The cast of Canadian Immigrants and Refugees - 2012 includes: Dasha Bosaya as herself Jasmine Bowen as herself
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the chinese
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The federal government.
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It affects an immigrants perspective on life.
There is no "Canadian Identity". Canada is a Confederation of many Nations with many cultures.
Immigration enriches the Canadian Confederation by adding to those many cultures.
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the chinese
This would probably be the Chinese
it was the chinese
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Asian and Mexican
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mainly they go to places like mississauga,hamilton,brampton or places in bc
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Right... now? There are immigrants getting into the US every day, by legal or illegal means.
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Conflict erupted between British immigrants and French Canadians.
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To work the fields in Western Canada, to assert Canadian soverity, to send the fruits of their labour East.
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The Canadian involvement was third highest after Britain and USA. Canadian ships were among the many tat shelled the beaches, Canadian aircraft made many attack missions and Canadian troops landing from the sea got further inland than any others on the first day.
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The Canadian (and British) troops were the main forces that secured Gold, Sword and Juno beachheads on D-Day.
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Canada has to use the point system becasue if not there would be alot of immigrants living here doing nothing, just spending money. there would be ALOT of immigrants. so having the point system, shows Canadian government who would be good to work here
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Western Canada was taken by force and then flooded with immigrants to help quell resistance to Canadian rule. The trouble was the new immigrants were not treated as Canadian citizens in the East and these inequities lead to a General Strike. Given the history in the area there was a very real concern that Westerners would rise up and shake off the colonial yoke of Canada.
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The most common immigrant working on the Canadian Pacific Railway were of Chinese ancestry. Many Chinese people remained in Canada and became citizens after the railroad was completed.
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== == If you are asking about a Mexican citizen trying to Immigrate to Canada, and being sponsored by a Canadian citizen, the answer is NO. All Immigrants to Canada have to apply from their HOME COUNTRY, and the process will take from 2 to 3 years to complete.
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daily calorie intake of 1940 calories per day for women and 2550 for men.
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Most Canadian Tire stores should be open on Family Day. For more detailed information, contact the location nearest you.
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Simple answer: No! To work in the United States one has to obtain a Green Card. The easiest way is to be transfered there by your employer.
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They eventually become productive citizens and give Canada an increasing population and an expanding economy. Canadians, eventually immigrants as well we hope, have a sustainable birth rate but our economy benefits from an increasing population. Immigrants help with that.
Otherwise they cost the Canadian economy, the difference between immigrants' tax payments and the value of government services they absorb is about $6,000 per immigrant which costs Canada about $20 Billion a year.
This is due to Canadian immigration and refugee rules which allow people in who do not have unfilled jobs waiting or skills needed. Simply change that rule and we would be able to let in even more, though different, immigrants.
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Immigrants had to wait for a day or two days, In Angel Island immigrants didn't had to wait that long.
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An important Canadian holidays are National Flag of Canada Day. This holiday is observed on February 15, which is typically America's Presidents day holiday.
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The immigrants law in Canada about going back to their own country says that Canadian citizens and permanent residents living in Canada may sponsor family members who also wish to immigrate to Canada.
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Prairie dogs and unlimited cell phone plans... also Alex Tribeck.
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About 350 Canadian soldiers were wounded on D-Day.
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Immigrants had to wait for a day or two days, In Angel Island immigrants didn't had to wait that long.
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No, but the white on the Canadian Flag means peace and the red on the Canadian flag means bravery.
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He almost does he said. At his concert, he said he's almost a Canadian citizen!
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On 6th June 1944 - Juno Beach - 21,400 Canadian troops were landed.
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Canadian troops performed in massive numbers and controlled their Juno Beach before 9 am. They made the greatest advance of all Allied troops on D-Day.
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