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In a primary election, voters choose candidates who will represent their political party in the general election.

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New Zealand's next general election will be in 2011.

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known as a primary election or a party primary. In this type of election, party members choose their preferred candidate from a field of candidates who are running for the same party nomination. The winner of the primary election then becomes the official candidate for the party in the general election.

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Next New Zealand general election happened on 2015-01-24.

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a type of ballot used in general election where all of the candidates from each party are listed in parallel columns is called

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A primary election is to select the candidates of a particular political party. They then go and debate at the General Election.

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As of the 2008 general election, the New Zealand Labour Party holds 43 seats (out of 122) in the New Zealand Parliament - 21 filled with electorate MP's and the remaining 22 being list MPs.

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Freedom Party - New Zealand - was created in 2005.

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choose party candidates for the general election.

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The Republic of New Zealand Party was created in 2005-04.

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It helps a political party nominate candidates for the next general election.

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Direct Democracy Party of New Zealand was created in 2005.

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Yes. In the general election, you can vote for whoever you like regardless of what party you are affiliated or registered with. Yes. In many (but not all) states, party affiliation affects what primaries you can vote in. But it does not force you to vote for that party's candidates in the general election.

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A primary, or primary election, is the election in which voters decide which of the candidates within a party will represent the party in the general election.

So basically, when people vote on who will run for the democrats during the presidential election, it's a primary election. Voting on the actual president would be the general election.

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National party who was lead by John Key.

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In a representative form of government, most nations have political parties. Thus, in a General election (that is, the election to chose the government representative), a political party puts forth a member of their party to contest in the election. A political party needs some method for choosing the party member to stand in the General election, and this is what we use Primary elections for.

7 answers

New Zealand Family Rights Protection Party was created in 2005.

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Third-party candidates are better of under the proportional representation of election.

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A presidential primary refers to election of each party's candidate. A general election on the other hand is an election involving all candidates selected by their respective parties.

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Such is the purpose of primary elections. Candidates may also be determined by caucuses and state conventions.

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These are elections in which candidates are not identified by party labels.

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In the US the elections are called primaries as they are the first step to the election of the final candidate. In the presidential elections Barack Obama first had to beat Hillary Clinton among others before facing John McCain who had beaten other candidates from the Republican party.

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A primary election in which voters in a jurisdiction select candidates for a subsequent election. A general election is is an election in which all or most members of a given political body are up for election.'

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A primary election is a public election run by government officials to determine which candidate will represent a political party in a general election. It is a way for party members or registered voters to choose their party's nominee for a specific office. The winning candidate from the primary election will then go on to compete in the general election.

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Yes, for closed primaries you are only allowed to vote for candidates who are in the same party as the voter. In an open primary, like a general election, any registered voter is allowed to vote for the candidates on the ballot. The difference between open primaries and general elections is that open primaries include only candidates from one party that all registered voters can choose from, while in the general elections, candidates can come from several parties, with all registered voters eligible to choose the one of their choice, regardless of their primary choices.

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No. General elections are held to choose which candidates will hold office; all eligible parties are listed.

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A state primary is held to determine the preferred candidate within a political party for an upcoming election. It allows party members and registered voters to choose the candidate they want to represent their party in the general election.

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Phil Goff is for the time being but he is just holding the party together. Support for the National party is too high at the moment for Labour party to win the next election but there will be a new Labour post election with hopes of winning the election after next.

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None of the candidates declared a party

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No, in an election year, primary elections are held in order to pick the party candidates for the general election which is held in November

(Although primary often means most important, sometimes, as in this case, primary means first.)

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Before the general election is one or more primary elections, which narrows down a field of candidates.

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Five parties nominated candidates for the 2008 U.S. Presidential election, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, the Libertarian Party, the Green Party and the Constitution Party. In addition to their candidates, Ralph Nader ran as an Independent.

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In the US, candidates for public office are typically selected through a combination of party primaries and caucuses, followed by a general election. Political parties hold primary elections or caucuses to determine the nominee for each party, and the winning nominees then compete against each other in the general election. This system allows for a multi-step process that involves both party members and the general public in selecting candidates.

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The purpose of a runoff primary is that it is a second primary election between the two candidates who received the most votes in the first primary election to choose for the winner to becomes the party's candidate in the general election.

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The purpose of a runoff primary is that it is a second primary election between the two candidates who received the most votes in the first primary election to choose for the winner to becomes the party's candidate in the general election.

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18 candidates in which 11 candidates won.

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Direct primary is the election in which party members select people to run in the general election.

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