A good rhyming joke that end with bee tree is: Why did the bee go to the tree doctor? (Because she had hives!)
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The answer to Blues Clues a bee, a tree, and milk is not posted.
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free, flee, bee, me , tree, we, be free, flee, bee, me , tree, we, be
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A B C on the tree .
A stand for A
B stand for Bee
C stand for see
means " A bee see on the tree " .....
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No, "bee" and "tree" do not rhyme because they have different ending sounds.
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What do you get when you cross a bee with a tree? A beautiful buzzzark with honeycomb branches.
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Because of there relationship (mutualism) they need to live together so the bee can pollinate the tree and so the tree can give the bee nectar.
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When you need a joke to answer the question "One is a bee, the other is a tree" you can say "it's a pollination".
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I am not good at jokes so I am not in a position to give you a good Mr Bee and Mrs Tree joke.
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A bee is an animal. A plant is a living organism defined as a tree, bush, or flowers.
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it really depends on hoe you prounce bee. There are better words that rhyme with bee. See, degree, me, tree, pea,tee
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Ring is to sting as bee is to tree (or see or any other rhyming word).
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To make a bee on Alchemy, combine a wild animal and a flower. A house and a bee or a tree and a bee will make a beehive. A flower combined with a bee will make honey, and a bee combined with a beehive will make wax.
3 answers
When you cross a. Muppet and tree Kermit the log crib and bug ba-bee you get MupKemcribugbee
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No you cannot. You will bee stung by a bee if the beehive is shaken out of the tree.
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A bee tree is a tree in which a colony of bees make their home.Bee trees are usually hollow, but have a lower and an upper entrance.
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No. A swarm of bees will only form a hive where a cavity in the tree already exists.
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Yes, it is possible for bee hives to be located among a tree's roots.
Specifically, hives may be located among a tree's branches. But a severe weather event can dislodge the hive. Additionally, some bees nest on and under the ground.
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They are no longer native to America do to the over infestation of Verona mites and also the africanized subspecies. Honey bees are only found in the backyards of bee keepers.
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The common names for the evodia plant include bee bee tree, Korean evodia, Japanese pepper tree, and aromatic pepper tree.
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you must stand still it will think you are a tree and leave you alone
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The smallest bird in the world is the bee hummingbird. It is only two inches long and can be mistaken for an insect.
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The collective noun for bees is a swarm.
When the beehive fell from the tree, a swarm attacked the picnic area.
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Bee keeping is a truditional practice in all parts of Ethiopia basicaly using the traditional hives near house or in the forst by hunding it on tree.
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bee, free, gee, he, geez, key, me, knee, pea, see/sea, tee, we, yippee!
free, bee, tree, glee, see/sea, me, gee,
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A single bee visiting flowers for nectar and pollen can potentially pollinate several hundred flowers a day, depending on the species of bee and the availability of flowers. This can contribute to the pollination of multiple trees in the area.
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Banana tree
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absentee, addressee, amputee, apple tree, appointee, bourgeoisie, cherry tree, command key, deportee, detainee, devotee, disagree, enlistee, escapee, guaranty, killer bee, master key, nominee, spelling bee, water ski, Bering sea
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If a swarm of bees makes a home in a tree in your garden, you can telephone a bee keeper to take the colony to another hive.
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you aim at the hole in the tree to block the kappas second to last retreat
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sometimes if a beekeeper has the bees then yes in a box but if they are without a beekeeper they are often in a tree
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Bumblebees typically make their homes in underground burrows or in above-ground cavities such as old rodent nests or tree hollows. They prefer locations that provide protection and insulation for their colonies, as well as easy access to flowers for foraging.
5 answers
bee, fee, flee, glee, lee, pee, see, tee, vee, wee, ..
flea, lea, pea, tea, ..
be, he, she, we, agree,sea, plea,knee,key,me,already.
pee, key, fee, glee, agree, flea,see, bee, tree, sea
3 answers
an apple blossom is a part of the apple tree. there for it is (just like the name says) an apple blossom. the blossom will then turn into an apple once it is pollonated by a bee.
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