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You can order this movie on DVD through Netflix and watch it at home.

1 answer

Yes, Caligula was the third Roman emperor.

Yes, Caligula was the third Roman emperor.

Yes, Caligula was the third Roman emperor.

Yes, Caligula was the third Roman emperor.

Yes, Caligula was the third Roman emperor.

Yes, Caligula was the third Roman emperor.

Yes, Caligula was the third Roman emperor.

Yes, Caligula was the third Roman emperor.

Yes, Caligula was the third Roman emperor.

1 answer

Claudius was Caligula's uncle. He was the brother of Caligula's father, Germanicus.

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The cast of Caligula - 2003 includes: Jerry Anton as Caligula

1 answer

Caligula was not a successful leader

1 answer

No, Caligula was Nero's uncle.

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Caligula ruled from 37 to 41 AD.

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Claudius ruled after Caligula. Caligula was murdered by the imperial guard (the Praetorian Guard) who then proclaimed Claudius as emperor.

1 answer

The emperor Gaius, or as we know him, Caligula. The name Caligula is a derivative of the word for the Roman military boot, the "caliga".

The emperor Gaius, or as we know him, Caligula. The name Caligula is a derivative of the word for the Roman military boot, the "caliga".

The emperor Gaius, or as we know him, Caligula. The name Caligula is a derivative of the word for the Roman military boot, the "caliga".

The emperor Gaius, or as we know him, Caligula. The name Caligula is a derivative of the word for the Roman military boot, the "caliga".

The emperor Gaius, or as we know him, Caligula. The name Caligula is a derivative of the word for the Roman military boot, the "caliga".

The emperor Gaius, or as we know him, Caligula. The name Caligula is a derivative of the word for the Roman military boot, the "caliga".

The emperor Gaius, or as we know him, Caligula. The name Caligula is a derivative of the word for the Roman military boot, the "caliga".

The emperor Gaius, or as we know him, Caligula. The name Caligula is a derivative of the word for the Roman military boot, the "caliga".

The emperor Gaius, or as we know him, Caligula. The name Caligula is a derivative of the word for the Roman military boot, the "caliga".

4 answers

Caligula's daughter was named Julia Drusilla.

1 answer

The duration of Caligula - film - is 2.6 hours.

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InCiIaTuS wAs ThE nAmE oF cAlIgUlA's HoRsE

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Caligula's name was Gaius Julius Caesar Agusta Germanicus. He was given the nickname Caligula ("little boots") because as a child he wore his father Germanicus' boots around the military camp.

4 answers

Caligula was born in Antium which is modern day Anzio in Italy

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The name of the emporer Caligula's horse is Incitatus

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Gaius Caligula was born on August 31, 12.

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Gaius Caligula was born on August 31, 12.

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Caligula - film - was created on 1979-08-14.

1 answer

Caligula was a boy. He was the 3rd emperor of the Roman Empire.

1 answer

If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.

If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.

If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.

If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.

If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.

If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.

If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.

If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.

If you mean Caligula, he was born August 31, 12 AD.

2 answers

Caligula was born roughly 500 years after Pythagoras died.

1 answer

The first thing I want you to know about Caligula is that his real name is Gaius Ceaser or Germania. Caligula got his nick name from a soldier when he came to work with his dad wearing a soldier outfit (Caligula's father was in the army) getting the name that stuck. Caligula means little soldiers boots so.... Ok so now i will tell you the answer you were looking for. Caligula gained power when Tiberius died on March 16 AD 37 and left everything for Caligula. Oh and in case you didn't know Tiberius was Caligula's cousin

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Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus Germanicus was his real name and his nickname is Caligula

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Caligula ruled from 37 AD to 41 AD.

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Emperor Magus Caligula was born on 1973-05-23.

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According to Seutonius there are two versions of Caligula's murder. One had Chaerea coming up behind Caligula and striking him in the neck while his co-conspiraor, Sabinus, stabbed him in the chest. The second version has Sabinus asking Caligula for the days watchword and when he heard it Chaerea, who was behind Caligula, yelled something like "okay" and when Caligula turned his head at the sound of his voice, Chaerea split his jawbone. When that didn't kill him, Caligula was stabbed thirty more times by others in on the plot.

1 answer

1. Junia Claudilla
2. Livia Orestilla
3. Lollia Paulina
4. Milonia Caesonia

2 answers

Caligula was a villain. he was an awful roman emporer who killed many people for no reason

1 answer

Caligula - 1975 TV is rated/received certificates of:


1 answer

if you are referring to octavius, who later became augustus, the first emperor of Rome, then no, he didnt kill Caligula. Caligula was only 2 years old when Augustus/Octavius died.

1 answer

You're thinking of Caligula, but this is not true! Caligula had a weird sense of humor and disdain for the senate. He remarked that he would get better cooperation if his horse were consul and the rumors flew from there.

You're thinking of Caligula, but this is not true! Caligula had a weird sense of humor and disdain for the senate. He remarked that he would get better cooperation if his horse were consul and the rumors flew from there.

You're thinking of Caligula, but this is not true! Caligula had a weird sense of humor and disdain for the senate. He remarked that he would get better cooperation if his horse were consul and the rumors flew from there.

You're thinking of Caligula, but this is not true! Caligula had a weird sense of humor and disdain for the senate. He remarked that he would get better cooperation if his horse were consul and the rumors flew from there.

You're thinking of Caligula, but this is not true! Caligula had a weird sense of humor and disdain for the senate. He remarked that he would get better cooperation if his horse were consul and the rumors flew from there.

You're thinking of Caligula, but this is not true! Caligula had a weird sense of humor and disdain for the senate. He remarked that he would get better cooperation if his horse were consul and the rumors flew from there.

You're thinking of Caligula, but this is not true! Caligula had a weird sense of humor and disdain for the senate. He remarked that he would get better cooperation if his horse were consul and the rumors flew from there.

You're thinking of Caligula, but this is not true! Caligula had a weird sense of humor and disdain for the senate. He remarked that he would get better cooperation if his horse were consul and the rumors flew from there.

You're thinking of Caligula, but this is not true! Caligula had a weird sense of humor and disdain for the senate. He remarked that he would get better cooperation if his horse were consul and the rumors flew from there.

2 answers

A:Like all the Roman emperors before Constantine, with the possible exception of Philip, Caligula was a pagan.

1 answer

Helen MIrren is an English actress with an English dad and Russian mum, is starring in the movie Caligula, which may very well be one of the most controversial movies in history.

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Nero and Caligula

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No he was not successful as a leader

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Roman emperors.

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I do not understand what you mean by maintain Rome. Caligula was the third Roman Emperor and the ruler of Rome from 37 to 41.

1 answer

Caligula also known as Gaius was born on the 31 August 12A.D. and died on 24 January 41A.D.

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He had 31 children over the course of his life with his multiple wives., but this is a wild rumor. In reality Caligula had only one child, a baby daughter who was killed along with her mother at the time when Caligula was assassinated.

1 answer

In 55 AD Nero was the Roman emperor. In 40 AD, Caligula was the Roman emperor.

In 55 AD Nero was the Roman emperor. In 40 AD, Caligula was the Roman emperor.

In 55 AD Nero was the Roman emperor. In 40 AD, Caligula was the Roman emperor.

In 55 AD Nero was the Roman emperor. In 40 AD, Caligula was the Roman emperor.

In 55 AD Nero was the Roman emperor. In 40 AD, Caligula was the Roman emperor.

In 55 AD Nero was the Roman emperor. In 40 AD, Caligula was the Roman emperor.

In 55 AD Nero was the Roman emperor. In 40 AD, Caligula was the Roman emperor.

In 55 AD Nero was the Roman emperor. In 40 AD, Caligula was the Roman emperor.

In 55 AD Nero was the Roman emperor. In 40 AD, Caligula was the Roman emperor.

2 answers

you cant say the word goat near caligula or you will be executed for saying it it is true

1 answer

Caligula was an emperor of Rome. he was one of the bad emperors and just really treated people bad and wanted to torture them.

1 answer

Claudius was the emperor who followed Caligula.

Claudius was the emperor who followed Caligula.

Claudius was the emperor who followed Caligula.

Claudius was the emperor who followed Caligula.

Claudius was the emperor who followed Caligula.

Claudius was the emperor who followed Caligula.

Claudius was the emperor who followed Caligula.

Claudius was the emperor who followed Caligula.

Claudius was the emperor who followed Caligula.

9 answers

The Roman Emperor Caligula made his horse, Incitatus, a government official by giving him a position of consul. Caligula's decision was seen as a sign of his extravagance and eccentric behavior during his reign.

2 answers