feles, felis (noun, 3rd, fem) cat; marten/ferret/polecat/wild cat; mouser; inveigler, seducer, tom-cat; thief;
cattus, catti (noun, 2nd, masc) cat; wild cat; kind of trout; siege engine;
catus, cati (noun, 2nd, masc) cat; wild cat; kind of trout; siege engine; male cat;
gattus, gatti (noun, 2nd, masc) cat
gatta, gattae (noun, 1st, fem) cat (perhaps female); gateway, gap;
1 answer
There is no given evidence to suggest that bluestar killed any cat.
1 answer
If your cat is kicking back legs in pain, it could be a sign of injury or discomfort. It's important to take your cat to the vet for a thorough examination to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment. Do not attempt to handle or restrain your cat without professional guidance to prevent further injury.
2 answers
form_title=Cat Flea Treatment form_header=Keep your cat feeling purrrrr-fect. Find the most effective flea treatments guaranteed to stop the itch. Has your cat ever had fleas or ticks before?*= () Yes () No Is your cat allergic to any products?*= () Yes () No Do you have a preferred type of flea control that you are already using?*= () Yes () No Breed of cat?*= _[50] Is your cat an indoor or outdoor cat?*= () Indoor () Outdoor
2 answers
The cat in the "Dick and Jane" primer is named Puff. Puff is the family's pet cat in the series of early readers.
2 answers
form_title=Cat Health Insurance form_header=Protect your cat from illness and accidents. Find an affordable coverage plan that fits your specific needs. Does your cat have any pre existing medical conditions?*= () Yes () No Is your cat spayed or neutered?*= () Yes () No How old is your cat?*= _[50] Breed of cat?*= _[50]
2 answers
Yes, it can be harmful for a cat to eat cat litter, especially if it is a clumping clay litter. Ingesting cat litter can cause intestinal blockages or other digestive issues. It is important to monitor your cat and consult a vet if you suspect they have eaten cat litter.
4 answers
It is totally normal for cats to have bad breath. It totally smells though. It's most likely from the cat food they eat. As for snoring, my cat was doing that just a moment ago. It was weird, but not abnormal. You can tell if your cat is feeling well or not by their tail. If it is drooping down, you may want to take your cat to the vet.
1 answer
A cat with testicles is male, while a cat with nipples can be either male or female. Nipples are a characteristic present in both male and female cats, but testicles are exclusive to male cats.
2 answers
Cat Stevens wrote the song and presumably is receiving the royalties for it.
1 answer
A cat with a temperature of 103.4°F could be considered running a low-grade fever. Monitor for any other symptoms of illness and consult with a veterinarian if the fever persists or if the cat's condition worsens.
3 answers
Take your cat to the vet. Seriously. Do it now.
1 answer
Thios sounds very serious, have you been to the vet? Is the cat getting enough to eat? -
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the cat sounds like it has a tapeworm, and needs to be seen by a vet, ASAP
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Pets are very much a part of the family. Pet owners have to be vigilant in maintaining cat health. There are several things the devoted pet owner can do to promote favorable cat health.
Grooming a cat often helps reduce hairballs. Excessive hairballs can be challenging for a cat to remove, so brushing the cat often reduces this problem. There are catfood products that are designed to help decrease hairball accumulation in cats. Excessive hacking can cause the cat to choke to death, so regular grooming is strongly encouraged. In pet grooming practices, the owner may want to avoid use of heavily scented shampoos and perfumes.
Exercise is also important in cat health. Owners with indoor cats can engage the child with dangling objects. Physical activity in cats is important to maintain mental acuity and alertness. Activity can also prolong the life of a cat.
Ensuring a balanced mood is also another important part of cat health. Cat herbs, such as cat thyme or catnip can help maintain a healthy disposition. These herbs provide relaxation benefits in cats. Inconsistent mood or questionable behavior should be shared with a vet.
Annual health screenings also help ensure that the cat remains in good health. Annual checkups and vaccinations are extremely important to ensuring that the cat health is always optimal. The veterinarian would be able to recommend supplements and dietary changes appropriate for the cat’s health should any irregularities be observed.
A good diet is important to cat health. Cats should be fed a healthy balanced diet. The food should consist of no dye and be high in nutritional value. Select food with the cat’s body type and age in mind.
Challenge the cat often to help refine its hunting abilities. One can place the water separate from a bowl to encourage the cat to hunt. Toys can be filled with catfood to encourage the cat to hunt for food. The cat finds this type of challenge rewarding.
Pet owners can be an advocate of their cat’s health by paying attention to the mood, appearance of the coat, appetite, size, and activity level. Regular health screenings are recommended to promote the best possible cat health possible.
1 answer
dog - chien
cat - chat
hamster - hamster
fish - poisson
rabbit - lapin
mouse - souris
snake - serpent
bird - oiseau
rat - rat
parrot - perroquet
horse - cheval
spider - araignee
6 answers
Cat is to Dog (3-letter animal names) as Peach is to Apple (5-letter fruit names).
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(The cat isn't going to kill you until he can figure out how to use the can opener, then you're done for)
Yes because cats think all people are threats. (They can get run over by cars and everything.)
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These dominant cats are usually not aggressive
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I looked everywhere for my cat but couldn't find him until I lifted up my hat and found him curled up fast asleep beneath it. He was a most peculiar cat, black and white, dressed in yellow and red striped socks and wearing a tall black hat!
3 answers
The term 'cat shop' could not be found in the dictionary. The standard compound noun is pet shop. I was also referred to 'cat scan', 'card shop', 'candy shop', 'catsup', 'catnap', 'catnip', etc.
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It is a competition where you compete your cats in a battle to see how long it can asp lode your mom and ma your mom
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The cat may have feline acne, which can cause bumps on the chin and hair loss. This condition can be triggered by stress, poor grooming, or an allergic reaction. It is best to take the cat to a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
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Cat is to dog as snake is to large birds, wild boars, mongooses, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, other snakes and humans.
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It's possible that your cat has a bald patch on its inner thigh due to excessive grooming, skin irritation, allergies, or a fungal infection. It's important to have your cat examined by a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.
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This is an odd question. A cat's toes are at the very end of their feet. "Claws" would be an incorrect answer here as most of the time a cat's claws are retracted and hidden. Alternatively, a cat has paw pads which are the bottom of a cat's feet.
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Occasionally, the symptoms of cat-scratch disease take the form of what is called Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome.
1 answer
I am having the same problem! Our cat lost chunks of hair on its neck, wont eat, ears feel cold..... i would suggest taking your cat to the vet. I thought maybe my cat was bitten by and was dying! It has been two days since he started acting like this and now he is drinking water on his own and walking! :)If you can not afford a vet here are some tips... keep your cat hydrated! if this means getting a dropper and putting water in its mouth do it... keep there body temp up... i would hold my cat in a blanket with a heating pad on very low.... hope your kitty is OK!
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I'm sorry to say this but if the mother cat chewed the heads of her kittens, you may consider putting her down. that is like a cannibal cat. i wouldn't recommend getting a small dog but rather a bigger dog than the cat and make sure it isn't threatened by the cat, because i have seen a alsatian about 5 years old, running away from a 2 month old kitten.
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It's your cat's way of saying I want to play. Cat's need a lot of play for exercise. My cat can sense when I am going to leave and attacks my tennis shoes believing that they are the culprits responsible for my leaving. Maybe this is your cats way of saying the same thing. It definitely is a loving gesture on your cat's part.
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It's important to take your cat to the vet immediately for proper treatment. The vet will assess the injury, clean the wound, and provide appropriate care to prevent infection and promote healing. Keep the injured paw clean and bandaged until you can get your cat to the vet.
3 answers
There could be several reasons why a cat is urinating outside the litter box, including a medical issue, stress, or a dislike of the litter box. It is important to rule out any underlying health problems first. Ensure the litter box is clean, in a quiet location, and that you have enough boxes for the number of cats in your home. Consult with a veterinarian or a cat behaviorist for further assistance if needed.
5 answers
Fluffy? Mittens? Paul? What a ridiculous name for a cat, PAUL! That's a persons name, a persons name, hahahahahaha, Paul!
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Bringing home a new kitten or lovable older cat requires having a few cat supplies on hand to keep them content. Your cat is your baby, so only the best will do from buying premium quality cat food for optimal nutrition to keeping a toy box with their favorite playthings.
You new feline will need a plastic cat pan, also known as a litter box, with or without a disposable plastic liner. Younger or smaller cats may need a shallow pan to make for an easy entrance and exit, however, the older cats will do fine with a standard size litter box. For best results when cleaning the litter box, use a clumping sand formula to capture the liquid and contain it into a no-mess removable ball.
Your cat or kitten will need immediate dietary care, choosing the correct wet or dry food formula for the cat’s age. Kittens require extra nutrients to help them grow and older cats do better with a senior formula food. Tasty snacks and treats are found in the cat food aisle of your grocery store and should be given just once a day in small amounts. The name brand cat treats are rich in flavor and aroma and should not be offered so often as to replace the nutritional canned or dried cat food. In addition, cats need taurine to promote healthy eyesight and must keep a steady diet of their cat food rather than eating excess table foods.
Your cat of any age will enjoy a few select toys to entertain themselves quietly or interact with their owners. To get the feline in the mood for play, try adding a tablespoon of dry catnip to a cardboard box and let the kitty roll about until drunk. Catnip is safe and sound to give to a cat of any age, however, their behavior after a few whiffs can make them rambunctious.
Finally, your cat or kitten will need a place to call their own, whether it be a box with a blanket or towel in it, or a standard cat bed from the pet store. No doubt your little creature will want to sleep with you at night, and this should be encouraged. However, a cat is a private soul that likes to retreat to heir own special area for quick cat naps, grooming or lolling about in the afternoon sun.
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cat+sat=late Sucks for you maybe next time you should listen in math class instead of playing with your friends.
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If you suspect your cat has worms, it's essential to consult with your veterinarian promptly. Common signs of worms in cats include vomiting, diarrhea, weight loss, and a bloated abdomen. Your vet can perform tests to diagnose the type of worms and recommend appropriate treatment, which may include deworming medication. Additionally, practicing good hygiene, such as regularly cleaning your cat's litter box and keeping them indoors, can help prevent worm infestations.
2 answers