Except for the native peoples, everybody not born in Canada was an immigrant. There are many millions.
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by using their own languages in street signs
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by using their own languages in street signs
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Three countries that have indigenous or aboriginal peoples are Australia, Canada, and the United States. In Australia, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are the original inhabitants. Canada has First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, and in the United States, there are various Native American tribes and Alaska Native peoples.
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Spears, bows and arrows. Spears, bows and arrows.
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The native peoples' land was stripped of its Natural Resources
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Yes, Many native peoples lived there such as the sunglict.
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Sandi Smoker has written:
'First peoples of Canada' -- subject(s): Native peoples, Study and teaching (Elementary), Indians of North America, Juvenile literature, Activity programs, Indigenous peoples
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The term "Native Canadians" refers to the Indigenous peoples who originally inhabited and continue to live in what is now known as Canada. These diverse groups include First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, each with their own unique cultures, languages, and traditions. They have a rich history that predates European colonization.
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The native peoples' culture was disrupted by the introduction of Christianity.
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The First Peoples National Party of Canada was created in 2014.
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yes the fur trade was very important, especially for the native peoples they depended on the trade to make clothing and shelter
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Aboriginal peoples in Canada and Native Americans in the United States of furs to the English for often higher prices and higher quality goods than they could offer.
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Samuel de Champlain came in contact with several Native American tribes, including the Mi'kmaq, Algonquin, Huron, and Montagnais peoples, during his exploration of Canada in the early 17th century. He established alliances and traded goods with these indigenous groups.
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Yes, all native peoples of the Americas are native Americans.
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Igloos are still sometimes found in the far north. Native peoples still ocassionally build them as hunting and fishing shelters.
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what nation was an amalgam of peoples of both native american and african origin
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the native peoples were often enslaved by the conquering nations. APEXX
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They taught the native peoples their own language and insisted on its use in all official activities.
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Native indigenous peoples of North America called Algonquin Indians speak it. There is no specific country whose language it is. Algonquins reside in the US and Canada.
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The first people to settle in Canada were the Aboriginal. The Aboriginals came to Canada about 12,000 years ago and it is widely believed that they came from what is known today as Asia.
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The native peoples made war on their neighbors and took slaves captive then sold these slaves on to the Europeans.
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Native Women's Association of Canada was created in 1974.
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Though the word 'aboriginal' simply means 'from the beginning', it is usually applied only to the native peoples of Australia. Alberta is a province of Canada; there is no significant district in Australia called Alberta.
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Inuit, Metis, and First Nations.
At least that's what it said in my social studies textbook :)
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Europeans brought new diseases to native peoples via river travel. (apex)
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Yes. For example, "The native peoples of North America were relocated by Andrew Jackson."
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There were and to some extent still are Native American peoples. Three that come to mind are:
A. The Cherokee Nation, mostly in North America;
B. The Aztec peoples, who thrived mostly in the area now called Mexico; and
C. The Inca peoples, these Native Americans made their homes on the western side of the South American continent.
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Native refers to a person born in the land. So no Native came to Canada, they were all born in Canada.
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Native Alaskans ARE Native Americans. So are First Nations Canadians and Native people in Mexico. The borders did not exist 200 years ago. The Inuit related peoples stretch from Alaska across Canada to Greenland with some in Russia too. The Dene related people are in Alaska, Canada, in the Pacific areas of Oregon and northern California, and in Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico, Colorado, Texas and Oklahoma. They have many things in common.
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Many Native American peoples had traditions of harvest celebrations. However, Thanksgiving as it is celebrated in the United States and Canada evolved directly from the traditions of European settlers.
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Yes, the Aztec people were Native American peoples who inhabited central Mexico in the 14th to 16th centuries. They were part of the larger indigenous peoples of the Americas known as Native Americans.
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No. There are no native peoples who live on the Antarctic continent.
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by torturing them and fighting
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