


Officially the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, this South Asian country is the eight most populous nation and one of the most densely populated nations in the world. It is listed among the “Next Eleven” economies. Its capital is Dhaka and its official language is Bangla.

1,130 Questions

What is the classification of traveler?

•Travel in Prehistoric Times

•Travel in Neolithic Times

•Travel in Ancient Civilizations

•Travel in the Middle Ages

•Travel in the Renaissance

•Travel in the Industrial Age

The Emergence of Modern Mass Tourism

How many mosques are there in Bangladesh?

Oh honey, there are over 300,000 mosques in Bangladesh. That's more mosques than you can count on your fingers and toes! So, if you're looking for a place to pray in Bangladesh, you've got plenty of options to choose from.

What does shona mean in bengali?

Oh, dude, "shona" in Bengali means gold. So, if someone calls you "shona" in Bengali, they're basically saying you're as precious as gold... or maybe they just really like shiny things. Who knows, right?

What are some examples of cultural lag in Bangladesh?

Cultural lag is used to describe a situation in which the technological advancements occur faster than the change in the rules and norms of the culture.

Example: Not only the younger people but also some older people are using social media (most commonly facebook) as a media of communicating with their friends and relatives recently. Still some people thinks that social media users are lonely, distracted from others since those people couldn’t accept this technology yet.

What is the IBAN number of sonali bank in Bangladesh?

Oh, what a lovely question! Unfortunately, I don't have that specific information on hand. But don't worry, you can easily find the IBAN number for Sonali Bank in Bangladesh by reaching out to the bank directly or checking their official website. Remember, it's always a good idea to double-check to ensure your transactions go smoothly.

Does ever snow in Bangladesh?

Snowfall is extremely rare in Bangladesh due to its tropical climate. It has never snowed in the vast majority of the country, with the exception of the hilly regions in the north, where snowfall might occur during the winter months.

What is the time time zone dhaka?

Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is in the time zone of Bangladesh Standard Time (BST), which is UTC +6 hours.

What river flows from the himalayas through india and bangladesh?

The Ganges River flows from the Himalayas through India and Bangladesh. It is one of the most sacred rivers in Hindu culture, and millions of people rely on it for sustenance and spiritual cleansing.

Does Bangladesh snow?

No, Bangladesh does not experience snowfall due to its tropical climate. Snowfall is very rare in tropical countries like Bangladesh.

How many houses were destroyed in the 1998 bangledesh floods?

The 1998 Bangladesh floods affected about 30 million people and destroyed around 600,000 homes. The floods were one of the most devastating natural disasters in the country's history.

Is Bangladesh rural or urban?

Bangladesh has a mix of both rural and urban areas. While a significant portion of the population resides in rural areas and is involved in agriculture, there are also rapidly growing urban centers like Dhaka and Chittagong.

How will Bangladesh cope with cyclones?

Bangladesh copes with cyclones by investing in early warning systems, building cyclone shelters, conducting evacuation drills, and promoting community preparedness. The government works closely with humanitarian organizations to ensure timely response and recovery efforts after a cyclone strikes. Additionally, Bangladesh has been working on climate change adaptation strategies to mitigate the impact of cyclones in the long term.

Is Kenya an LEDC and why?

Kenya is classified as a less economically developed country (LEDC) due to factors such as high poverty rates, limited access to healthcare and education, and a reliance on agriculture as a primary industry. Additionally, challenges like income inequality, inadequate infrastructure, and vulnerability to natural disasters contribute to its LEDC classification.

What countries surround Kenya?

Kenya is bordered by Ethiopia to the north, Somalia to the east, Tanzania to the south, Uganda to the west, and South Sudan to the northwest.

Why is the population in Bangladesh so dense?

Bangladesh has a high population density due to its small land area and large population size. The fertile land of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta attracts people to settle there, leading to further population concentration. Additionally, limited job opportunities in rural areas push people towards urban centers, increasing urban population density.

Is Bangladesh a Nation?

Yes, Bangladesh is a nation located in South Asia. It gained independence from Pakistan in 1971 and has its own government, territory, and population.

Formation of Bangladesh?

Bangladesh was formed as an independent country in 1971 after a bloody war of independence from Pakistan. The conflict was sparked by political and economic disparities between East and West Pakistan, leading to a struggle for autonomy in East Pakistan. The war ended with the military intervention of India in support of Bangladesh, resulting in the creation of the new nation.

What is tha meaning of suffix?

A suffix is a group of letters attached to the end of a word to change its meaning or form. It is used to create new words, alter the grammatical function of a word, or to give a word a different tense or meaning.

Are most Bangladeshi penises circumcised?

Yes, circumcision is a common practice among Muslim males in Bangladesh for cultural and religious reasons. It is estimated that the majority of Bangladeshi males are circumcised.

How many Muslim live in Bangladesh?

About 90% of the population in Bangladesh identifies as Muslim, making it the largest religion in the country. As of 2021, it is estimated that there are over 160 million Muslims living in Bangladesh.

Why is Bangladesh a densely populated country?

Bangladesh is densely populated due to its small land area and high population growth rate. The fertile soil and abundant water resources also support agriculture, leading to a concentration of people in rural areas. Additionally, many people from rural areas migrate to urban centers in search of better economic opportunities, further contributing to the population density.

What is the rate of unemployed people in Bangladesh?

The unemployment rate in Bangladesh was estimated to be around 4% in 2020. However, this rate can fluctuate due to various economic factors and may have changed since then. It's important to refer to the latest data from official sources for the most up-to-date information.

What does it mean when a country has a high birth rate?

A high birth rate in a country means that there are more births per 1,000 people in the population. This can lead to a larger population growth rate and potentially strain on resources like healthcare, education, and jobs if not managed effectively.

What is an example of cultural lag?

When our school year is based on a 9 month schedule-Why?-because when this country was a farming culture, we needed more labor in the summer to tend the crops- Thuse no school.

Cultural lag, as I understand the theory, can be described through the classic example of automobiles. Automobiles are a technological advancement, being a piece of materialized culture. As automobiles had made advancements through history, becoming faster, aerodynamic, fuel efficient, and all around different from the first automobile, we cannot assume that all culture connected to the automobile has equally kept up with the speed of this technology. Some roads cannot be driven on by many different vehicles. Speed limits are an ideology enforced by intimidation. Curves in roadways become unmanageable in some weather conditions. Driving has become a very dangerous part of life. The risks of death by transportation are higher than some drugs. Thus, the concept of a vehicle has not been consistant relative to time and space. If the advancement of roadways kept up with the technology of vehicles, cultural lag would not exist in this case. However, vehicles have advanced much faster than roadways have.

Another example would be the technological advancements of today. Computers have allowed myself to write a biased, unqualified explanation of a complex theory. The ethics, morality, limitations, exceptions, and enforcement of these values have yet to be determined.