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in California just below the low tide line on the coast

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I assume you mean "A" sea slug. No, a sea slug is not a fish, but an echidnoderm.

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As much sea as a sea slug could chug if a sea slug could chug sea.

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The entire sea slug is composed of cells.

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A sea slug, also called marine slug, is the same animal as a snail. The slug does not have a shell. The sea slug moves at a very slow rate.

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Another name for a sea slug is a Sea Cucumber.

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in the sea

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Being a sea slug, enjoying their sea slug-y lives, and getting it down with the lady sea slugs. XD

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sea cucumber

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California's State Mollusk is the Banana Slug.

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Chromodoris Naiki is a sea slug

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the answer is... something!

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The "Glavcvs Atlanticvs" is a sea slug that looks very much other-worldly!

Accordingly to the Wikipedia page, common names for it include blue sea dragon, sea swallow, blue angel, blue glaucus, dragon slug, blue dragon, blue sea slug & blue ocean slug!

2 answers

The average garden snail moves at a pace of 100 ft an hour.

5 answers

No. Sea slugs are mollusks and thus invertebrates.

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The name of a green slug is a sea slug. These slugs are very fat and are almost always found around a large water source.

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A slug and a sea anemone.

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no a scallop is a sea creature

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An actaeonid is a sea slug of the family Actaeonidae.

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yes because it has no backbone

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No. They are invertebrates and therefore have no bones.

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The Blue Sea Slug will not kill a human. They will sting a person if they are picked up. You can avoid them by not picking them up in the ocean.

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The blue sea slug (Glaucus atlanticus) usually live to be one year old like most other species of sea slug.

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University of California at Santa Cruz

1 answer

The "Glavcvs Atlanticvs" is a sea slug that looks very much other-worldly!

Accordingly to the Wikipedia page, common names for it include blue sea dragon, sea swallow, blue angel, blue glaucus, dragon slug, blue dragon, blue sea slug & blue ocean slug!

...also, I still can't figure what the heck is the deal with humans...

2 answers

The mascot for U.C.S.C. is the banana Slug. The banana slug is a native slug that populates Santa Cruz mountains. It is large and yellow to green.

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The sea slug is also commonly referred to as a sea cucumber, mainly because of the of the sea slug's shape and the fact that it is normally found on coral or rocks usually being very still, making it look like a type of aquatic vegetable.

The sea slug is a herbivorous animals and feeds on plankton and decaying matter on the ocean floor, along with grazing on the rocks and coral reefs for algae. By munching on the decomposing plant matter on the ocean floor, the sea slug is of great benefit to every marine environment where the sea inhabits.

Due to their motionless nature, sea slugs are often very exposed and are therefore popularprey for a wide variety of predatory animals in the oceans. Crabs, lobsters, fish and evenhumans are among the animals that prey on the fleshy sea slug.

Some species of sea slug are able to protect themselves from danger by wrapping their tentacles around potential predators, so that the predator is unable to harm them. This only applies however to the species of sea slug that actually have tentacles, others are completely defenceless.

The sea slug is often an interesting addition to a salt-water aquarium and can be useful in keeping the algae levels at a minimum. Although the sea slug leads a relatively motionless existence, they are an important factor in any marine environment.

There are known to be thousands of different sea slug species found around the world and it is estimated that there are many more species of sea slug that have not yet been discovered. Sea slugs can range in size from just a few millimetres to more than 30 centimetres in length and can be found in a variety of colours and shapes.

The sea slug is a hermaphrodite, meaning that the sea slug has both male and female reproductive organs. Sea slugs release eggs into the water in ribbon-like sticky clusters which can contain thousands of eggs but usually much less. The eggs are fertilized and the sea slug larvae (the baby sea slugs) soon develop and become bigger, after hatching from their sticky eggs.

Sea slugs are not only harvested for food by humans but are also used in traditional medicines particularly in the far east as the extracts from the sea cucumbers are said to have healing properties.

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The University of California Santa Cruz

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They eat grass and sea slugs eat seaweed.

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in the sea presumably... plus only mammals can be 'born'. Other animals hatch from eggs.

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Sea slugs are marine invertebrates known for their vibrant colors and unique shapes. They are often hermaphrodites, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. Some species of sea slugs are capable of photosynthesis due to the presence of chloroplasts in their tissues. They can be found in various marine habitats worldwide, from shallow waters to the deep sea.

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A Nudibranch (sea slug) found on the northwest coast of the U.S.

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If the sea slug does not have a backbone, Which i guess it doesn't, It means its invertebrate so my guess is invertebrate

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The sea cucumber (also known as trepang, bêche-de-mer, balate, or ambiguously, sea slug).

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The Blue Sea Slug (Glaucus atlanticus) usually lives for approximately one year.

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The Salton Sea is in southern California.

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CALIFORNIA sea lions live in CALIFORNIA!

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California sea lions do live in groups.

3 answers

California sea lion was created in 1828.

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