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Yes, the definition of ballad stanza fits the traditional ballad stanza in the "Ballad of Birmingham" because it follows the ABAB rhyme scheme and typically consists of alternating lines of iambic tetrameter and trimeter in quatrains. This structure is reflective of the traditional ballad form used to tell a narrative story with a strong lyrical quality.

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The cast of Five Stanza Ballad - 2011 includes: Laura Tedesco

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The ballad stanza typically consists of four lines, where the 2nd and 4th lines rhyme. Therefore, the element that is not part of the ballad stanza is irregular rhyme scheme.

4 answers

A ballad stanza consists of four lines per stanza, also known as a quatrain. These stanzas traditionally follow a rhyme scheme of ABCB or ABAB.

2 answers

In the usual ballad stanza, the odd-numbered lines typically have four stressed beats, creating a strong, rhythmic pattern. This gives the ballad stanza its characteristic musical quality and helps drive the narrative forward.

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The simile poem in the 2nd stanza of "Ballad of a Mother's Heart" compares a mother's love to the "ever-falling drops of rain." Just as rain is constant and unending, the poem suggests that a mother's love is continuous and unwavering.

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An example of a ballad with an AB-CD rhyme scheme is "Tam Lin," a traditional Scottish ballad. Each stanza in this ballad follows the AB-CD rhyme scheme where the second and fourth lines rhyme with each other.

2 answers

A ballad refrain is a repeated phrase or line in a ballad poem or song. It serves as a chorus-like element, often appearing at the end of each stanza to reinforce a key theme or emotion throughout the piece. The refrain helps to create a sense of unity and structure within the ballad.

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The ballad "Casey at the Bat" is considered a ballad because it tells a story through verse, has a regular rhythm and rhyme scheme, and often features a theme of love, loss, or triumph. In this case, the ballad recounts the story of Casey, the mighty baseball player, and his dramatic strikeout that leads to the despair of the Mudville fans.

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A ballad typically consists of three or four-line stanzas with alternating rhyme schemes. The number of stanzas in a ballad can vary, but they often tell a story or convey a message through narrative poetry.

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In traditional ballads, there is no strict rule on indentation. However, some variations of ballad poems may use indentation for stylistic purposes to signify a new stanza or verse. Ultimately, the decision to indent in a ballad comes down to the poet's preference and the overall aesthetic of the poem.

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In a ballad, typically the second and fourth lines of each stanza rhyme with each other. The rhyme scheme is often ABAB or AABB. This structure helps create a rhythm and flow to the poem or song.

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The shift between the two stanzas of the Ballad of Birmingham is from a peaceful and hopeful tone in the first stanza, where the mother is sending her child to march for civil rights, to a tragic and devastating tone in the second stanza, where the mother's worst fears come true as the church is bombed and her child is killed.

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A line.

It would hardly bear the title of 'stanza'.

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(setting) the moon was hiding from the clouds seem it will be raining because the star are sleep

5 answers

A ballad poem typically consists of quatrains with a rhyme scheme of either ABAB or ABCB. It often tells a story in a narrative form with a repeating refrain or chorus. Ballads traditionally include elements such as dialogue, repetition, and a strong emotional appeal.

3 answers

1.Couplet a two line stanza 2.Triplet (Tercet) a three line stanza 3.Quitrain a four line stanza 4.Quintet a five line stanza 5.Setstet (Sextet) a six line stanza 6.Septet a seven line stanza 7.Octave an eight line stanza

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Ballads typically have a narrative structure telling a story, often focusing on themes of love, tragedy, or folklore. They usually have a repetitive and rhythmic pattern, with a distinctive ballad stanza. Ballads are commonly set to music and were originally passed down orally through generations.

1 answer

a stanza in a ballad is a verse and an example would be: (this is from the lady of shalott):

She left the web, she left the loom,

She made three paces through the room,

She saw the water lily bloom,

She saw the helmet and the plume,

She looked down to Camelot.

Out flew the web and floated wide,

The mirror cracked from side to side;

"the has come upon me," cried

The Lady Of Shalott.

i know its a bit long but the can be 4 or more lines long

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There are various lyrics promulgated for the "child's ballad" entitled "Lord Randall", so the last stanza can vary. There is one version (Harry Belafonte) which also mentions hell as the fate of the poisoning female (being hung). (see related link)

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Mobsters - 2011 The Ballad of the Hipsters 1-3 was released on:

USA: 2011

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The ISBN of The Ballad of Matthew's Begats is 978-1-4003-0909-2.

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Ballad rhyme often uses four-line stanzas, with common rhyming patterns being AABB or ABAB. Stanzas can have four, six, eight or even a dozen lines, depending on the intent of the writer, how he/she wishes to express him/herself, and where the expressive emphasis lies. The ballads of Australian bush balladeer A.B. 'Banjo' Paterson vary in length.

5 answers

Animalia - 2007 The Ballad of the Creeper 1-33 is rated/received certificates of:


1 answer

Frontier - 1955 The Ballad of Pretty Polly 1-22 was released on:

USA: 1 April 1956

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Duel Masters - 2004 Ballad of Kintaro Part 1 1-11 was released on:

USA: 2004

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Outlaws - 1960 Ballad for a Badman 1-2 was released on:

USA: 6 October 1960

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The Cop and the Kid - 1975 The Ballad of Joe 1-12 was released on:

USA: 1976

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Griff - 1973 The Last Ballad 1-6 was released on:

USA: 10 November 1973

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abcb(2nd and 3rd sentence of stanza rhyme)

4 answers

A five-stanza poem might be 20 lines long, broken into five sections of four lines each. There's no rule about how many sentences a poem (or a stanza) has to contain. An example of that would be: 1)I have a pet bat, 2)no not a cat, 3)who lives in a hat, 4)and lies on a mat, lines 1-4 go together in 1 stanza and this is how you repeat the rest to make your 5 stanza poem!

2 answers

Phineas and Ferb - 2007 The Ballad of Badbeard 1-24 is rated/received certificates of:


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The ballad of John and Yoko

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BraveStarr - 1987 The Ballad of Sara Jane 1-57 was released on:

USA: 12 February 1988

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Buckskin - 1958 The Ballad of Gabe Pruitt 1-4 was released on:

USA: 24 July 1958

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Maggie - 1998 Ballad of Maggie Day 1-11 was released on:

USA: 3 November 1998

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Walking with Dinosaurs - 1999 The Ballad of Big Al 1-7 was released on:

USA: 1999

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City of Dreams - 2012 The Ballad of Ofagina 1-11 was released on:

USA: 9 October 2013

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The length of a stanza varies by poetic form and author inclination. Although there are many poetic forms that dictate a stanza of a certain length, stanzas in general are not limited by anything except what the author wants to do.

Despite the fact that there is no set length for a stanza, there are words for stanzas of certain lengths. For instance, two-line stanzas are couplets, three-line stanzas are called tercets, and four-line stanzas are called quatrains.

11 answers

The rhyme scheme of daffodils:

a b a b c c (1 st stanza)

d e d e f f (2nd stanza)

g h g h i i (3rd stanza)

j k j k l l (4th stanza)

2 answers

Navy Log - 1955 The Ballad of Big E 3-1 was released on:

USA: 18 September 1957

1 answer

The Bill Cosby Show - 1969 A Christmas Ballad 1-13 was released on:

USA: 21 December 1969

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