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Glucose is the simple sugar that is the primary source of energy used by our bodies during metabolism.

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yes it helps your metabolism and you get protein from it. without it you would be very sick with deficiency

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They run and make us develop as we age they keep are metabolism moving also

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Metabolism is like a car engine that converts fuel (food) into energy that the body can use. Just like how a car needs fuel to run efficiently, our bodies need metabolism to convert food into energy for daily functions.

1 answer

Metabolism is the process by which our bodies convert food into energy. Mitochondria are the powerhouses of our cells where this energy production takes place. Therefore, metabolism and mitochondria are closely related as mitochondria play a key role in the metabolic processes of the body.

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Ketone bodies are associated with cellular metabolism during times of fasting or low carbohydrate intake. They are produced in the liver from fatty acids and are used as an alternative energy source by tissues like the brain, heart, and muscle when glucose availability is limited.

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clown fish cannot actively cool down their bodies, they are poikilotherms. their body temperature is dependent on the water temperature and therefore so is their metabolism

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Our bodies get the energy they need from food through metabolism, the chemical reactions in the body's cells that convert the fuel from food into the energy needed to do everything from moving, to thinking, to growing.

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your body metabolism rate will drop. heartbeat drops. your bones will grow ONLY when you are asleep

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When ketone bodies are present in large amounts in the blood and urine, it usually indicates increased metabolism of fats. This can occur during conditions such as fasting, low carbohydrate intake, or uncontrolled diabetes mellitus.

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Negative calories are a good calorie. They are the ones we can eat without gaining weight. Your bodies metabolism has to work harder to digest them, so that speeds up your metabolism which is a natural way to lose weight.

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Some people have a high metabolism which makes their bodies eat away calories fast and some people have a low metabolism which makes their bodies eat calories not as fast . too many calories = stored up fat = larger person.

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Duck Soup for ferrets is a food high in calories and protein used to fatten up sickly or old ferrets. Ferrets have a very high metabolism which only increases as their bodies attempt to rid themselves of sickness. As their metabolism quickens, their bodies use fat reserves for extra energy thus making them skinny.

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The energy used by our bodies is stored primarily in the form of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. These energy reserves are broken down during metabolism to provide fuel for our cells to function properly.

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Garcinia Cambogia is a weight loss product that has recently been recommended by Dr. Oz on national television. It is claimed by the manufacturers that it suppresses your appetite, helps in the metabolism of fats and increases the bodies metabolism. This may or may not be fact.

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Garcinia Cambogia is a weight loss product that has recently been recommended by Dr. Oz on national television. It is claimed by the manufacturers that it suppresses your appetite, helps in the metabolism of fats and increases the bodies metabolism. This may or may not be fact.

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Acetyl CoA can be used in cellular metabolism to produce energy through the citric acid cycle or to synthesize fatty acids. It can also be converted into ketone bodies in times of fasting or low carbohydrate intake.

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As we age, our bodies undergo various changes, including a decrease in metabolism and muscle mass.

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Animals need to sleep to rest and recharge their bodies, consolidate memories, and regulate important bodily functions like metabolism and immune system.

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No. Just do something with the energy you are going to get from them. If you don't plan on doing anything, it depends on your bodies metabolism. Children and teens have higher metabolisms usually.

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Giraffes get their energy from the food they eat, primarily leaves and twigs from trees. They have a slow metabolism and spend most of their day eating to sustain their large bodies.

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Yes, fungi and their fruiting bodies (mushrooms) are aerobic organisms and thus require oxygen for their metabolism.

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Metabolism and/or catabolism.

5 answers

protein metabolism is the metabolism of proteins

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Fatty bodies are structures found in the intestine of some animals, like reptiles and birds. They store and release energy during times of fasting or energy demand. They can help maintain normal metabolism when food is scarce or during periods of high energy expenditure.

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As mammals, bushbabies are endothermic, using their food energy to warm their bodies. However, as strepsirrhine primates, their metabolism is lower than that of monkeys and apes (haplorhine primates).

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Teenager's have to be very careful when dieting, there bodies and muscles are still developing, most teens have high metabolism's and if they are active, they will usually lose weight naturally.

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Our energy needs depend on body mass because larger bodies require more energy to sustain basic functions like metabolism and movement. This is because more tissue and cells need to be supported and fueled by energy in larger bodies. Smaller bodies have less mass to maintain and therefore require less energy.

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Bodies that are tall and thin are often referred to as slender or lean. This body type typically has a smaller frame with long limbs and is often associated with having a fast metabolism. It is important to note that body types can vary greatly among individuals.

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Generally for the average Joe it takes 3 days for it to clear your system, but it is dependent on how fast your bodies metabolism is.

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metabolism. It includes anabolism (building up molecules) and catabolism (breaking down molecules) to maintain energy, repair tissues, and eliminate waste products.

9 answers

Energy for humans is derived from the food and drinks we consume, which our bodies then convert into usable energy through a process called metabolism. This energy is used by our bodies to carry out daily activities, such as breathing, circulating blood, and moving muscles.

3 answers

It boosts your metabolism.

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how is the metabolism related to the growth

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Metabolism is a property of organismal life

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how is the metabolism related to the growth

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how is the metabolism related to the growth

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metabolism is basically the digestive process

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Breathing: the mechanical process of ventilation, by which air is sucked in and pushed out of our lungs.

Respiration: the biochemical process by which our bodies utilize oxygen rich air in cellular metabolism and release carbon dioxide.

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Our bodies way of storing carbohydrates.

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Carbohydrates (aka, "sugar") provide caloric energy for our bodies in the same way that gasoline provides "energy" for an automobile. Certain organs, such as the brain, literally require carbohydrates in order to function properly. (In the absence of adequate sugar, the brain will run on ketone bodies- products of incomplete fat metabolism.)

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how can metabolism related to nutrients in foods
your metabolism releases the energy from the nutrients you obtained

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after 4pm your metabolism decreases and the time where your metabolism is extremely slow is when you are a sleep

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Alcohol and metabolism are unrelated. So the amount you drink has no bearing on metabolism.

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