The Boeing 747 has both freighters and passenger variants.
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An empty 747-200 freighter is about 155,000 kg. A 747-400 freighter is about 165,000 kg.
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747-200 freighter approx 155,000 kg.
747-400 freighter approx 165,000 kg.
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The tail doesn't swing. The nose opens upward, or there is a cargo door cut in the fuselage on the left side behind the wing
-The tail DOES swing, The 747-400LCF is a specially designed freighter to move haul parts of the 787 over large distances, this plane has an enormous cargo bay in the middle, and the tail section can be swinged open to load/unload large cargo.
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A 747-400 freighter's empty weight is approximately 165,000 kgs.
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An empty 747-400 freighter weighs about 165,000 kg. The max take off weight is 396,900 kg. That means is can carry about 231,000 kg. of cargo and fuel.
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747-400/ -400ER 234.0 -- $266.5 (in millions) 747-400/ -400ER Freighter $238.0 -- 268.0
(in millions)
747-8 293.0 -- $308.0
(in millions)
747-8 Freighter $301.5 -- 304.5
(in millions)
If you want a cheaper airplane
Get a Boeing 737.
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The Boeing Commercial Airplane Company. Many people helped to design it.
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Boeing 777-200,200ER,200LR and 777 Freighter = 63.7 m long
Boeing 777-300,300ER = 73.9 m long
Boeing 747-100,200B,300,400,400ER = 70.6 m long
Boeing 747-8 = 76.4 m long
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The freighter train carried very large amounts of cargo.
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The maximum cargo the freight version can carry is about 250,000 lbs.
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Aircraft prices fluctuate per current economic conditions.
Current list price 747-8: US$300.5m
Current range for used 747-8: US160-165$m
Current list price 747-8F (Freighter): US$303m
Current range for used 747-8F (Freighter): US160-180$m
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The Maximum Take-Off Weight for a Boeing 747-100 is 333, 390kg; a Boeing 747-200 and 747-300 is 377,842kg; a Boeing 747-400 is 396,890kg; a Boeing 747-400ER is 412,775kg and the Boeing 747-8I is 442,253kg.
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Actually that depends, since the Boeing 747 is now the second largest commercial plane in the world, it is large compared the other jetliners.
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A Boeing 747 is considerably bigger than a DC 10 (as well as th aircraft that replaced it the MD 11). The Boeing 747-200 had a Max Take-off Gross Weight of 780,000 lbs. Later models increased to 800,000 lbs or more. The DC10-10 has a MTOGW of 455,000 lbs.
The DC10-30 has a MTOGW of 530,000 lbs.
The MD11 Freighter has a MTOGW of 630,500 lbs. Custermen
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The 747 has a distinctive humped upper deck, which was also useful when converted as a cargo plane. It was also the first widebody plane.
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The passenger of the 747 obviously has side windows. The cargo version also has side windows but only in the cockpit.
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A "freighter" aircraft is any plane designed to carry cargo rather than passengers. You can generally recognize a freight aircraft by the presence of double doors allowing a pallet of cargo to be loaded with a forklift.
Most civilian airliners are available in a freight configuration, such as the Boeing 747 and Lockheed L-1011. The military generally purchases specially designed aircraft with loading ramps such as the C-130 Hercules or the C-5A Galaxy.
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A "freighter" aircraft is any plane designed to carry cargo rather than passengers. You can generally recognize a freight aircraft by the presence of double doors allowing a pallet of cargo to be loaded with a forklift.
Most civilian airliners are available in a freight configuration, such as the Boeing 747 and Lockheed L-1011. The military generally purchases specially designed aircraft with loading ramps such as the C-130 Hercules or the C-5A Galaxy.
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Boeing 747's are manufactured by Boeing Commercial Aeroplanes.
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The Boeing 747 is manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes.
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747 has no particular meaning, it follows in Boeing's naming convention.
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A Boeing 747-400 is the largest airplane that Boeing make. It has four engines and was designed in 1988. It is the second most recent Boeing 747 that Boeing have made.
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The Boeing 747-400 and the Boeing 747-8 are still being made but the Boeing 747-100, -200 and -300 have been discontinued.
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Boeing 747-8 -- 467 Passenger capacity
Boeing 747-400 -- Typical 3-class configuration 416 capacity
Typical 2-class configuration 524 capacity
Boeing 747-400ER Typical 3-class configuration 416 capacity
Typical 2-class configuration 524 capacity
Boeing 747-400 Domestic -- Typical 3-class configuration (with cargo) 568 capacity
Boeing 747 Classics -- 3-class configuration 366 capacity
2-class configuration 452 capacity
1-class configuration n/a
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no, because boeing 777 has more advanced technology than the boeing 747
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if you mean how many wheels is a Boeing 747, there are 18.
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The nickname for the Boeing 747 airliner is Jumbo Jet.
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The cruising altitude of Boeing 747 is 30,000 feet.
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45. 21 passenger aircraft and 24 cargo aircraft.
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The number 787 is bigger than the number 747.
However if your asking about the Boeing Aircraft then the Boeing 747 is bigger than the Boeing 787.
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the company that designed the Boeing 747 is the Boeing Comany. The lead of the design team was Joe Sutter.
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The most popular model, the Boeing 747-400 and the Boeing 747-8 can go at 988km/h
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The number 777 is bigger than 747
The Aircraft Boeing 747 is bigger than the Boeing 777
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It is a large cargo vessel used to carry goods across the oceans from one country to another.
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In terms of maximum cargo carrying capacity, the Antonov AN-225 is the world's largest cargo plane. In terms of maximum volume, the Boeing 747 LCF Dreamlifter is the largest.
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the Boeing 747 is bigger han the 787. The Boeing 747 can seat over 400 people, but the Boeing 787 can only seat about 300 passengers. The Boeing 747 is the second largest commercial airplane in the world. (the largest commercial airplane in the world is the airbus A380.)
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It really depends on what you're looking for. The Boeing 747 has a large seating capacity, it is comfortable, stable, and great for long range flights. The Boeing 777 is popular aircraft that airlines are using to replace the 747 in long range flights because of it's efficiency and low fuel consumption. Overall, I like the 747 better because it's more spacious, safe, and confortable.
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Qantas currently has 21 Boeing 747-400s and 6 Boeing 747-400ERs. Qantas is the only operator of the ER 747-400.
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Passenger-wise, the Boeing 747 (8I series mentioned here) can hold up to 605 passengers (single class configuration), or 467 passengers (three-class configuration). As a cargo plane (400 series mentioned here), its cargo capacity is 520 cubic feet, with a maximum payload of 248,300 lbs.
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The accepted average weight of Jet A fuel is 6.84 pounds per gallon based on specific gravity (but varies based on temperature, additives, etc.) The Boeing 747-400ER can carry more than 63,500 gallons of fuel which is about 434,340 pounds fuel load weight. Information provided by Jet Advisors
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If you mean who was the launch customer for the Boeing 747, that would have been Pan Am.
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