''Tay-Sachs'' was named after Warren Tay, an ophthalmologist who discovered the occurring red spot in the retina in 1881, and Bernard Sachs, who described the cellular changes related to this disease in 1887.
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Tay Sachs disease was named after British ophthalmologist Warren Tay and American neurologist Bernard Sachs, who independently described the disease in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Their contributions to understanding the disorder led to it being named after them.
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Tay-Sachs was named after Wamen Tay and Bernard Sachs Correction: Tay-Sachs was named after Warren Tay and Bernard Sachs
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The full name of A. Sachs is Andrew Sachs. He is an English actor who is best known for his role on Fawlty Towers.
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Charlotte Sachs Bostrup's birth name is Bostrup, Charlotte Sachs.
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They were the two people directly responsible for identifying Tay Sachs Disease or aka TSD. It was first identified by British ophthalmologist Warren Tay in 1881 and American physician Bernard Sachs in 1887, consequently receiving its name "Tay-Sachs". Tay concentrated on eye changes and described eye defects in an infant with a progressive neurological disease. This is also known as a "cherry-red spot" found in the macula in the back of the eye, it's a characteristic of this disorder. Sachs focused on clinical features, diagnostic signs and pathology, he presented his observations of a disease that was common among German immigrants of Jewish heritage. TSD is most common in Ashkenazi Jews, which are Jews descending from Central or Eastern Europe, and it's also found in some French Canadians. This disease is an autosomal recessive condition meaning that a carrier isn't affected by it but if two carriers cross then there is a 25% chance of a child being affected by it.
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