the bambi twins our Geno and Gurri, Bambi and Faline twin fawns that appear at the end of bambi 1.
1 answer
Yes, Bambi is alive!!! Bambi ran right to the den, then found out his mother got shot, and he still lived.
Bambi still lives, thanks to those who like Bambi.
Actually Bambi is a cartoon character, and Bambi still lives anyway.
1 answer
Bambi lives. It was his mother that got shot.
After the scene when Bambi lost his mother, Bambi married Faline.
At the end of the movie Bambi and Faline had fawns, & Bambi became the Prince of the forest.
3 answers
Bambi was prince of the forest like his father.
Bambi married Faline.
Bambi is a cartoon, so he can't be too old too live.
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There was no beaver in the original film, Bambi. (I'm not sure about Bambi II)
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Bambi is a movie for all ages.
Bambi is a family movie rather than a kids movies.
Bambi is a family movie.
Bambi is "G"rated.
Someone is thinking Bambi should be "PG"rated because of the scene when Bambi's mother got shot by the hunter.
Bambi is "G"rated because it was movie for all ages including teenagers & adults.
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In the movie Bambi the rabbit's name is Thumper.
Thumper is the grey rabbit that is Bambi's best friend.
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No, Bambi's mother is shot by a hunter in the movie, then Bambi goes to live with his father (the stag.)
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A Deer has an average life expectantcy of between 4 and 6 years, but can live to around 11 or 12. Bambi was released in 1942 so I'm sure he's dead by now.
Have you heard of the short animated film titled Godzilla meets Bambi..Godzilla Stomps Bambi to death...thats the whole film plot..So yes Bambi is dead
Bambi of course is dead he has been dead sense 1942 .
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Bobby Stewart as Baby Bambi , Donnie Dunagan as Young Bambi , Hardie Albright as Adolescent Bambi and John Sutherland as AdultBambi .
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If you cross Bambi with a ghost you will get Bamboo.
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If you cross Bambi with a ghost you will get Bamboo.
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Bambi's mother was killed by hunters in the movie Bambi.
2 answers
I assume this question is asking what Bambi's father is called? All the animals refer to him as the Great Prince of the Forest. This is why Bambi is called the Little Prince at the beginning when he was a baby.
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