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A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.

A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.

A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.

A Schwarzschild black hole is a non-rotating black hole. The Kerr black hole is a rotating black hole. Since the latter is more complicated to describe, it was developed much later.

2 answers

A black hole originated as a star, that is, the star converted to a black hole.

1 answer

If you fall into a black hole, you'll go into the black hole and nowhere else.

1 answer

In a black hole, gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape. This means that whatever goes into a black hole is trapped inside forever, making the saying "what happens in a black hole stays in a black hole" true.

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Black hole is a location in space that possesses so much gravity, nothing can escape from its pull. Yes, Super massive black hole is the largest black hole.

1 answer

We know nothing about the conditions within a black hole, but it seems unlikely that a black hole could exist within a black hole, or even if this concept would have any meaning at all.

1 answer

Yes. Intermediate-mass blackhole is a medium size black hole. Scientists have found stellar black holes and supermassive black holes but there is no prove that Intermediate-mass black type of black holes exist. My opinion is that they do exist because when a black hole is becoming a black hole supermassiveblack hole it will need to go though this stage of intermediate-mass black hole.

1 answer

Into the black hole's singularity.

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A singularity is at the centre of a black hole.

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A black hole can,but it is very rare for a black hole big enough to swallow Earth.

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A black hole does not create a star. A black hole is formed when a star dies.

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Anything that falls into a black hole will be destroyed. Also, anything that falls into a black hole will increase the black hole's mass.

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No, not every galaxy contains a black hole. While many galaxies do have a supermassive black hole at their center, there are also galaxies that do not have a black hole.

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The black hole property that determines the Schwarzschild radius of the black hole is that it has mass but no angular momentum nor electric charge.

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Any matter that enters the black hole will be destroyed. Also, it will increase the black hole's size.

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The object swallowed by the black hole is destroyed; its mass is added to the mass of the black hole.

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things dont implode in a black hole they are dragged in and the black hole gets bigger

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You can't see the black hole but you can see its inflence on its environment. (You can see matter that is sucked into the black hole)

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No one has "seen a black hole" but evidence of where a black hole must be has been observed.

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When a black hole spits something out, it is called a "black hole jet." This event happens when matter and energy are ejected from the black hole at high speeds, creating powerful jets of particles and radiation.

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No one has ever visited a black hole.

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The duration of The Black Hole is 1.63 hours.

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No. No black hole is big enough to do that.

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A black hole has no magnetic field.

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No black hole has "eaten" Pluto.

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No the singularity is at the core of the black hole.

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The event horizon of a black hole is spherical.

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Nothing can escape from a black hole.

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The Black Hole will explode because the gravity of a Black Hole is formed by the matter that is in the process of going intothe Black Hole, and not that matter that has already gone inside.

1 answer

Your use of "the" black hole seems to indicate that you are thinking about one specific black hole. Please clarify which one - there are several known black holes, discovered at different times.

1 answer

Glory hole

Dick hole


Black hole (when woman is black)

1 answer

A black hole is a type of star with excessive gravity. Here are some sentences.

  • The star was sucked into the black hole close by.
  • A black hole will even absorb light.
  • The scientist is studying a black hole.

3 answers

The relationship between the mass of a black hole and its density is that as the mass of a black hole increases, its density also increases. This means that a black hole with a higher mass will have a higher density compared to a black hole with a lower mass.

1 answer

No; I am not in a black hole yet.

A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.

No; I am not in a black hole yet.

A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.

No; I am not in a black hole yet.

A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.

No; I am not in a black hole yet.

A black hole, like any other object with mass, will attract objects that are near by.

2 answers

A black hole is a collapsed star with such a strong gravitational pull that not even light can escape from it. This phenomenon occurs when a massive star runs out of nuclear fuel and collapses under its own gravity. The boundary surrounding a black hole, beyond which nothing can escape, is called the event horizon.

7 answers

They will merge to form a single black hole with the combined mass of the town that merged.

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Because there is usually nothing around the spot where the black hole is because the black hole "ate" everything.

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When you are sucked into a black hole you'll get destroyed. The matter of your body will remain in the black hole.

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if there is light surrounding a black hole it is normally from material entering into the event horizon of the black hole.

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Its called a Super Black-hole and scientists believe it is what holds all galaxies together.

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Only around a black hole. There is a sphere around every black hole where light orbits the black hole.

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No. A black hole may be the remnant of the core of what was once a blue star, but the black hole itself is as black as anything can possibly be.

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As the planet is approaching a black hole due to the immense gravitational pull on the objects surrounding it, the planet revolves around the black hole until it falls into the black hole.

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Nothing, unless a black hole comes very near to us. By the way, you shouldn't say "the" black hole, unless you make it clear which black hole you mean. There are many black holes.

2 answers

black hole got it's name because when look at a black hole, you only see black. also if you drop an item in the black hole the item is gone because there is a hole in there. so that's how black hole get's its name

2 answers

A black hole absorbs everything it sucks in, including matter and light. Once something crosses the event horizon of a black hole, it is unable to escape and is thought to be crushed into a point of infinite density at the singularity.

2 answers

It is a hole because it brings things inside of it, but it's all black so you can't see anything.

1 answer

Actually one interpretation of the big bang is as a white hole, the inverse of a black hole.

1 answer