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what is the meaning of body core?

Chop off the legs, arms, and head. The core is the central area.

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98.6F is the normal body core temperature in humans.

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I had read that it is the core exercise

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your stomach

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Your body needs fuel to burn to keep your core body temperature up, especially when it's cold outside

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Core stability relates to the abdominal area in the body. The stronger the core is, the easier it is to stabilize the body.

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Pretty much any body exercise will work your core if you actively engage your core while working out. More specific core exercises include crunches, roll out on a ball, and bridge ups.

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Yes but the car is a uni body which means the body is the frame. and the core support does not bolt in it must be welded.

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yes it is good for the core skin

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Body earthquake waves that can penetrate the Earth's core are known as primary waves, or P-waves. They are the fastest seismic waves and can travel through both solid and liquid materials, including the Earth's inner core.

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If you are asking about ones core in their body the role of the core is to give balance and stability to the persons frame for exercise and movement. There are many yoga exercises to increase core strength.

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Body core temperature refers to the internal temperature within the body, typically around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit or 37 degrees Celsius. It is regulated by the body's thermoregulatory system to maintain optimal functioning of physiological processes. Changes in core temperature can influence metabolism, circulation, and organ function.

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Shell temperature refers to the temperature near the surface of the body or skin, while core temperature refers to the temperature inside the body, around major organs like the heart and liver. Monitoring core body temperature is important for assessing overall body function and health, while changes in shell temperature may indicate environmental factors affecting the body's ability to regulate temperature.

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A body wave that does not penetrate the Earth's core is a compressional wave or P-wave. P-waves travel through the Earth by compressing and expanding the material they pass through, but they do not travel through the outer core because the outer core is liquid.

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When your core temperature rises slightly, you body produces sweat all over your skin. This sweat evaporates from the skin and cools the skin. which in turn cools the blood and cools your body core.

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Your core, and upper part of your body such as the muscular system.

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Every animal is different

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because it helps the core body.

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They are an upper body exercise. They also work core muscles.

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An effective abdominal exercise will work the core of your body; it is good to have a strong core. The best exercises will use all of the muscle group in the abdominal region.

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Body core temperature in Celsius is typically around 37 degrees. This temperature is necessary for normal bodily functions and is regulated by the hypothalamus in the brain. Changes in core temperature can indicate illness or other medical conditions.

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Core body temperature is important for maintaining overall health and well-being because it plays a crucial role in regulating bodily functions, such as metabolism, immune response, and organ function. Fluctuations in core body temperature can disrupt these functions, leading to potential health issues and discomfort. Maintaining a stable core body temperature is essential for optimal health and well-being.

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Since blood heats the skin, and in the cold the body wants to keep the core warm, it reduces circulation to the extremities which can cause frostbite.

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The temperature of the skin varies widely depending on core body temperature, the region of the body, and the environmental temperature. The body works hard to maintain a stable core temperature, but that means that there is wide variation in skin temperature.

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== == Testicles are in the scrotum and not in the body because they cannot produce sperm at core body temperature. They produce sperm around 93-96°F. About 5-6°F lower than core body temperature.

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This body parts are affected from the focus are the ab and the back muscles.

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Adderall is an amphetamine, so it can cause an increase in body temperature.

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An elliptical machine works out lower body muscles, upper body muscles and core body muscles. Quadricepts and hamstrings are included in the lower body muscle catagory. Bicepts and tricepts are included in the upper body catagory and abs are part of the core muscle group.

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Sperm production occurs at a temperature that is slightly lower than the body's normal core temperature, which is why the testicles are located outside of the body. The ideal temperature for sperm production is around 3 to 4 degrees Celsius lower than the body's core temperature.

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P waves are seismic body waves that can penetrate the Earth's core. They are the fastest seismic waves and can travel through both solid and liquid materials, allowing them to pass through the Earth's core.

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S-Wave. They are not able to travel through the liquid outer core.

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How can it's core be bigger than it's size??

Mercury has a much larger core than any other planetary body compared to it's total size.

It's core is estimated to have a radius of about 1,800 km whilst the radius of the planet is about 2,440 km.

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Belly dancing improves the core

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Slows the loss of heat from the body's core

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Slows the loss of heat from the body's core

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Slows the loss of heat from the body's core

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Your body's core temperature dropping too low

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True. Sperm production occurs most efficiently at temperatures slightly below normal core body temperature, which is why the testicles are located outside the body where they can maintain a lower temperature.

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If you are referring to, say, "his/her core temp is low", then it would basically be the middle of his/her torso. From your crotch to your neck area is considered your torso. The heart would be in the core area of the body.

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An abnormally low body core temperature is known as hypothermia. Typically, anything below 36oC is considered hypothermia.

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Another name for normal body temperature is core body temperature.

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To keep sperm cooler than core body temperature.

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Yes yoga can tone up your body because it strengthens the your core muscles.

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The two types of body temperature are core body temperature, which is the temperature of the internal organs, and surface body temperature, which is the temperature of the skin and extremities. Core body temperature is typically more stable and tightly regulated than surface body temperature.

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