1024 petabyte = 1 exabyte.
For more info---
1024 exabyte = 1 zettabyte
1024 zettabyte = 1 yottabyte
1 answer
Because machine code only understsnd by computer in form of 0,1
and byte code not machine code and store in .class of java library it is at the 2nd stage of conversion and the machine code at the final stage and end stage
so byte code
under stand by any machine by the java library
not convert into machine code i.e understand by machine
kuldeep singh
1 answer
I believe you meant difference between a bit and a byte. A byte is 8 bits.
1 answer
The order of the bytes go in - Byte (B), Kilo byte (KB), Mega Byte (MB), Giga Byte (GB), Terra Byte (TB)
1 answer
There is not built-in 'byte' type in C, but you can define it:
typedef unsigned char byte;
byte bmin=0, bmax=255;
1 answer
Byte is a unit of digital information in computing and telecommunications that most commonly consists of eight bits. Almost all modern computers have a byte.
2 answers
a byte is equal to0.0009765625 KB. Of course, KB is bigger than byte.
1 answer
byte ptr is an assembler directive that says the following operand is an address of a byte.
1 answer
A byte order mark is a character indicating the endianness (byte order) of a string of text.
1 answer
which statements are correct about the feature byte and build id
2 answers
A byte is the smallest unit of storage. Mostly anything you do can take up a byte.
2 answers
Generally speaking, eight bits to a byte. There is no actual standard that defines how many bits are in a byte, but it has become something of a de facto standard.
6 answers
The Terabyte is 1024 gigabyte and the gigabyte is 1024 megabytes, therefore a Terabyte is 1024 squared megabytes, this gives 1048576 megabytes in a single terabyte.
This is not to be confused with terabit (1000000megabits)
6 answers
'Byte' is not a verb but a noun. Therefore, it does not have past tense.
2 answers
The address of the last byte in a 512 mega byte memory, expressed as a decimal number, is 536,870,911.
1 answer