No, because there is no such thing as the celestial sphere. So there is no inner surface of a celestial sphere.
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Another name for celestial globe is celestial sphere.
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celestial sphere
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Plants are not located on the Celestial Sphere. The Celestial Sphere is an imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth, used to map the positions of stars and celestial objects in the sky. Plants are living organisms found on Earth's surface.
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celestial sphere
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The celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth, with celestial equator and celestial poles located on it. The celestial equator is an extension of Earth's equator onto the celestial sphere, while the celestial poles are the points where Earth's rotation axis intersects the celestial sphere. These features can be observed in the night sky.
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The largest sphere that can fit around Earth is the geocentric celestial sphere. This imaginary sphere has Earth at its center and encompasses all celestial objects visible in the sky.
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The imaginary sphere that surrounds the Earth is called the celestial sphere. It is an abstract sphere of infinite radius upon which all celestial objects are assumed to lie. It provides a convenient reference frame for locating celestial objects in the sky.
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The largest constellation on the celestial sphere is Hydra the Sea Serpent and it is 100° long.
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The celestial sphere has been completely divided into 88 constellations, so yes.
The celestial sphere has been completely divided into 88 constellations, so yes.
The celestial sphere has been completely divided into 88 constellations, so yes.
The celestial sphere has been completely divided into 88 constellations, so yes.
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The Celestial Globe (or sphere) is an imaginary sphere around our planet, earth. All objects in the sky and space, such as satellites, can be thought inside this invisible sphere.
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The imaginary dome of the sky to which the stars appear to be attached is called the celestial sphere. It is an imaginary sphere of infinite radius surrounding the Earth to which the stars and celestial bodies are fixed in our perception.
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In the Ptolemaic Greek model of the universe, the stars are thought to be attached to the celestial sphere, a hypothetical invisible sphere surrounding the Earth to which the stars were fixed. This model placed Earth at the center of the universe with all celestial bodies orbiting around it.
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The inside of a planetarium is a sphere with the stars and planets projected on to it. The celestial sphere is an infinite sphere that we imagine has the stars and planets on it. On the celestial sphere only an object's direction matters and its distance is ignored.
A viewer at the centre of the planetarium sees stars and planets as they appear in the sky, but viewers in all the seats see approximately the right view.
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The imaginary sphere created by scientists that surrounds the Earth is called the celestial sphere. It is used as a way to map and locate stars and other celestial objects in the sky as they appear from Earth's perspective. The celestial sphere helps astronomers describe the positions and movements of objects in the night sky.
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The imaginary sphere is called the celestial sphere. It is used in astronomy to track the apparent movements of celestial objects as if they were projected onto the inside of a sphere surrounding the Earth.
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The coordinates of Capricornus in the celestial sphere are: Right Ascension 20h 06m 46.4871s - 21h 59m 04.8693s and Declination −8.4043999°- −27.6914144°.
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An armillary sphere is a model of the celestial sphere. It consists of a set of rings representing different celestial circles, such as the equator and the ecliptic. By rotating these rings to align with the position of celestial objects, users can track the motion of the stars, sun, and planets in the sky.
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Understanding that there is no physical thing there, the term "Celestial Sphere" is often used. Early astronomers believed that the "celestial sphere" was a solid crystal sphere, and that the stars were embedded in the crystal. Below the crystal, the Sun, the Moon and five "wanderers", or "planeta" passed over the ground as the Celestial Sphere circled high overhead.
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The celestial sphere is a theoretical imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth, on which all celestial objects are considered to be located. It is often thought of as a giant dome in the sky where the stars, planets, and Sun appear to be positioned.
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No, the celestial sphere is a conceptual tool used by astronomers to map and locate stars and other celestial objects in the sky. It is an imaginary sphere around the Earth onto which the stars are projected.
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A circle through the Earth's sphere perpendicular to the observer's latitude
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That is also called the axis; the "end-points" of this axis are called the celestial poles.
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The celestial sphere is a scientific model used to visualize and track the motion of celestial objects in the sky. It simplifies complex astronomical observations and calculations by representing all celestial bodies as fixed points on an imaginary sphere surrounding Earth. Despite its simplicity, the celestial sphere accurately predicts the positions of stars and planets.
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celestial sphere . . . ?
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that the earth is the center of the universe
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The Southern Hemisphere
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The imaginary sphere surrounding Earth is known as the celestial sphere. It is an imaginary sphere where all objects in the sky are assumed to be located, allowing astronomers and navigators to easily describe the positions of stars and other celestial bodies. It provides a convenient reference frame for locating objects in the sky.
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That imaginary sphere surrounding the Earth is called the celestial sphere. It is used in astronomy to visualize the positions of stars and celestial objects relative to an observer on Earth.
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The celestial sphere has the Earth at the centre and all the objects in the sky situated on the sphere at infinite distance. Positions of the objects are described by two coordinates, which could be azimuth and elevation, or, in geocentric coordinates, declination and hour-angle.
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Celestial objects that lie outside a certain distance from Earth, such as distant galaxies, do not appear to lie on the celestial sphere due to their three-dimensional positions in space. The celestial sphere is a theoretical construct that represents the sky as seen from Earth, and objects beyond a certain distance would have different apparent positions when viewed from different vantage points in the universe.
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Greenwich Celestial refers to the Prime Meridian as it crosses the celestial sphere above Greenwich, UK. It serves as the global reference point to measure longitude and is used in celestial navigation and astronomy.
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The components of the celestial sphere include the celestial equator (dividing the sky into northern and southern hemispheres), the north and south celestial poles (points around which the sky appears to rotate), and celestial coordinates (such as right ascension and declination) used to locate objects in the sky. Additionally, the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun) intersects the celestial equator at two points known as the vernal and autumnal equinoxes.
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the celestial sphere
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the celestial sphere
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the celestial sphere
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Using declination and right ascension
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Astronomers use celestial spheres and mathematical equations to approximate the distances between the star and other celestial objects.
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An armillary sphere is an instrument consisting of graduated metal circles used to represent the motions of celestial bodies around the earth.
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The star latitude is the angular distance of a star above or below the celestial equator. Star declination is the celestial equivalent of latitude, measuring how far north or south a star is from the celestial equator.
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