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Cartilage is a flexible tissue in the bod. The tip of the nose and ear lobe are cartilage.

1 answer

This cartilage is called hyaline cartilage because it is like glass and very smooth. It allows for easy movement in the joint.

1 answer

That would be tracheal cartilage, which has a ring-like structure that supports the trachea and prevents it from collapsing. The C-shaped rings are open at the back to allow the esophagus to expand when swallowing.

3 answers

The cartilage helps cushion and reduce friction in the joint.

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Cartilage is about 20% more slippery than ice. This property allows for smooth joint movement and reduces friction during physical activity.

2 answers

False. You have it backwards.

Bone is the hard structure that give your body form, posture, and strength. They are stiff and cannot bend. They are hard.

Cartilage is the soft, flexible, yet tough tissue found in the tops of your ears, and the tip of your nose.

When you are an infant, many bones are partly cartilage, especially the skull. When you start growing, these bones get bigger and harden into actual bones.

3 answers

False, cartilage gets most of its nutrients via diffusion of nutrients from synovial fluid. The cells in the fibrous synovial membrane that produce synovial fluid are richly vascularized.

1 answer

No. Cartilage is not another name for bone. It is hard tissue like bone, but is mostly made of collagen fibers, whereas bone is mostly made of extracellular matrix that contains calcium and phosphorus.

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In order to increase blood flow to cartilage and assist in the healing process, clean cartilage with salt water twice a day. Another solution would be to fill a small cup with a salt water mixture and hold it up to the cartilage for 5 minutes twice daily.

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Cartilages are found in ears, knees and elbows, between the ribs, between tendons and ligaments and nose

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It sounds like a benign (not harmful) cyst. Cysts are small balloons of fluid that feel hard to the touch. If the lump on your rib rapidly gets larger, becomes discolored or painful, talk to your doctor.

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Well you can remove it and the tissue portion of the piercing will heal however the incised cartilage will not heal. Cartilage doesn't heal like other areas of the body, it will develope a lump as it attempts to close and heal and this could last for weeks to months depending on the area. As for the duration of time you have had the piercing that's what makes the healing hard to judge. See in hospitals I.V.'s are relocated after 24 to 48 hours so that the body doesn't try to heal around the I.V. cath. Any time you exceed 48 hours your body will start to heal the piercing by forming a tissue tube around the jewellery. So I would guess if you remove the jewellery and leave it out all together it may heal but it will take a considerable period of time because it's cartilage and there is not the blood circulation in that area to support a shorter healing time. That's why cartilage piercings take so long to heal in the first place. Good luck.

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Osteoclasts break down bone and osteoblasts build up bone.

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Fact of the matter is this you don't want to get anything pierced at Claire's or any other piercing gun boutique. They are not licensed or inspected to provide piercing services. If they were licensed they would have the business license and recent health inspection posted for public inspection.

Ear cartilage in not to be pierced with a piercing gun, the reason for this is simple the piercing gun is only designed and intended to be used on ear lobes, nothing else. 9 out of 10 ear cartilage piercings done with a piercing gun result in healing issues, lumps, bumps and the staff at these shops don't know how or what to do when this occurs.

Simply because they are not trained or knowledgeable when it come to piercing. So please use some common sense and leave ear cartilage piercing to professional body piercers in licensed and inspected shops who, if you have an issue, can help you resolve the problems you may have.

1 answer

Cartliage take over a year to heal. When I got mine done it took about a year and a half to heal. This is because your cartilage doesn't produce it's own blood. So when you get it pierced it has to wait to get blood and oxygen from the rest of the body. So this of course is why it takes such a long time to heal

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hyaline cartilage is in the joints. Fibrous cartilage in the vertebral column

2 answers

hyaline cartilage A Hyaline cartilage, but lacking perichondrion

1 answer

hyaline cartilage A Hyaline cartilage, but lacking perichondrion

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Cartilage tissue.

5 answers

The large cartilage of the anterior larynx is called the thyroid cartilage.

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The thyroid cartilage is the specific cartilage in the larynx that gives the appearance of an Adam's apple, particularly in males due to its larger size and prominence compared to females.

8 answers

Articulare cartilage is hyaline cartilage and it is a milky color.

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Combining forms for cartilage are: chondr/i or chondr/o

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The most inferior cartilage of the larynx is the cricoid cartilage. It forms a complete ring structure located just below the thyroid cartilage.

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Ribs 8 through 10. The cartilage of rib 8 connects to the cartilage of rib 7. The cartilage of rib 9 connects to the cartilage of rib 8. The cartilage of rib 10 connects to the cartilage of rib 9.

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Yes, there is cartilage in a foot.

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Costal cartilages are composed of hyaline cartilage tissue. This type of cartilage provides structural support and flexibility to the ribcage.

6 answers

corniculate cartilage attaches to the pair of arytenoid cartilage.

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The opposite of Cartilage

Are Ligaments because the cartilage is more flexible than bone.

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Cartilage can break in some instances. There are multiple types of cartilage in the body. The cartilage in the ear is an elastic cartilage, so it is much more flexible and less likely to break.

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No, cartilage is only contained up until the bronchi. The bronchioles and onward do not contain any cartilage rings, only smooth muscle.

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cartilage rings give support to trachea to open all the time

6 answers

The type of cartilage that is attached to the sternum is hyaline cartilage. This specific type of cartilage provides cushioning and structural support to the sternum, helping to allow for rib cage movement during breathing.

5 answers

It is cartilage until you get to the top of your bridge

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The cartilage of the nose is made of hyaline cartilage, which is a type of connective tissue. Hyaline cartilage is strong yet flexible, providing structure and support to the nose.

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Another word for the noun cartilage is ossein. Another synonym for cartilage is osseous matter. A related term for cartilage is bony process.

1 answer

The cartilage that connects the ribs to the sternum is called costal cartilage.

1 answer

The cricoid cartilage is located at the base of the larynx, just below the thyroid cartilage. It is a complete ring of cartilage that forms the lowest part of the larynx and provides structural support to the airway.

3 answers

The cartilage in the larynx that forms the broader anteriorly is thyroid cartilage. Also known as Adam's Apple, it the largest of the cartilages that form the laryngeal structure.

3 answers

Cartilage, mostly.

2 answers