It was the emperor Justinian I. The Corpus Juris Civilis is another name for the Code of Justinian.
It was the emperor Justinian I. The Corpus Juris Civilis is another name for the Code of Justinian.
It was the emperor Justinian I. The Corpus Juris Civilis is another name for the Code of Justinian.
It was the emperor Justinian I. The Corpus Juris Civilis is another name for the Code of Justinian.
It was the emperor Justinian I. The Corpus Juris Civilis is another name for the Code of Justinian.
It was the emperor Justinian I. The Corpus Juris Civilis is another name for the Code of Justinian.
It was the emperor Justinian I. The Corpus Juris Civilis is another name for the Code of Justinian.
It was the emperor Justinian I. The Corpus Juris Civilis is another name for the Code of Justinian.
It was the emperor Justinian I. The Corpus Juris Civilis is another name for the Code of Justinian.
4 answers
Justinian I's corpus juris civilis consisted of how many parts?
4 answers
Joannes Kwiatkiewicz has written:
'Suada civilis'
1 answer
The Napoleonic Code.
1 answer
Ferdinand Kaemmerer has written:
'Observationes iuris civilis' -- subject(s): Roman law
1 answer
Corpus Iuris Civilis became the foundation of all European law and legal practice except for England.
1 answer
Corpus Iuris Civilis became the foundation of all European law and legal practice except for England.
1 answer
Corpus Iuris Civilis became the foundation of all European law and legal practice except for England.
1 answer
Paul Ernst Wilhelm Oertmann has written:
'Die Volkswirtschaftslehre des Corpus iuris civilis' -- subject(s): Corpus juris civilis, Economics
'Die Aufrechnung im deutschen Zivilprozessrecht' -- subject(s): Set-off and counterclaim, Civil procedure
1 answer
"Si es, es" is Spanish for "If it is, it is". If you just mean "si es", that means "if it is". If you mean "Sí es" (with an accent on "Sí"), it means "Yes, it is".
1 answer
Corpus Iuris Civilis became the foundation of all European law and legal practice except for England.
1 answer
P. J. Hartmann has written:
'Succini Prussici physica et civilis historia'
1 answer
ud. es- it is (most common but it is just the pronoun i am changing ella es- she is ello es- es
2 answers
¿Quién es esto? for a male ¿Quién es esta? for a female
Quein es esta persona
2 answers
Does it matter can be translated as:
Spielt es eine Rolle
Ist es von Bedeutung
Macht es etwas aus
Ist es wichtig
1 answer
You would answer with Mi profesor es..
Mi profesor es bueno. Mi profesor es malo. Mi profesor es inteligente. etc.
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It was compiled by Justinian, Emperor of Byzantine in the 6th century. It was a collection of laws made by the best legal experts at the time.
1 answer
Jacopo Bottrigari has written:
'Lectura super codice' -- subject(s): Corpus juris civilis, Roman law
1 answer
For masculine it is "este es" For feminine it is "esta es" This is assuming that the quality being described is permanent.
3 answers
The Yiddish translation for "It is what it is" is "Es iz vos es iz."
2 answers
Es is the he/she conjugation of the verb ser. Serdescribes who you are, so es roughly translates to is.
1 answer
the "Corpus Juris Civilis"also known as the Justinian Code are the laws of the Byzantine Empire made by Justinian an emperor who thought the laws were hard to understand and thought that he could make them easier to understand for the common, working class citizen.
(the laws were modified almost every time a new person came to power so this was not the only laws.
1 answer