One of the main pillars or Cathar beliefs was that there is 2 Gods or principles, one being good the other evil. Any physical object was seen as tainted by sin, which included the human body.
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historcal sites of franch are # arles # aleria # belfort # cathar castles
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The Cathars were a late Gnostic Christian sect that appears to have begun in Cologne, Germany and then spread into southern France. The earliest known references to Catharism dates from about 1143-44, when the movement was led by the archbishop of Cologne, who was later burnt for refusing to recant.
Scholars believe that the Cathar movement arose out of the Bogomil sect in the Balkans. The Bogomil sect, in turn, is believed to have developed, much earlier, out of the Paulicists, with possible direct influences from the Massalanians and perhaps Manichaeanism (both known as Gnostic Christian sects).
The Cathar faith spread long after the time when Gnostic Christianity was at its peak, and had developed in some of its beliefs and practices away from early Gnosticism. Just as Manichaeanism had the Elect and Auditors, so Catharism had its Parfait and Believers. They held similar dualistic beliefs and were vegetarians, just as most Gnostic sects were.
In the years after Jesus was crucified, many people began to read the scriptures that were spreading across Europe. These people formed many different concepts of Christianity. They called themselves many different names. Cathar, Fraticelli... You can read some about this in: 'Huguenots and Jews of the Languedoc'.
The term "Cathars" derives from the Greek word Katheroi and means "Pure Ones". They were a gnostic Christian sect that arose in the 11th century, an offshoot of a small surviving European gnostic community that emigrated to the Albigensian region in the south of France.The medieval Cathar movement flourished in the 12th century A.D. throughout Europe until its virtual extermination at the hands of the Inquisition in 1245.
There are an ever increasing number of historians and other academics engaged in serious Cathar studies. Interestingly, to date, the deeper they have dug, the more they have vindicated Cathar claims to represent a survival of the Earliest Christian Church.
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The credo of the catharism is in ambiguous view of human being. The human soul, as the cathars teach, was born in Heaven of the Last drop of pure love of the Father and God's Mother and has in his inner castles the completness of Their divine compositions. But when descending on earth, the soul undergoes the adaptational remodelling by the Prince of this world. So man on earth has both the divine and diabolic potential. One of the pearls of the cathar spirituality is purification (catharsis) - to separate the divine origin and erase the presence of the opposite being.
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The Albigensian Crusade was a 13th-century military campaign initiated by the Catholic Church to eliminate the Cathar heresy in southern France. It resulted in the massacre of thousands of Cathars and the consolidation of Church authority in the region.
1 answer
The term "Cathars" derives from the Greek word Katheroi and means "Pure Ones". They were a gnostic Christian sect that arose in the 11th century, an offshoot of a small surviving European gnostic community that emigrated to the Albigensian region in the south of France.The medieval Cathar movement flourished in the 12th century A.D. throughout Europe until its virtual extermination at the hands of the Inquisition in 1245.
There are an ever increasing number of historians and other academics engaged in serious Cathar studies. Interestingly, to date, the deeper they have dug, the more they have vindicated Cathar claims to represent a survival of the Earliest Christian Church.
Thank you!
Brad Hoffstetter
Communications Division
Assembly of good Christians
May we suggest the following scholarly sources:
1 answer
The term "Cathars" derives from the Greek word Katheroi and means "Pure Ones". They were a gnostic Christian sect that arose in the 11th century, an offshoot of a small surviving European gnostic community that emigrated to the Albigensian region in the south of France.The medieval Cathar movement flourished in the 12th century A.D. throughout Europe until its virtual extermination at the hands of the Inquisition in 1245.
There are an ever increasing number of historians and other academics engaged in serious Cathar studies. Interestingly, to date, the deeper they have dug, the more they have vindicated Cathar claims to represent a survival of the Earliest Christian Church.
Thank you!
Brad Hoffstetter
Communications Division
Assembly of good Christians
May we suggest the following scholarly sources:
1 answer
The Albigensian Crusade was launched by the Catholic Church against the Cathar heresy in southern France. It resulted in the suppression of the Cathars and the extension of royal authority in the region, contributing to the consolidation of power by the King of France. It also led to the establishment of the Inquisition to root out heresy.
2 answers
There is no connection.
The term "Cathars" derives from the Greek word Katheroi and means "Pure Ones". They were a gnostic Christian sect that arose in the 11th century, an offshoot of a small surviving European gnostic community that emigrated to the Albigensian region in the south of France.The medieval Cathar movement flourished in the 12th century A.D. throughout Europe until its virtual extermination at the hands of the Inquisition in 1245.
There are an ever increasing number of historians and other academics engaged in serious Cathar studies. Interestingly, to date, the deeper they have dug, the more they have vindicated Cathar claims to represent a survival of the Earliest Christian Church.
Thank you!
Brad Hoffstetter
Communications Division
Assembly of good Christians
May we suggest the following scholarly sources:
1 answer
No connection. There was no weavers sect associated with the medieval Cathars. This is an invention of David McCandless who was hired to write, design and virally promote a film released by Universal Studios. See Therefore there can be no connection between modern or medieval Cathars with Storm Worm Botnet.
The medieval Cathar movement did not create secret codes or the like embedded in weavings, paintings or other objects. There was never a prophecy concerning the year 2012 or any specific year.
Good Christians today, as in the past, are simple living, plain speaking pacifists.
The term "Cathars" derives from the Greek word Katheroi and means "Pure Ones". They were a gnostic Christian sect that arose in the 11th century, an offshoot of a small surviving European gnostic community that emigrated to the Albigensian region in the south of France.The medieval Cathar movement flourished in the 12th century A.D. throughout Europe until its virtual extermination at the hands of the Inquisition in 1245.
There are an ever increasing number of historians and other academics engaged in serious Cathar studies. Interestingly, to date, the deeper they have dug, the more they have vindicated Cathar claims to represent a survival of the Earliest Christian Church.
Thank you!
Brad Hoffstetter
Communications Division
Assembly of good Christians
May we suggest the following scholarly sources:
1 answer
Well this all depends on what group of Weavers you're talking about?? There seems to be a number of groups called 'The Weavers' One of the most popular being the influential American folk music quartet of the late 1940s and early 1950s, consisting of Pete Seeger, Lee Hayes, Fred Hellerman, and Ronnie Gilbert. There's also the guild of Weavers who based in the City of London and help to preserve and improve craftmanship. But more interestingly is a group that seem connected to the Cathars religious sect. These chaps were persecuted by the Roman Catholic church as heretics and the Weavers seem to have been part of this group. 14 July, 2009
There was no weavers sect associated with the medieval Cathars. This is an invention of David McCandless who was hired to write, design and virally promote a film released by Universal Studios. See
The medieval Cathar movement did not create secret codes or the like embedded in weavings, paintings or other objects. There was never a prophecy concerning the year 2012 or any specific year.
Good Christians today, as in the past, are simple living, plain speaking pacifists.
The term "Cathars" derives from the Greek word Katheroi and means "Pure Ones". They were a gnostic Christian sect that arose in the 11th century, an offshoot of a small surviving European gnostic community that emigrated to the Albigensian region in the south of France.The medieval Cathar movement flourished in the 12th century A.D. throughout Europe until its virtual extermination at the hands of the Inquisition in 1245.
There are an ever increasing number of historians and other academics engaged in serious Cathar studies. Interestingly, to date, the deeper they have dug, the more they have vindicated Cathar claims to represent a survival of the earliest Christian Church.
Thank you!
Brad Hoffstetter
Communications Division
Assembly of good Christians
May we suggest the following scholarly sources:
1 answer
Peter the Hermit disappeared during the siege of Jerusalem in 1099.
However, according to one particular legend, he reappeared in France in 1100, where he founded the Neufmoustier abbey and died there in 1115.
This legend was created by Jacques de Vitry, a bishop from Liege. He wanted to write about inspirational characters of the Meuse area who had been to the crusades and came back, so as to encourage people from this area to engage in the Cathar crusade.
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"Two countries" is a literal English equivalent of the French phrase deux pays. The masculine plural phrase also translates as "two areas," "two lands" or "two regions" in the context of a culture within a culture, such as le pays basque ("the Basque country") or le pays cathare ("the Cathar country") within southern France. The pronunciation will be "duh pey-ee" in French.
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Alright, The fastest species I could find was a Toydarian's flight speed, which is 18m. But they only have a 6m base speed on land.
The fastest land species was the Filordus, which has a base land speed of 14m, but only when they are on all 4 legs. If you want to use any weapons or be civilized in general, you will be reduced to 6m.
After that, there are a multitude of species having an above average 12m base speeds, without any catches. These are: Anx, Blood Carver, Cathar, Charon, Frozian, Ho'Din, Jenet and Tiss'Shar.
Ultimate Alien Anthology
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The Treasure of Montségur refers to the alleged hidden riches of the Cathars, a religious group that was persecuted by the Catholic Church in the 13th century. Legend has it that the treasure was hidden in the fortress of Montségur before the Cathars were defeated by the crusaders. Many believe the treasure contains valuable artifacts or knowledge related to the Cathar faith.
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Aon, do, tri ceathar, cuig, se, seacht, ocht, naoi, deich (pronounced: aon, doe, three, cathar, cooig, shae, shockt, ockt, knee, day) === === a haon, a dó, a trí, a ceathair, a cúig, a sé, a seacht, a hocht, a naoi, a deich. (Irish) aon, dhà, trí, ceithir, còig, sia, seachd, ochd, naoi, deich. (Scottish Gaelic)
4 answers
Troubadours often sang about chivalry because it embodied the ideals of knighthood, such as bravery, honor, and loyalty. These themes resonated with their audiences, who were often members of the noble class seeking entertainment and inspiration. Chivalric tales also provided a way for troubadours to explore complex ideas about love, heroism, and morality within their songs and poems.
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Nearly all religions that have a concept of salvation allow it to both men and women. The conditions are identical for both sexes in Judaism and Christianity, and similar in Islam.
Only a few religions made a difference. In the Cathar religion, only men could reach Paradise. Cathars believed that if a woman lived a virtuous life, she would be reincarnated as a man. If the man was virtuous the second time around, he would then be saved.
I think there is a sect of Buddhism with a similar teaching about women being reincarnated as men, but this is not mainstream Buddhism. Besides, Nirvana (the state in which Hindus and Buddhists hope to finish) is not really the same thing as salvation.
1 answer
Gnostocism flourished during the early years of Christianity and, in the view of some scholars, may have accounted for around half the Christian population. What was to become the dominant branch of Christianity, Catholic-Orthodox, persecuted Gnosticism out of existence in western Europe, although it continued in eastern Europe. The Cathars were a sect with strong Gnostic influences that re-established a presence in southern France in the twelfth century, but was once again eliminated by the Catholic Inquisition.
Modern Cathars claim to be survivors of that purge and to maintain original Cathar beliefs.
The Rosicrucians are a legendary and secretive order that appears to have been founded in the 15th century, the 17th century or perhaps the 18th century. While it probably can not be described as genuinely Gnostic, it does claim some Gnostic influence.
1 answer
Throughout most of the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church had a monopoly for religion in western Europe. Few would challenge the Church for fear of eternal damnation.
Those the Church wished to punish could be excommunicated, which meant the disgrace of being unable to be buried in the church cemetery, as well as being thought to suffer an eternity in hell. The church often also referred those it regarded as criminals to the secular authorities for trial and appropriate punishment, thus relieving the clergy of the stain of blood on their hands. Any secular ruler who failed to implement the wishes of the church in these matters would himself risk punishment by the Church. Thus, the Catholic Church was feared absolutely.
When it was in the interests of the Church to do so, it could invite one ruler to invade another kingdom in order to eliminate a troublesome king, under the promise of the right to annexe territory. The Catholic Church eventually eliminated the troublesome Cathar non-Catholic sect in what is now southern France, by inviting the king of France to invade and annexe the Cathar territory. Thousand of western Christians heeded the Church's call for Crusades in the Holy Land, although the motivation was often for plunder, adventure and sport.
On the other hand, the Catholic Church held to itself the sole right to try or punish its own clergy. After the end of the Roman Empire, even the most powerful kings were not able to move against members of the clergy who challenged them or committed crimes against the secular laws.
The Church built up huge landholdings, worked by serfs or slaves, and its wealth was greater than any one kingdom.
1 answer
Aubrey Shelton has: Played Feldman in "Dissonances" in 2003. Played Board Member in "Charlie Jade" in 2005. Played Smeckler in "Charlie Jade" in 2005. Played Politician (Bomb) in "Starship Troopers 3: Marauder" in 2008. Performed in "Der Bibelcode" in 2008. Played Nugent in "Crusoe" in 2008. Played Albigence Waldo in "America: The Story of Us" in 2010. Played Samuel in "Strike Back" in 2010. Played Maitre D in "The Girl" in 2012. Played Boss Fagin in "The Great British Story" in 2012. Played William Lemessurier in "How We Invented the World" in 2012. Played Cathar Bishop in "Labyrinth" in 2012. Played Witoldski in "Restless" in 2012. Played Sam in "Bordering on Bad Behavior" in 2013.
1 answer
Gnostocism flourished during the early years of Christianity and, in the view of some scholars, may have accounted for around half the Christian population. What was to become the dominant branch of Christianity, Catholic-Orthodox, persecuted Gnosticism out of existence in western Europe, although it continued for some time in eastern Europe. The Cathars were a sect with strong Gnostic influences that re-established a presence in southern France in the twelfth century, but was once again eliminated by the Catholic Inquisition.
Modern Cathars claim to be survivors of that purge and to maintain original Cathar beliefs. Also, the Rosicrucians are a legendary and secretive order that appears to have been founded in the 15th century, the 17th century or perhaps the 18th century. While it probably can not be described as genuinely Gnostic, it does claim some Gnostic influence. In both cases, the number of followers appears to be extremely small.
1 answer
Answer this question…
It would make men angry.
2 answers
Quakers: Quakers were one of the first religious groups to actively oppose slavery and played a significant role in abolitionist movements.
Unitarians: Unitarians believed in the inherent worth of all individuals and opposed slavery on moral grounds.
Methodists: Methodists in the United States became increasingly vocal in their opposition to slavery, leading to the split of the denomination into Northern and Southern branches over the issue.
2 answers
From the end of the fourth century until the Reformation, the main challengers to Catholic domination of religious faith in Western Europe were variants of Gnostic Christianity. The greatest single gnostic challenge occurred in the form of the Cathar faith, particulary in southern France. Lesser challenges came from paganism, which re-established itself in Britain and Ireland, and from Judaism. In later times, the persecution of some 'witches' may have been intended to eliminate pockets of underground pagan worship. However, the persecution of witches was much more complex than just the elimination of a defeated rival.
The Church defeated these challenges by persecution, including murder and torture. While individual cases of cold-blooded killings have been documented, the Inquisition was preferred, as it could obtain useful information by torture, and the accused could be handed over to the secular authorities for execution, thus relieving the clergy of the stain of sin. Those who recanted remained at risk of execution if they even maintained contact with others who had escaped the reach of the Inquisition. Thus, fear and death were the blunt instruments used to ensure the continued dominance of Christianity in western Europe.
Western Europe is becoming increasingly secular. Although still the dominant religion in every nation of western Europe, Christianity is now a minority belief in some countries, a trend that seems to be accelerating. On present trends, Christianity will become a fringe belief during the course of the present century.
1 answer
Some famous French cultural landmarks include the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Palace of Versailles, Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Louvre Museum, and Mont Saint-Michel. These landmarks are significant symbols of French history, architecture, and art.
2 answers
The power of the Lord God Almighty and the message He sent through his missionaries converted what is now called France.
Answer The Franks, and the Baptism of Clovis began "France" as a nation. The Franks were a collection of tribes from the Baltic seacoast, they invaded Gaul (modern France) and Clovis became King of the "Franks" in 482. He was baptized in 496 which marks the beginning of "Catholic France". Clovis was called the "second Constantine". The Kingdom of France came into existence with Clovis as its first king. There was reputedly a miracle during Clovis' baptism, the Bishop had no Chrism to anoint him, looking up, a dove descended with a vial of Chrism. It was used for the next nearly 1,300 hundred years to anoint the Kings of France, even the protestant Gibbon recounts the story in 1780. The vial was smashed during the French revolution, the remains were recovered, and the last few drops were used for the coronation of Charles X in 1824.
2 answers
The power of the Lord God Almighty and the message He sent through his missionaries converted what is now called France. A:France had a troubled religious history. French Christianity began in Lyons and spread quite slowly until the fourth century and imperial patronage for what was to become the Catholic Church in the west. Under the early Christian emperors, Gnostic Christianity and Arianism were eliminated in the west, although remnants of Gnosticism continued in the eastern Empire, and Arianism continued in Spain. Emperor Theodosius' edict to make Christianity "as taught by the bishops of Rome and Alexandria" the state religion of empire, meant that henceforth France would be Catholic.The next phase began around 1172 when Cathar Christianity became well established in southern France, much to the consternation of the Catholic Church. Crusades were organised to destroy Catharism over a period of several decades, slaughtering much of the population. In the years between 1227 and 1235, Pope Gregory IX also issued a number of decrees that established the Inquisition. Finally the 'Parfaits', the Cathar Elect, at Montsegur were offered the choice of recanting or being burned at the stake. They chose martyrdom, and in March 1244 over two hundred went to the flames singing. The threat to Catholic unity had been eliminated and France was a Catholic country once more. Many French people embraced Protestantism during the Reformation. The policy of Francis I of France had been to encourage the reformers in the hope of causing difficulties for the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. However, in 1545, Francis proclaimed his allegiance to the Catholic Faith and ordered the extermination of the Waldensians. Despite this persecution, the Protestants increased in number and spread throughout most of France, greatly influenced by Calvinism. From 1562 to 1598, there were 8 religious civil wars, in which many Protestants died. In 1563, by the Peace of Ambroise, the Huguenots were allowed to practise their own worship in a number of cities. On St Bartholomew's Day in 1572, 8,000 Huguenots were killed in Paris, plus many more in the provinces. In 1576, by the Peace of Monsieur, the Huguenots were granted permission to worship throughout France except in the vicinity of Paris. Further persecution followed and, towards the end of the following century, the remaining Huguenots fled the country. Once again, France was Catholic. Answer The Franks, and the Baptism of Clovis began "France" as a nation. The Franks were a collection of tribes from the Baltic seacoast, they invaded Gaul (modern France) and Clovis became King of the "Franks" in 482. He was baptized in 496 which marks the beginning of "Catholic France". Clovis was called the "second Constantine". The Kingdom of France came into existence with Clovis as its first king. There was reputedly a miracle during Clovis' baptism, the Bishop had no Chrism to anoint him, looking up, a dove descended with a vial of Chrism. It was used for the next nearly 1,300 hundred years to anoint the Kings of France, even the protestant Gibbon - with his usual sneer - recounts the story in 1780. The vial was smashed during the French Revolution, the remains were recovered, and the last few drops were used for the coronation of Charles X in 1824.
1 answer
Unfortunately it wasn't until the 20th century that women were perceived as equal to men.
Historically women were see as mere chattel or property belonging to men, under the domination of men, and answerable to men.
There was no one theological depiction of women, and their place in both society and the theological understanding varied enormously during the Middle Ages.
Theologians had to deal with the realities of the time, some of which are often forgotten today. For example, a theologian of the time of Charlemagne had to conform his opinions to the fact that Charlemagne had married a woman who had been a Saxon soldier and fought against him in a battle. And a theologian of the time of Eleanor of Aquitaine had to deal with the fact that she owned more land than most European kings of her time. A theologian of the time of the Kalmar Union had to accommodate his understanding to the fact that its member states, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland, were all ruled by Queen Margaret I. And Byzantine theologians commonly had to deal with Empresses regnant who were their own superiors, in some respects even in the affairs of the Church.
There were times in the Middle Ages, when women were perceived as inferior to men, possibly even in all respects. But there were other times when women were considered to be the superiors of men in at least many respects, such as a native understanding of ethics, morality, and aesthetics. During the time of the Code of Chivalry, women became objects of adoration, and since this spilled into philosophical writings, it may have influence theological writings as well.
My guess is that most theologians of the Catholic Church never commented on the issue. And while I would guess that many theologians who did regard women as inferior, there were Cathar theologians who appear to have taught equality.
1 answer
Because Christianity was adopted as the state religion of the Roman Empire.
6 answers
The Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition(Spanish: Tribunal del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición), commonly known as the Spanish Inquisition (Inquisición española), was a tribunal established in 1480 by Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragonand Isabella I of Castile. It was intended to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms, and to replace the Medieval Inquisition which was under Papal control. It became the most substantive of the three different manifestations of the widerChristian Inquisition along with the Roman Inquisition and Portuguese Inquisition.
The Inquisition was originally intended in large part to ensure the orthodoxy of those who converted from Judaism and Islam. This regulation of the faith of the newly converted was intensified after the royal decrees issued in 1492 and 1501 ordering Jews and Muslims to convert or leave.
Various motives have been proposed for the monarchs' decision to fund the Inquisition such as increasing political authority, weakening opposition, suppressing conversos, profiting from confiscation of the property of convicted heretics, reducing social tensions and protecting the kingdom from the danger of a fifth column.
The body was under the direct control of the Spanish monarchy. It was not definitively abolished until 1834, during the reign ofIsabella II, after a period of declining influence in the previous century.
7 answers
In answering this question it is important to first define what constitutes a crusade in this discussion. Some historians argue that only crusades to the East (I.E. to Jerusalem etc.) where real crusades. This is called a traditionalist view. However, the view that is now becoming more widely accepted by modern historians is that the crusades include all the organised battles/wars by members of the catholic faith towards a certain group deemned to be enemies/threats to christendom, it must also be sanctioned/launched by the current pope. There must also be some sort of crusader beneifit such as the remission of sins or a plenary indulgence.
The latter definition mentioned above means that as well as the crusades to the East, there are also crusades against pagans in the balkans, crusades against the German emperor Frederick II, and the Albigensian crusades in Southern France against the Cathar heretcs. As well as many other small crusades.
In the begining of the crusading movement, the crusades were all to the East. The main motives for these crusades was the protection of Christian Holy sites such as the sepulcher. Another important motive was the protection of both christians living in the area and also pilgrims who were increasinly facing attack from Muslim forces.
During the course of the crusades, the direction of some crusades changed from the east to areas within Europe. This also caused the motives to change. There were no holy sites to protect, and no pilgrims or christians under immediate threat. Instead these crusades could be described as political crusades. This is particularly true of the crusade against Frederick II. Frederick and the pope of the time fell out for many reasons and the crusade was launched by the pope as a way of dealing with his political problems caused by Frederick in areas such a lombardy.
Crusades against the pagans and the cathars in southern France, also so not fit in with the motive that apply to crusading to the east. Instead, this was a way of attacking potential threat to Christianity and/or the popes political power. The Pope that was most willinging to sanction these political crusades was Innocent III who was particularly ruthless.
1 answer
France is about 86-88% Catholic. Many famous French nationals were or are Catholic such as Jacques Cousteau, Jacqueline Auriol, Brigitte Bardot, getting more spiritual, Probably more modern saints came from France than other European countries, this would include Saint Vincent De Paul- who founded various charities ( still extant) and with Ste Louise de Marillac- the Sisters of Charity, well-known female siants such as Ste. Catherine Laboure ( of the Sisters of Charity) Bernadette of Lourdes, and Theresa of Lisieux have been French. I"d say they were the biggest Catholic power- not without some schisms and jolts, outside of Fair Italy itself. During the so-called Babylonian captivity ( not in the mid-east)- For about 40 years Babylon France was the main seat of the church, which inspired the Folk song about everybody doing the dance on the Bridge of Avignon, which was in the same region of France. So it went. Many Saints from France.
2 answers
Another answer from our community:
The Catholic Church has never had as one of its goals to try to make all western Europeans believe and practice one faith. As a matter of fact any attempt to coerce people into belief Catholicism teaches is a failure and a crime. The Catholic Church, as the Body of Christ, has always had as her mission to go out into all the world, and preach Jesus Christ, and baptize all people. That mission is towards every human being, not just western Europeans.
However, Catholic Kings certainly may have had that as one of their goals, I am thinking of Charlemagne in particular, and later Kings and Queens who sought to unify their Kingdoms through one religion, that is certainly something to be looked at, but as it was never a goal of the Catholic Church per se, your question really doesn't have a good answer.
2 answers
There were many reasons the Church hated the Cathars. One reason is that many of the Catholic priests and nobles were attracted to Catharism. This threatened the Catholic Church's monopoly. But there is one thing that also bothered them about the Cathar congregations - They were democratic and voted. This really bothered the pope and the monarchy. If people could vote they'd then want to vote on everything!!!
Cathars were a threat because they were the "perfects"' that had received the light of Christ, which is the Knowledge of the Father, because it is God alone who grants to those who love and obey Jesus the secret of the Kingdom.
the Cathars were obedient to the call of Jesus , ( leave all and follow Him )
Plainly....they had received so great a treasure from God, which is the promise to all who love God with all their hearts and mind
Salvation is from God alone, therefore did Jesus say "if you really knew me, you would know the Father "" this is the true gnosis which they possessed..
therefore Jesus said "call NO man on earth Father, for you have one and He is in heaven, and call no man teacher, for you have one , and he is the Messiah...
they were taught by God alone, by His spirit...and with this voice did they come against the ( authorities ) and the rest is history.....
. AnswerCathari is a name applied to various Manichaean sects of the later Middle Ages. The essential tenet of their belief was philosophical dualism. There were two ultimate principles, really two creator gods, one of good and the other of evil. They denied the value of oaths and the right to punish, commended suicide, and rejected marriage. Their ideas tended to undermine the foundations of civil society, and for this reason they were opposed not only by the church but also by the State. By the fourteenth century Catharism had practically disappeared in France, Germany, and England by the next century in Italy and the Balkans, where it had previously flourished. - from Modern Catholic Dictionary by Fr. John Hardon S.J.
2 answers
Turritopsis dohrnii, is a hydrozoan commonly called "immortal jellyfish." These jellyfish have the ability to revert back to the polyp stage if they are under environmental stress. Their cells do this by changing what type of cells they are, called transdifferentiation.
4 answers
This is rather like asking how women were treated in the history of post Columbian North America. The Middle Ages lasted 1000 years and covered a continent. There was no one way women were treated. But we can make some generalizations.
Equality was not a concept that people thought about much in those days. There were groups that had the idea that women were the equals of men, the Cathar movement being notable in this respect, but it was suppressed (for reasons having little to do with how women were treated). But in general, men and women were considered to be different in nearly all ways, including physical strength, intelligence, and rights. Women had rights and abilities, to be sure, but not the equal of men's.
Probably the biggest disadvantage that women suffered was that they could not inherit property or titles if they had living brothers, a situation that was nearly universal. In most places, they could own land and titles if it did come to them. This changed with time, but not necessarily for the better. In England, women's property was their own until the 13th century, and after that was their husbands'.
There were countries where women were allowed to be the monarchs, and there were other countries where they were not. England and Scotland both allowed ruling queens, and while both came close to crowning women as rulers, it did not happen in either in the Middle Ages. Most of the Spanish kingdoms had ruling queens, as did a number of Slavic countries. Denmark did not legally allow a queen to rule, but that did not stop it from happening, and Queen Margaret I was one of the most successful monarchs in the country's history. The Byzantine Empire had several ruling empresses. France did not allow women to rule the country, but women could own and rule smaller areas, including duchies. The Holy Roman Empire was similar in not allowing women to rule.
Women worked at many jobs, including stone mason, carpenter, physician, weaver, troubadour, and just about anything else you can imagine. There were women who fought in battles, and there were women who were knighted.
Women worked with their husbands in much of the Middle Ages, and always had to be ready to take over business, whatever that was. Usually it meant plowing the fields, but if the husband was baker, merchant, or architect, there was a strong likelihood that the wife was quite able to take over. In much of the Middle Ages this was assumed, and many guilds made provision for a transfer of business to a woman if the husband died or was incapacitated.
In the High Middle Ages, the concept of Chivalry became important. This elevated women to a point of putting them on a pedestal. It was an improvement in some ways, and not in others. Later on in the Middle Ages, the condition of women was degraded. I suspect the reasons for this were very complex. As mentioned above, women were less able to own property. But guilds, for example, stopped allowing women to be members, possibly because they had built trust funds to provide allowances for widows instead of requiring them to work.
There are links to related questions below, and most of these have further links to resources.
3 answers
The cast of Legend of the Last Labyrinth - 1997 includes: Juliet Cesario as Rouge Katey Dennett as Kaige Traci Dinwiddie as Vega David Fuchs as Takashi Fujikawa Michelle Gagliano as Meige Treena Hales as Koine Suzumura Tomoe Hanba as Kaoru Takami Ken Ishizuka as Takashi Fujikawa Maria Kawamura as Vega Shiho Kikuchi as Rouge Andrew Masset as Sagan Ashley McDaid as Kaoru Takami Tomoyuki Morikawa as Raiga Yoshiko Okamoto as Landlady Carol Pendergrast as Kayo Felicia Potts as Layge Tony Schnur as Tsutomu Ota Hekiru Shiina as Meige Yuri Shiratori as Kaige Scott Simpson as Yusuke Mizuki Shoko Sugawara as Koine Suzumura Sho Takaghi as Yusuke Mizuki Kosuke Toriumi as Tsutomu Ota Dave Underwood as Raiga Geoff Whitesell as Regulus Miki Yoshino as Layge
7 answers
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition, English translation 1994
Incredulity is the neglect of revealed truth or the willful refusal to assent to it. "Heresy is the obstinate post-baptismal denial of some truth which must be believed with divine and Catholic faith, or it is likewise an obstinate doubt concerning the same; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Roman Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him." (Codex Iuris Canonici, canon 751: emphasis added.)
From the 1983 Code of Canon Law:
"Heresy is the obstinate denial or doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith."
7 answers
Another answer from our community:
There weren't millions of Christians in medieval Europe for the simple reason that there weren't "millions" altogether in Europe at that time. Secondly, the Catholic Church has never tried to justify murder, it condemns it as against as against the Fifth Commandment (see first quote below). Finally, I believe that you are asking about the Inquisition. Everything that you have heard about the Inquisition consists of grossly distorted lies and falsehoods that have been repeated and handed down for centuries, even making it into the history books in more than a few instances. Very few people were ever actually executed (certainly not "murdered"), and those that were executed were executed for treason by the civil government NOT by the Church, nor for heresy. If you are interested in truth, I should recommend picking up the following two books:What Every Catholic Wants to Know Catholic History from the Catacombs to the Reformation, by Diane Moczar, c 2006 by Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division. Seven Lies About Catholic History Infamous Myths About the Church's Past and How to Answer Them by Diane Moczar, c 2010 by TAN Books, Charlotte, North Carolina1. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourself a graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them or serve them. For I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.
2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
3. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work; but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your manservant, or your maidservant, or your cattle, or the sojourner who is within your gates; for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day; therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
4. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you.
5. You shall not kill.
6. You shalt not commit adultery.
7. You shalt not steal.
8. You shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor.
9. You shalt not covet your neighbor's wife.10. You shalt not covet your neighbor's goods.
from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980Inquisition. The special court or tribunal appointed by the Catholic Church to discover and suppress heresy and to punish heretics. The Roman Inquisition of the middle twelfth century, with its ecclesiastical courts for trying and punishing heretics, arose during the ravages of the anti-social Albigensian sect, whose doctrines and practices were destructive not only of faith but of Christian morality and public order. While Church authorities would condemn a person found guilty of heresy, it was the civil power that actually inflicted the penalty. The reformation of the heretic was first sought. By exhortations and minor punishments he was urged to give up his heresy. Many did. Only the relapsed heretics who were found guilty were turned over to the civil government for punishment required under civil law. The fact that secular law prescribed death must be understood in the light of those days when heresy was anarchy and treason and leniency in criminal codes was unknown. Like all institutions that have a human character abuses crept in.
2 answers
The definition of murder is the unlawful taking of a life. The Catholic Church is the Body of Christ on earth, and, as such, is here to bring God, especially through His Word and Sacraments to the people to save them. The Church, as such, is perfect, and has never murdered anyone.
But the Church is composed of sinners, from top to bottom, from the Apostles to modern times, there is not a single member of the Church, saving Our Blessed Lord, Himself, and His Blessed Mother, who are not sinners.
The members of the Church, in some cases even Bishops or the Pope, himself, have done wicked things throughout history. When you speak of "the Church" as referring to its sinful members, then, yes, they have murdered people in the name of God. Was it right? Certainly not, but the various inquisitions over the centuries have been brought up continually to discredit the Church.
Because there have been sinful people in positions of authority in the Church in the last twenty centuries who have done despicable things does not prove that the Catholic Church is not the Church of Christ; nor does it prove that the Catholic Church has acting more wickedly than any other institution in the various centuries in question.
As for the actual numbers of people killed in the various inquisitions, one must be very careful. Some sources which have been considered "reputable" by protestants for many years, have contained figures for the people killed by the inquisition as more than the present population of Europe! Almost all sources are wildly inflated.
One example: the Cathars, who waged war on Christians and killed many of them in southern France in the beginning of the 13th century: The King of France launched a crusade in 1209 to destroy the Cathar's military might, it was a brutal invasion where as many as 6,000 men, women, and children died. It was not an inquisition, and not run by the Church.
The Church started it's first "inquisition" in 1231 as a response to the Cathar influence in Southern France. The numbers of people over the years actually killed by secular authorities (after having being tried by Church courts) was, inflated, maybe in the hundreds over many decades. When looking at numbers for the Church inquisitions during those centuries, remember a number of things, 1) the populate of European nations at that time was far less than it is today, 2) the number of people brought to trial were minuscule, and 3) the number actually killed was even less. If you look at actual trials and sentences from this era, you begin to realize that the Church trials were much more lenient and were actually trying to accomplish good goals; even though, in many instances, innocent people ended up harmed, and there was a lot of evil. Still you have to keep things in perspective.
For excellent coverage of this and other issues, read Karl Keating's Catholicism and Fundamentalism, chapter 23 on the Inquisition. Many of the modern day fundamentalists identify with the Albigensians due to one or two perceived similarities. This is a gross mistake.
Please see the five part series (below) on actual records recently released concerning the Spanish Inquisition.
6 answers
The idea of reincarnation is not taught in the Bible. In fact, the Bible teaches the resurrection, which is much different than reincarnation. How? According to the teaching of reincarnation, when a person dies, the soul, the "real self," passes on to a better existence if the individual has lived a good and proper life, but possibly to an existence as an animal if his record has been more bad than good. Each rebirth, it is believed, brings the individual back into this same system of things, where he will face further suffering and eventual death. The cycles of rebirth are viewed as virtually endless. Is such a future really what awaits you? Some believe that the only way of escape is by extinguishing all desire for things pleasing to the senses. To what do they escape? To what some describe as unconscious life.
According to the Bible, the soul is the complete person. Even though a person may have done bad things in the past, if he repents and changes his ways, Jehovah God will forgive him. (Ps. 103:12, 13) When a person dies, his conscience and thinking stops.(Ecclesiates 9:5,10) Death is like a deep, dreamless sleep. There will be a resurrection of the dead. (John 5:28,29) This is not a reincarnation but a bringing back to life of the same personality, the same person. (Acts 24:15) For most people, the resurrection will be to life on earth. It will take place after God brings the present wicked system to its end. (Psalms 37:10,11; Matthew 5:5) Sickness, suffering, even the necessity to die, will become things of the past. (Dan. 2:44; Rev. 21:3, 4).
Reincarnation is the most ancient of doctrines and is believed in now by more human minds than the number of those who do not hold it. The millions in the East almost all accept it; it was taught by the Greeks; a large number of the Chinese now believe it as their forefathers did before them. It was believed by the Jews, and not only believed by Jesus but he also taught it.
Another View:
Most early Christians actually believed in reincarnation. An early Christian leader in the third century named Origen espoused it. In the sixth century, the head of the Christian Church was Emperor Justinian, who could and did overrule the papacy. Pope Vigilius and Emperor Justinian had a disagreement as to whether the teachings of Origen should be part of official Christian theology. Justinian condemned Origen, had Pope Vigilius arrested and put in jail for refusing to sign a papal decree condemning Origen's teaching on reincarnation, and ordered all references of reincarnation omitted from the Bible - including an entire chapter devoted to it. Here is the official decree of Emperor Justinian:
"If anyone asserts the fabulous preexistence of souls, and shall assert the monstrous restoration which follows from it: let him be anathema. (The Anathemas against Origen), attached to the decrees of the Fifth Ecumenical Council, A.D. 545, in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2d ser., 14: 318)."
From that point on, anyone caught teaching the doctrine of rebirth faced governmental prosecution if not execution. However, minor references to reincarnation still remain in the Bible and there was an entire reincarnationist sect for a time that espoused it: the Cathars or Cathari (from the Greek word, katharos, which means "the pure ones"), that were based in what is now called the south of France (then Languedoc). After it was realized that the Church in Rome could no longer control the "heretics" and collect church taxes, triggered by the murder of a papal legate in France by Cathar knights, Pope Innocent the Third ordered their execution in what came to be called The Albigensian Crusade. Essentially constituting a large land grab for northern French noblemen and Catholic mercenaries, entire towns were reduced to ruins and many atrocities (torture, rape, etc.) were committed. One consequence was that the fledgling, decimated nation of Languedoc melted into becoming part of France.
With the Church desiring greater control over the masses, they wanted people to think that they only have one shot at salvation - only through the Church - and that there is no chance to have another incarnation later on. Free-thinking individuals who espoused reincarnation were thought of as a threat to Church control and were suppressed. That is the real reason why reincarnation is not part of official Christian theology and is not taught in Christian Sunday school and in seminary today. Not because it was ordained that reincarnation doesn't happen but because a long-dead emperor - Justinian - wanted to gain more control over the masses.
Evidence for the validity of the doctrine of rebirth is found in past-life regression studies as well as within near-death experience research. It is suggested to do an online search on these topics.
The belief that one is reborn in one or more successive existences, which may be human or animal. Usually it is an intangible "soul" that is believed to be reborn in another body. Not a Bible teaching
Reincarnation: According to this belief, when a person dies, the soul, the "real self," passes on to a better existence if the individual has lived a good and proper life, but possibly to existence as an animal if his record has been more bad than good. Each rebirth, it is believed, brings the individual back into this same system of things, where he will face further suffering and eventual death. The cycles of rebirth are viewed as virtually endless. Is such a future really what awaits you? Some believe that the only way of escape is by extinguishing all desire for things pleasing to the senses. To what do they escape? To what some describe as unconscious life.
Bible: According to the Bible, the soul is the complete person. Even though a person may have done bad things in the past, if he repents and changes his ways, Jehovah God will forgive him. (Ps. 103:12, 13) When a person dies, nothing survives. Death is like a deep, dreamless sleep. There will be a resurrection of the dead. This is not a reincarnation but a bringing back to life of the same personality. (Acts 24:15) For most people, the resurrection will be to life on earth. It will take place after God brings the present wicked system to its end. Sickness, suffering, even the necessity to die, will become things of the past. (Dan. 2:44; Rev. 21:3, 4) Does such a hope sound like something about which you would like to learn more, to examine the reasons for confidence in it?
3 answers
To understand the aims first we must look back into history.
Protestant revolution was not the origin of protestantism.The first protestant church was the apostolic church. (the church depicted in new testament do not pray to "saints" or use statues\images in prayer worship.) Thus it was protestant in essence.
Later in 4th century Constantine the then roman emperor gave Christianity a special status in his empire,inorder to consolidate the diminishing power of his goverment because of the fastly increasing christian minority that was spread throughout the Roman empire.Through the edict of milan, thessalonica and council of nicae what they did was not toleration for christianity,but to create a new fake religion in the name of Jesus,in which they integrated the ancient roman idolatry as the practice of intercession to saints.Many christians at that time were against this.Some of them were donatists,early manichaens,paulicians,bogomils,cathars,waldensians,hussites and finally protestants.
When Constantine gave chritianity a special status in his empire inorder to conolidate the diminishing power of his government because of the fastly increasing christian minority that was spread throughout the Roman empire., majority in his empire was still pagan and they found it hard to forgo of their old idolatrous practices. So the state changed the names of their old idols to "christian" names and continued to use them in prayer/worship . This came to be known as "intercession/veneration to saints" and is still practiced by catholic and orthodox 'christians'.True christians like donatists(,s.europe),early manichaens(middle east,,central asia) opposed this practice,but catholics branded them heretics and massacred them.Iconoclastic movement of (7th-8th century) century was against this practice, later protestant revolution (15-16th century) was waged mainly against this practice.
Thus when constantine gave christianity special status in his empire,idolatry also entered along with it in the unsuspecting name of "intercession to saints".This soon spread to most of the church,because such was the influence of roman empire at that time.But few like donatists(north african christians) and followers of mani ~ Manichean's (mani was a 2nd century apostle of jesus whose followers spread from persia to balkans in the west and to china in the east,before falling into oblivion probably because of islamic conquest) remained true to the gospel of christ.
Later remenants of these christians spread to turkey and balkans where they were called paulicians and bogomils respectively.They were behind the iconoclastic movement of 7-8th century.Both these groups came under heavy persecution from catholics because they dared to expose the truth of christ to them.Finally they were wiped out by catholic crusaders,en route to capture Jerusalem by a secret directive from vatican in 12th century,perhaps the real intention of antichristians(catholics) for taking up crusades was to wipe out true christian like paulcians and bogomils who exposed their idolatry and lies.
But almost simultaneously,the spirit of God started 2 new christian movements in heart of catholicism itself~in italy and france . In italy they were called waldensians and in france they were called cathars .Cathars were wiped out in the 12th centutry by catholic crusaders~a mass murder popularly called as cathar/albinesian crusade (catholic church still take great pride in these crusades) .But italian waldensians continued inspite of severe catholic persecution and they remain to this day .
By 15th century printing was invented and bible became available to masses . They came to know about truth that catholic church was doing idolatry in the name of god . They revolted and it came to be known as protestant revolution and were led by many great leaders like jan hus,jan zizka,martin luther,ulrich zwigli,john calvin,john knox,john wesley and many others .Today protestants number more than 800 million .
In future (after the soon coming WW3) they will unite as single god's church and all people living on earth will be it's members.The 3rd temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem and it shall be called "the house of prayer for people of all nations" exactly as Jesus predicted nearly 2000 years ago.Animal and other sacrifices will be offered there in the rememberance of the ultimate sacrifice ofJesus Christ on the cross,just as it symbolized the coming sacrifice of christ in the old testament period.This will remain till coming of christ ( rapture) .
In rapture believers will be taken and hypocrites left behind to face great tribulation(such as never happened before or never will in the future) which will last for 7 years.The first half of this tribulation will be very prosperous, making people of earth deluded,it will be like a strong "wine' of delusion sent by god to people who rejected him.In the half of this 7 year period antichrist will break his agreement with jews and put up the awful horror in the holy temple.He will require all to have number 666 imprinted on them to buy or sell.Those who get this mark of 666 are damned for eternal hell.So anybody who happens to be in tribulation period,want salvation he/she has to die as martyrs or get the mark of christ(144,000 people).
I understand catholics will be angered by this, but their anger is in vain because this is the truth and truth will triumph.Also note that throughout the centuries catholics branded(and still branding) all these groups as dualistic pagans heretics who need to be wiped out from face of earth... such brandings were less effective against prots,inorder to fulfill the prophecy of Jesus-"You are peter(petros-masculine noun in greek, meaning a small stone) and i shall build my church(non feminist protestantism) on this rock(petra-feminine noun in greek, meaning a large mass of rock,not the degrading dead body of peter buried under vatican as catholics claim/believe)and gates of hell(catholicism and oter false religions/ideologies) will not prevail over it".
The Roman Catholic Church interprets Jesus here to say, "You are Peter, and upon you, Peter, I will build My church." Peter would be the rock upon which the Church would be built . He would be the "prince of all the apostles and visible head of the whole church."
There are several problems with this interpretation. The first is that someone reading Matthew's Gospel in Greek, the original language of the New Testament, would not have immediately concluded that Peter was the rock. In the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus said to Simon, "You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church" (Matthew 16:18), His choice of words was significant. Though Peter's name means rock (petros), Jesus did not say, "You are Peter (Petros), and upon this rock (petros-which accurately means a small unstable stone) I will build my church,instead he said you are peter(petros) and i shall build my church on this petra(meaning bedrock,or a large rock mass).
Peter's name, Petros,is masculine in gender and refers to a boulder or a detached stone. Greek literature also uses it of a small stone that might be picked up and thrown.
What Jesus said to Peter could be translated, "You are Stone, and upon this bedrock I will build My church." His choice of words would indicate that the rock on which the church would be built was something other than Peter,which can only refer to the revelation given to Peter by the most high God,that is-Jesus is the Christ(messiah), the Son of the living God.
2 answers
Christian(protestant) reformation gave a new vibrancy and life to music,art and the true religion of god.Christian reformation brought Europe and world out of dark ages into an era of scientific and cultural development.Christian reformation made people understand the pagan practices of Catholicism and come out of the catholic lies to truth and reality of scriptures that embody the God's church/Christ's church.
Protestant revolution was not the origin of protestantism.The first protestant church was the apostolic church. (the church depicted in new testament do not pray to "saints" or use statues\images in prayer worship.) Thus it was protestant in essence.
Later in 4th century Constantine the then roman emperor gave Christianity a special status in his empire,inorder to conolidate the diminishing power of his goverment because of the fastly increasing christian minority that was spread throughout the Roman empire.Through the edict of milan, thessalonica and council of nicae what they did was not toleration for christianity,but to create a new fake religion in the name of Jesus,in which they integrated the ancient roman idolatry as the practice of intercession to saints.Many christians at that time were against this.Some of them were donatists,early manichaens,paulicians,bogomils,cathars,waldensians,hussites and finally protestants.
When Constantine gave chritianity a special status in his empire inorder to conolidate the diminishing power of his government because of the fastly increasing christian minority that was spread throughout the Roman empire., majority in his empire was still pagan and they found it hard to forgo of their old idolatrous practices. So the state changed the names of their old idols to "christian" names and continued to use them in prayer/worship . This came to be known as "intercession/veneration to saints" and is still practiced by catholic and orthodox 'christians'.True christians like donatists(,s.europe),early manichaens(middle east,,central asia) opposed this practice,but catholics branded them heretics and massacred them.Iconoclastic movement of (7th-8th century) century was against this practice, later protestant revolution (15-16th century) was waged mainly against this practice.
Thus when constantine gave christianity special status in his empire,idolatry also entered along with it in the unsuspecting name of "intercession to saints".This soon spread to most of the church,because such was the influence of roman empire at that time.But few like donatists(north african christians) and followers of mani ~ Manichean's (mani was a 2nd century apostle of jesus whose followers spread from persia to balkans in the west and to china in the east,before falling into oblivion probably because of islamic conquest) remained true to the gospel of christ.
Later remenants of these christians spread to turkey and balkans where they were called paulicians and bogomils respectively.They were behind the iconoclastic movement of 7-8th century.Both these groups came under heavy persecution from catholics because they dared to expose the truth of christ to them.Finally they were wiped out by catholic crusaders,en route to capture Jerusalem by a secret directive from vatican in 12th century,perhaps the real intention of antichristians(catholics) for taking up crusades was to wipe out true christian like paulcians and bogomils who exposed their idolatry and lies.
But almost simultaneously,the spirit of God started 2 new christian movements in heart of catholicism itself~in italy and france . In italy they were called waldensians and in france they were called cathars .Cathars were wiped out in the 12th centutry by catholic crusaders~a mass murder popularly called as cathar/albinesian crusade (catholic church still take great pride in these crusades) .But italian waldensians continued inspite of severe catholic persecution and they remain to this day .
By 15th century printing was invented and bible became available to masses . They came to know about truth that catholic church was doing idolatry in the name of god . They revolted and it came to be known as protestant revolution and were led by many great leaders like jan hus,jan zizka,martin luther,ulrich zwigli,john calvin,john knox,john wesley and many others .Today protestants number more than 800 million .
In future (after the soon coming WW3) they will unite as single god's church and all people living on earth will be it's members.The 3rd temple will be rebuilt in jerusalem and it shall be called "the house of prayer for people of all nations" exactly as Jesus predicted nearly 2000 years ago.Animal and other sacrifices will be offered there in the rememberance of the ultimate sacrifice ofJesus Christ on the cross,just as it symbolized the coming sacrifice of christ in the old testament period.This will remain till coming of christ ( rapture) .
In rapture believers will be taken and hypocrites left behind to face great tribulation(such as never happened before or never will in the future) which will last for 7 years.The first half of this tribulation will be very prosperous, making people of earth deluded,it will be like a strong "wine' of delusion sent by god to people who rejected him.In the half of this 7 year period antichrist will break his agreement with jews and put up the awful horror inthe holy temple.He will require all to have number 666 imprinted on them to buy or sell.Those who get this mark of 666 are damned for eternal hell.So anybody who happens to be in tribulation period,want salvation he/she has to die as martyrs or get the mark of christ(144,000 people).
I understand catholics will be angered by this, but their anger is in vain because this is the truth and truth will triumph.Also note that throughout the centuries catholics branded(and still branding) all these groups as dualistic pagans heretics who need to be wiped out from face of earth... such brandings were less effective against prots,inorder to fulfill the prophecy of Jesus-"You are peter(petros-masculine noun in greek, meaning a small stone) and i shall build my church(non feminist protestantism) on this rock(petra-feminine noun in greek, meaning a large mass of rock,not the degrading dead body of peter buried under vatican as catholics claim/believe)and gates of hell(catholicism and oter false religions/ideologies) will not prevail over it".
The Roman Catholic Church interprets Jesus here to say, "You are Peter, and upon you, Peter, I will build My church." Peter would be the rock upon which the Church would be built . He would be the "prince of all the apostles and visible head of the whole church."
There are several problems with this interpretation. The first is that someone reading Matthew's Gospel in Greek, the original language of the New Testament, would not have immediately concluded that Peter was the rock. In the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus said to Simon, "You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church" (Matthew 16:18), His choice of words was significant. Though Peter's name means rock (petros), Jesus did not say, "You are Peter (Petros), and upon this rock (petros-which accurately means a small unstable stone) I will build my church,instead he said you are peter(petros) and i shall build my church on this petra(meaning bedrock,or a large rock mass).
Peter's name, Petros,is masculine in gender and refers to a boulder or a detached stone. Greek literature also uses it of a small stone that might be picked up and thrown.
What Jesus said to Peter could be translated, "You are Stone, and upon this bedrock I will build My church." His choice of words would indicate that the rock on which the church would be built was something other than Peter,which can only refer to the revelation given to Peter by the most high God,that is-Jesus is the Christ(messiah), the Son of the living God.
1 answer
The Rosary is a tool used by Catholics and some Protestant denominations to honor Mary, the mother of Jesus. It consists of a Crucifix, 6 "Our Father" beads and 53 "Hail Mary" beads. If you would like to learn about how to pray it I suggest: (website below)
Contrary to popular culture the Rosary is not meant to be worn. It is a devotional tool. Most people would find it offensive to see someone wearing it. Especially someone who does not believe in it's power.
Roman Catholic AnswerThere are many different things involved in answering your question. First of all, one of the most important things that we must do as Christians is to pray, and beginning prayer is meditation. Realize that Christian meditation has absolutely nothing in common with Eastern meditation. That are completely different things and that fact that they are called by the same word is an unfortunate happenstance. Christian meditation is recalling and thinking about the truths of the faith. Meditation using Sacred Scripture (the Bible) is called Lectio Divinia.
The rosary is a series of prayers based on the Bible - the Our Father, and the Hail Mary (the Angelic Salutation from the Gospel of Luke). But the vocal prayer is like the background music, if you will, to the meditation of the mysteries of the faith, which is the heart of the rosary.
The rosary meditations are:
Annunciation of angel Gabriel to Mary
Visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth
Nativity of our Blessed Savior
Presentation in the Temple
Finding in the Temple
Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan
Self manifestation of Jesus at the Miracle of Cana
Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
The Transfiguration on the Mount
The Institution of the Blessed Eucharist
The Agony in the Garden
The Scouring at the Pillar
The Crowning with Thorns
The Carrying of the Cross
The Crucifixion
The Resurrection
The Ascension
The Descent of the Holy Spirit
The Assumption of the B.V.M.
The Crowning of the B.V.M. as Queen of Heaven and Earth.
So we are praying by meditating on the mysteries of our Redemption. And this form of prayer was very ancient, but the form that we currently use was given by Our Blessed Mother to St. Dominic (who was founder of the Dominicans). As Catholics, we walk in our Savior's footsteps, and one of the ways in which we imitate Him is in His love and devotion to His mother.
So the rosary is important to us, as Catholic Christians, as fulfilling our Blessed Lord's command to pray always, as meditation on the events of His life, as a form of prayer that was given to us at the express wish of Our Blessed Mother, and as one of the forms of prayer, above most others that leads many saints to intimate union with God.
Below is the form that I made up for my students in Sunday school:
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen CRUCIFIX
L. I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of Heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord.He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the Virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into Hell. On the third day He rose again.
He ascended into Heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
R. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church,
the Communion of the Saints, the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen
Our Father (for the Pope). Three Hail Mary's (Faith, Hope, Charity) Glory be.
All. O my Jesus, forgive us our sins,
save us from the first of Hell.
Lead all souls to Heaven,
especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. Amen
For each decade:
L. Our Father, who art in heaven, BIG BEAD
Hallowed be Thy Name,
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,
On Earth as it is in Heaven
R. Give us this day, our daily bread,
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us,
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
L. Hail Mary, full of grace, SMALL BEADS - 10 TIMES
The Lord is with thee,
Blessed are thou amongst women,
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
R. Holy Mary, Mother of God,
Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death.
L. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. CHAIN
R. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
L. O my Jesus...
R. forgive us our sins,
save us from the first of Hell.
Lead all souls to Heaven,
especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. Amen
Final prayers:
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy! Our life,
our sweetness, and our hope! To thee do we
cry, poor banished children of Eve; to thee do
we send up our sights, mourning and weeping
in this valley of tears. Turn, then, most
gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward
us; and after this our exile show unto us the
blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement,
O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary!
L. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,
R. that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.
All: O God, whose only-begotten Son, by His life,
death, and Resurrection, has purchased for us
the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech
Thee, that meditating on these Mysteries of
the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin
Mary, we may imitate what they contain, and
obtain what they promise, through the same
Christ our lord. Amen.
7 answers