Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield did not invent the BB gun.
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Which model, what is the condition of the BB gun or is it a BB rifle..
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A BB gun is a gun which shoots BB-size pellets, typically with the use of compressed air, or a compressed spring.
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You don't magnetize the BB's. The Magnet is inside the BB gun. The gun has to be taken apart and the magnet that holds the BB's replaced. Not all designs use this method of holding BB in place.
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Yes it does hurt to get shot by a BB gun, due to the hardness of the plastic pellets, and the speed they travel out of the BB gun. The
effect only lasts 2 minutes depending on what type of BB gun was used.
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yes 50 metres is pretty good if ur using a spring or electric bb gun. it is average for a gas bb gun. the average for an electric/spring bb gun is 30m
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A BB gun is an Air Gun. Now if you are asking is a BB gun better than an "Air Soft" gun that is different. As for better, well it all depends on what you want it for. A BB gun will do more damage than an Air Soft gun. But that doesn't make it better.
basically an air gun has hollow pellets to a bb gun a bb gun has metal balls so they are basically the same gun but with different types of bullets
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Actually a BB gun is an air gun. But an air gun also includes pellet guns and rifles. BB guns are the bottom end of the air gun family. Pellet guns are more accurate than BB guns and they usually cost more.
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it all depends on the make and model. You did not say what kind of BB gun.
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It is a system that uses C02 or green gas to fire the BB out of the gun
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It's better known as a BB Gun. A BB gun is similar to a real firearm except it uses compressed air instead of gun powder.
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In the truest sense of the definition of "automatic", no a bb gun cannot be automatic. In function, however, a BB gun can be automatic. A good example would be the Drozd BB gun which fires full automatic, but used CO2 as the power source.
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It may cause problems with jamming. It is not recommended.
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What model BB gun are you asking about.
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Who is the manufacture of this BB gun.
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A BB gun uses compressed air to push a round steel "BB" out of a smoothbore barrel. It does not have the power, range, or accuracy of a firearm.
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No in fact .3 Joules = 181 FPS. In a BB gun that is about as slow as you can get. But in an Airsoft gun that is average.
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Is the Potato Cooked or Raw? What model BB gun are you comparing. There are over 1000 to choose from.
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Co2 comes out of a bb gun because of the compressed co2 cartridges that are used to propel the bb itself. Additionally, the bb gun that does not use co2 cartridges just doesnt shoot out co2, but air in general.
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Marksman 1010 is the cheapest and slowest BB gun on the market.
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Loading one depends on the model. To fire a BB gun, you pull the trigger.
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In mst cases, no, it is not- but it will depend on where your garden is located, and what you are doing with the BB gun.
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