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The duration of The Naked Bunyip is 2.27 hours.

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The Naked Bunyip was created on 1970-11-12.

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Bunyip is a large mythical creature from Aboriginal mythology. They lurk in swamps, creeks. The word bunyip is usually translated by Aboriginal Australian as devil or evil spirit.

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The cast of The Bushman of Bunyip Billabong - 2005 includes: Cameron Edser as Bunyip Michael Edser as Bushman Andrew Mewett as Narrator

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The name "bunyip" comes from Australian Aboriginal languages, with various indigenous groups having different words to describe the mysterious creature. The word "bunyip" is believed to originate from the Wemba-Wemba or Wergaia language of southeastern Australia.

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Hector's Bunyip - 1986 TV is rated/received certificates of:


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Alexander Bunyip's Billabong - 1978 is rated/received certificates of:


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the bunyip is very big and has four legs with sharp teeth but i dont know what type of animal parts it has

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Research has not uncovered when the bunyip in Sturt Reserve at Murray Bridge, South Australia, was built. The company that built the attraction, however, was only established in 1967, and other evidence indicates the bunyip was not there yet in 1972.

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Some Australian mythical creatures are:

The bunyip: a marsupial with horse-like tail, flippers, and (only in male) walrus tusks.

The marsupial dragon: a bipedal dragon with pouch.

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During the course of your time in the Sims 2, the shop regularily changes its stock. Every now and again a 'bunyip' should be on sale.

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The cast of Bunyip the Movie - 2013 includes: Llanon Davis as Government official Alex Ettling as Bunyip Enthusiast Mary Ettling as Margret Shaw Gavin Hecker as Steve Erika Jellis as Girlfriend Malcolm Lindsey as Real Zoologist Nick Wurlod as Cryptozoologist

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No, it is a mythical/legendary creature from Australian Aboriginal mythology.

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yeti, sasquatch, Bunyip (Australia), will ferrel

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Legend has it that three sisters lived with their witchdoctor father in the Blue Mountains. He would leave them on a cliff to wait while he gathered food, to keep them safe from a creature called Bunyip. One day, Bunyip almost made his way to the sisters, and their father turned them to stone to protect them. He dropped his magic bone when Bunyip came after him. He turned himself into a bird to escape, and still searches for his magic bone to turn his daughters back.

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No, it is a mythical/legendary creature from Australian Aboriginal mythology.

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Latitude and longitude are 38-03-54 S, 145-42-50 E. It is in the Shire of Cardinia.

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Denise M. Nest has written:

'Call of the Bunyip' -- subject(s): Biography, History

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A bunyip is a mythical creature that is said to live in the swamp and watery areas of Australia. According to legend, it eats humans and animals.

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Definitely 1955; it was one of my favorites when I was four! Don't know if it was aired any years before this or after.

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As long as you have a Victorian MotorBike licence,and your Motorbike has rec reg or road reg a great Place to ride is at Bunyip State Park.

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The main characters from "The Magic Pudding" are Bunyip Bluegum, the koala, Bill Barnacle, the sailor, and Sam Sawnoff, the penguin. These characters have various adventures with their magical and self-replenishing pudding.

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Dorothy Uhnak is one Pulitzer Prize winner with a last name starting with the letter U. She won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1963 for her novel "The Bunyip."

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you need a thermo extreme bunyip key.go to trader bobs general shop and buy.with your new robot youu can walk on fire and swim trough volcano

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Denby Weller has: Played Sylvia Benedetti in "CIA: Crime Investigation Australia" in 2005. Played Elise in "The Makeover" in 2009. Played Rita in "Shut In" in 2011. Played Nadine Phillips in "Behind Mansion Walls" in 2011. Played Mika in "Bunyip" in 2014.

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Brinley Meyer has: Played Woman in "Warzone" in 2005. Played Female Voice in "Dead Tone" in 2012. Played Lydia Roughley in "On the Trail of the Great North Road" in 2013. Played Amy in "Bunyip" in 2014. Played Linda Wilson in "Fearless Game" in 2014.

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they traveled across the planet, killed off many megafauna like mammoths, wolly rhinos, sabre-tooths, bunyip, megalania, moa, giant eagle, ground sloth and giant cave bear

Now they are threatening many other animals on this planet due to pollution and cause global climate change

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One famous Austrailian cryptid is the Yowie, a tall and supposedly vicious hominid. However, the yowie does not live in the outback, being restricted to bushland, not the wide open spaces.

The bunyip is a mythical creatures of the outback and also coastal areas. It is water-dwelling and takes many forms. The kadimakara is a desert creature like a large rabbit. The Queensland tiger is also reported, but again, is not found in the outback.

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Some Australian legends and folk tales include the Dreamtime stories of creation by Aboriginal Australians, the legend of the Bunyip - a mythical creature said to lurk in waterholes, and the tale of the Yowie - a hairy, ape-like creature similar to Bigfoot that is said to inhabit the Australian wilderness.

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pyramid plunder is a mini game located in sophanem but requires that you start icthlarins little helper

it should be noted that pyramid plunder is a dangerous mini game if you die you will lose your items. however you shouldn't need to bring anything majorly expensive anyway but i want to just warn you

what you need

you will need food nothing expensive trout will do fine

anti poison potions 4 should do it

if you have 68 summoning i recommend bringing a bunyip which will help heal you and might allow you to free up some spaces in your inventory

i recommend buying a pharoes sceptre from the g.e for about 900k it sounds abit steep but is handy as it allows you to teleport to sophanem

a way of teleporting out of there if things get bad

what to wear

non of there things are needed but they make things alot easier

boots of lightness

spotted or spottier cape

regeneration bracelet helps heal quicker a good substitute for the bunyip i mentioned earlier costs around 300k as of Wednesday 13th April 2011

info on pharoes sceptre

it has 3 charges to recharge it go to the mummy where you start pyramid plunder and hand it to him he will ask for some of the artifacts you got from the pyramid

pyramid plunder

to start go to the mummy and you'll enter the mini game there are 8 rooms

and 5 minutes to loot them each room has a required thieving level to plunder that room which is displayed on the sand timer each room has a sarcophagus a load of urns and a chest in the middle once you have finished looting a room pick the lock on the doors in the room one of them will bring you to the next room if you have gone as far as you can use the exit which will be available in the room

some tactics would be for example say you have unlocked 5 rooms if you loot everything in every room considering you only have 5 mins you wouldn't manage to get past the 3rd room so remember sarcophagi don't give any xp and take longer to open but sometimes give good artifacts which may help to recharge your sceptre but i wouldn't bother so don't loot sarcophagi just loot the main chest then when you get to room 5 ypou would loot everything so only loot everything in the final room you can go to

pyramid plunder method

this is only if you have 68 summoning with bunyip

get 14 anti poison potions and 14 bunyip pouches and a regeneration bracelet

and go in using your bunyip and regen bracelet to heal you so you barely lose any health bunyips last 44mins so you get alot of run throughs of pyramid plunder before it goes out then renew your summoning points at the obilisk outside sophanem then walk back so you can stay for hours and hours and only have to go back for mor anti poisons and grab a few bunyip potions

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Candice Storey has: Played Candice Knight in "Mosaic" in 2005. Played Sandy in "Adam" in 2007. Played Sascha Phillips in "The Strip" in 2008. Played Onlooker in "Daybreakers" in 2009. Played Polly in "Cops LAC" in 2010. Played Hayley in "Not Available" in 2010. Played Alice Jackson in "Wild Boys" in 2011. Played Maria the White Dove in "Bird Therapy" in 2011. Played Bekaa in "Bekaa and Bella" in 2013. Played Simone in "The Day After Today" in 2014. Played Bridgitte in "Bunyip" in 2014.

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Here is a brief list of mythical creatures:

Bigfoot : tall hairy primate (sasquatch, similar to yeti)

bunyip : Australian creature of various descriptions

chupacabra : Latin American "goatsucker"

griffin : half-lion, half eagle

Nessie : Loch Ness monster, aquatic creature possibly plesiosaur

New Jersey devil : flying horse-faced demon

Ogopogo : aquatic monster in Okanagan Lake, British Columbia

phoenix : mythical reincarnating bird

roc : enormous bird

water horse :

wendigo : large furred primate (cursed human)

werewolf : a man-wolf

yeti : Abominable Snowman

(see related link)

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poor poor country axiomatically contrasts economic wealth with aesthetic natural wealth in the poem john shaw neilson recounts how even in poverty he found joy in nature and beauty his wealth was in the green leaves and brown water the flora and fauna of the australian outback and also in his companions such as the pelican who he crowned for a king, the black duck, and the bunyip. the poem is an example of poetry which endorses nature as any individuals or country's primary wealth and looks to bring about a change in the utilitarian view which sees nature as means to an end.

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about 10cm but if ur lucky party pete will give u a red party hat for just tripple the ge price and the if u pass ur party cracker on ur left riding ur pak yak or steel war tourtise never the bunyip you mught just find the answer your looking for or that area to dig up with ur spade to get ur clue scroll reward hope this helps :)

4 answers

The fastest way to train strength to level 99 in F2P would be to train on giant spiders on the third level of the stronghold of security. Buy full rune armour, rune kiteshield and a rune scimitar. Level 40 defence and level 40 attack will be required to weild rune weaponry and armour. An inventory with four 4-dose strength potions and the other 24 slots filled with swordfish for good healing capabilities.

The fastest way to train strength to level 99 in P2P would be to train on armoured zombies in the Chaos Temple Dungeon. Buy dragon armour, or Bandos armour if you can afford it. Level 60 defence, level 68 summoning and level 60 attack will be required to weild dragon weaponry and dragon/Bandos armour and summon a bunyip familiar to heal you. An inventory with a bonecrusher, four or more combat potions, four or more super defence potions, three bunyip pouches, a special attack weapon (dragon claws, dragon dagger, enhanced excalibur, dragon mace, dragon battleaxe) and fill the rest of your inventory with sharks. Remember to use the ladder and recharge your prayer at the altar when it gets low, turn on auto retaliate, pick up any stackable drops and use your special attack when your special attack bar is high enough.

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George Manville Fenn has written:

'The black tor'

'Rob Harlow's adventures'

'Memoir of Benjamin Franklin Stevens'

'In honour's cause'

'The ocean cat's-paw'

'Uncle Bart'

'The peril finders'

'The world of wit and humour'

'Three boys'

'Off to the wilds'


'The crystal hunters'

'Bunyip land, or, Among the blackfellows in New Guinea'

'In the King's name; or; The cruise of the'Kestrel''

'In the king's name' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'Fix bay'nets!; or, The regiment in the hills'

'Dick o' the fens'

'Cormorant Crag: A Tale of the Smuggling Days' -- subject(s): Accessible book

'The adventures of Don Lavington'


'Trapper Dan'

'Planter Jack; or, the cinnamon garden'

'Nephew Jack'

'Our soldier boy'

'Walsh the wonder-worker'

'The silver canon'

'King Robert's page'

'A terrible coward'

'Young Robin Hood'

1 answer

I already have dragons, giant frogs, oni, cyclops, ogre, leprechauns, gnomes, goblins, fairies, gorgons, memeraids, aqrabuamelu, minotaurs, centers, fauns, werewolves, loch ness monster, griffins, phoenix, basilisk, unicorn, dragon, bigfoot, chimera, hydra, zombies, pontianak, banshee, Dybbuk, vampires, aigamuxa, amarok, amphisbaena, bonnacon, bunyip, camazotz, caladrius, cerastes, chupacabra, ciguapa, cretan bull, erymanthian boar, fenrir, frankenstein's monster, gogmagog, gremlins, grendel, hecatoncheires, huitzilopochtli, hybrids, jersey devil, jormungand, kelpie, kudde, kongamato, kraken, krampus, lernaean hydra, mister hyde, mngwa, mokele-mbembe, mongolian death worm, morgawr, nandi bear, nemean lion, ogre, orcs, pegasus, phoenix, roc, skunk ape, sleipnir, springeeled jack, stymphalian bird, Tales, thunderbird, trolls, and valkyries.

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Perhaps you meant to ask what are cryptids?

If that's the case, cryptids are something considered mythical, their existence not accepted by science, but still believed in by many. Data on cryptids is not usually accompanied by hard evidence, though there have been many hoaxes throughout history.

Bigfoot is one example of a cryptid; the Bunyip, the Loch Ness Monster, the Yeti, and the Yowie are others. Others cryptids include various creatures named the 'Beast of [insert name of claimed habitat here]' which are frequently described as big cats such as panthers, lions, and so on. There are theories that big cats escaped from private zoos and interbred with local large animals, producing a line of 'Beasts of ...'

Cryptozoology is the study of cryptid animals; cryptobotany is the study of cryptid plants, and legends abound of man-eating, or domestic-animal-eating, versions of such plants as the venus flytrap, or even just plain large trees turned killer.

There will always be researchers on the lookout for these plants and animals, from the marshlands of Britain to the rainforests of South America.

1 answer

I already have dragons, giant frogs, oni, cyclops, ogre, leprechauns, gnomes, goblins, fairies, gorgons, memeraids, aqrabuamelu, minotaurs, centers, fauns, werewolves, loch ness monster, griffins, phoenix, basilisk, unicorn, dragon, bigfoot, chimera, hydra, zombies, pontianak, banshee, Dybbuk, vampires, aigamuxa, amarok, amphisbaena, bonnacon, bunyip, camazotz, caladrius, cerastes, chupacabra, ciguapa, cretan bull, erymanthian boar, fenrir, frankenstein's monster, gogmagog, gremlins, grendel, hecatoncheires, huitzilopochtli, hybrids, jersey devil, jormungand, kelpie, kudde, kongamato, kraken, krampus, lernaean hydra, mister hyde, mngwa, mokele-mbembe, mongolian death worm, morgawr, nandi bear, nemean lion, ogre, orcs, pegasus, phoenix, roc, skunk ape, sleipnir, springeeled jack, stymphalian bird, Tales, thunderbird, trolls, and valkyries.

2 answers

Megalania, Nessie, Ogopogo, Champ, Bigfoot/Sasquatch, Yeti, Morag, Thunderbird, Ropen, Kongomato, Cressie, Mokele-Mbembe, Kasai Rex, Mothman, Owlman, Tatzelwurm, Mongolian Death Worm, ROD, Jersey Devil, Vampire, Beast of Bray Road, Bear Lake Monster, Oklahoma Octopus, Nguma-Monene, Emela-Ntouka, Rhino Dolphin, Werewolf, Giant Anaconda, Onza, Black Panther, Blue Tiger(?), Napes, Trinity Alps Giant Salamander, True Giant, Loveland Frog, Giant Octopus, Honey Island Swamp Monster, Lizard Man, Giant Spiders, Monster of Montery Bay, Bunyip, Chupacabra, Beast of Gevaudan, Cadborosaurus Willsi, Dover Demon, Grootslang, Almas, Kumi Lizard, Megalodon, Merpeople, Moa, Momo, Giant Turtle, Giant Monkey Eating Eagle, Thylacine, Queensland Tiger, Shunka Warakin, Skunk Ape

Book Recommendation: Cryptozoology A-Z by Loren Colmen

(for a partial list, see the related link below)

1 answer

Australia's most well-known mythical animals are:

  • bunyip
  • yowie
  • dropbear

A bunyip is an Australian Mythical animal that lives in outback 'billabongs' (small swamp-like ponds or lakes in the middle of the bush). They eat kangaroos or stray sheep (sometimes a woman or child if the chance is there). They were supposed to be larger than human, fat, hairy and very ugly with a loud booming call.

The yowie is a mythical Australian creature, commonly frequenting bushland on the continent's eastern side, although the west is not without its sightings. One of the earliest sightings of the yowie is recorded in a letter from naturalist H J McCooey in "The Australian Town and Country Journal", dated 9 December 1882. McCooey claimed to have seen the yowie in 1880, in an area of bushland between Ulladulla and Bateman's Bay on the New South Wales southern coast. He described the yowie as being about 5 feet high, standing on its hind legs, with long black hair which was reddish about its throat.

A dropbear is a more humorous version of an Australian mythical creature, and supposed to be a killer koala that leaps out of trees onto the heads of unsuspection campers and boy scouts.

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No one actually knows if ' Nessie' is real or not as pictures have been taken but many have been classified as fake and no real footage has been found.

Scientist have been searching but have not found anything!!!

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William Herbert Rutherford is known for writing historical novels, with one of his most famous works being "Steve Brown's Bunyip." His writing often focuses on Australian themes including exploration, adventure, and the natural environment.

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Mythological creatures are animals that exist in legends and stories, but not in real life. Things like dragons, griffons, centaurs, the cyclops, and the minotaur are mythological creatures.

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Late but... Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 4: BUNYIP was cancelled in 2006 or 7

Critics say it could be that because Ty 4 had a different game style, muck like a 3-D plane battle...

News of a new Ty game has been unknown a judging as it is the September of 2011...

Either they are taking their time with this or most likely the Tasmanian series has been cancelled....

Sources: Forums, Game Updates, and Announcements

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