1. Make multiple copies. Send one to the signatory by fax and/or mail. Keep one with the transaction file. Note a suitable date, such as 7 days later, to follow up by phone to finalize the result. As with all negotiations, as suggested in our disc of that name, have your end goal in mind when entering into one of these transactions.
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If you are going to file taxes for free online, be sure to take advantage of the first time home buying credit. You should not miss out on the credit, because it is worth over $8,000. If you file for this credit, you will receive that deduction on the amount you paid for a new home. With the current foreclosure crisis, a lot of homeowners have found great deals on affordable homes and have been able to take advantage of this wonderful tax credit program. Taking advantage of this tax credit program can put you in a position of receiving a nice tax refund.
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Unemployed people often forget to take advantage of certain deductions when they are filing a 1040. One of the major expenses an unemployed person can deduct is the expense of purchasing an airline ticket. Airfare is incredibly expensive and should always be deducted when possible on a person's taxes. An unemployed person must be sure that the airfare was used for interviewing with a company or some other employment purpose. If the trip had little to do with finding another job, then the airfare may not be counted as an unemployment expense. One should also keep the receipt of an airline trip.
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When someone puts in an insurance claim, a process must follow before any money can be doled out. The person responsible for determining how much the recipient is entitled to is a claims adjuster. It’s the task of these professionals to ensure that the claim being filed is legitimate and figure out just what amount of remuneration is called for.
A claims adjuster often needs to visit the scene of an accident and interview witnesses in an effort to find out whether everything happened in just the way that the claimant suggests. Uncovering fraud is an important part of an adjuster’s job. Several factors go into working out how much of a settlement should be awarded, and when there are especially large sums of money in play, it is not unusual for an adjuster to negotiate with the person who holds the policy in order to come to a compromise that suits both the insurance company and the accident victim.
For this job, a person must have a high school diploma, and a college degree is often required as well. Claims adjusters are generally required to get licensed as well, a process that involves furnishing proof of one’s residence, taking an exam and completing an insurance course.
Whether or not they are necessary, college business courses can be a help for those who intend to pursue this career. Companies also look favorably upon candidates who are knowledgeable about their particular area of expertise. For instance, a background in real estate could be useful if one hopes to be a claims adjuster for a homeowners’ insurance company.
Claims adjusters typically make an average of about $44,000 per year. Benefits usually include insurance, pension plans and paid holidays as well as the use of a company car or compensation for gas used on one’s own car. Most work is done outside of the office itself, and while adjusters usually work 40 hours a week, they often work evenings and weekends because these times are better for reaching people.
The work of a claims adjuster is difficult, but those who receive insurance compensation are often grateful for the work an adjuster puts in.
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How many times have you heard about all of the unclaimed property sitting out there just waiting for someone to come along and grab what is theirs? Do you ever wonder how it happens to begin with? What leads up to all of this property just lying around waiting for the owner to step up and say here I am? Many factors play into the unclaimed property and some of them might be things that you have never even thought about in the past.
For example, did you pay a security deposit on a gas or electric account? If so, that money might be sitting out there waiting for you to come in and claim it. Thousands of people just like you have money sitting out there in unclaimed property. Isn't it about time you got what belongs to you? All it takes is a few minutes of your time to look through the database and see if you are one of the lucky ones who has money out there.
Unclaimed property accounts for millions of dollars just sitting there with no one to take ownership of them. Even if you do not have anything owed to you, maybe you have a friend or family member who does. Think of what a nice present that would be for them. Before you know it, you could have a little extra cash in your pocket thanks to unclaimed property that has been sitting around for years with no owner.
You never know what the unclaimed property might be until you take the time to look through the listing for yourself. It might only be a couple of bucks you are entitled to, but then again it could be thousands of dollars that you have waiting for you. Look through the listings online and see what you can find, so that way you can start filling out the necessary forms and begin claiming your share of the unclaimed property. If you never take the time to look, you will never know what you could have had in your pocket all along. Take a look today and see for yourself.
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no you have to make a claim for it to be regestered as a claim
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re claim dis claim ac claim also quitclaim, exclaim, declaim
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Depending on the type of claim, you should be able to acquire replacement coverage even with the claim being open. The claim payee will be determined by when the claim happened.
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You can claim them if you provided for the person the year you want to claim him or her.
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An unsubstantiated claim.
An unproven claim.
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Because it acknowledges that your claim is debatable
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no, once you claim someone you cannot be claimed yourself
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He tried to claim that the idea was his original concept.
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to claim something is yours. example: my staked his claim by saying the house was his
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An argument typically consists of a claim, evidence to support that claim, and reasoning that explains how the evidence supports the claim. The claim is the main point being made, the evidence provides support or proof for the claim, and the reasoning connects the evidence to the claim.
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He died. Some claim that he was poisoned by his wife.
He died. Some claim that he was poisoned by his wife.
He died. Some claim that he was poisoned by his wife.
He died. Some claim that he was poisoned by his wife.
He died. Some claim that he was poisoned by his wife.
He died. Some claim that he was poisoned by his wife.
He died. Some claim that he was poisoned by his wife.
He died. Some claim that he was poisoned by his wife.
He died. Some claim that he was poisoned by his wife.
2 answers
You are only supposed to claim the number of qualifying exemptions that you are qualified to claim.
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how much can i claim for my work uniforms
how much can i claim for work uniforms
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