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The ISBN of Assault on Weapon Plus is 0-7851-1119-0.

1 answer

arm with a weapon then to commit an act of assault

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Either assault or attempted murder. If you used a weapon it would be assault with a weapon/deadly weapon.

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If no weapon was involved and it was NOT a sex assault, the SOL is 2 years.

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In most jurisdictions I am aware of "Simple" Assault (meaning assault with nothing but your hands or fists) is a misdemeanor. It can be charged as a more serious crime depending upon the seriousness of the injuries inflicted on the victim.

7 answers

Assault with a deadly weapon.

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A more violent act of assault usually involving a deadly weapon

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Yes, anything that can be used to cause bodily injury is considered a deadly weapon. So the charge would be aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Yes, anything that can be used to cause bodily injury is considered a deadly weapon. So the charge would be aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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Pointing a weapon at someone is assault. It is illegal regardless of the relationship between the two.

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The same thing as assault with a deadly weapon

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The M16 was invented @ 1960

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Be more specific in your description of the weapon which you are asking about (manufacturer - type - caliber - etc). The category "ASSAULT weapons" is too broad for even Congress to be able to define them.

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There are many reported cases of assault with a deadly weapon. These cases often serve up very heavy fines and jail time.

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It depends on what degree of assault and how serious the injuries, if any, and/or if a weapon was used, or it was a sexual assault.

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Just about any item can be considered an assault weapon depending on how it is used. It is the intent that is most often considered. A rolled up newspaper could be used to hit or assault a person just as well as a knife or gun. The penalty may not be as severe but the assault is still applicable.

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3 month to 5 years

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The SKS is not an assault rifle, nor even a BATFE-defined "civilian assault weapon". And no, a permit is not required.

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for assault charges. she's out on bail

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If you have to insert something onto your weapon, go to the weapon selection and below the picture of the weapon you can change it.

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aggrevated assualt with a deadly weapon is where you cause serious injury, perment or deforming, with a deadly weapon or contraband.

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By contact with WHAT? If by hand (e.g.- a 'slap" or a 'punch') yes, usually it is. In some jurisdictions this is called "Simple" Assault. HOWEVER, if something else is utilized in the striking (e.g.- ANY type of weapon - or even if you kick with a shoe) it becomes a felony assault, in some jurisdictions also known as "Assault with a Dangerous (or Deadly) Weapon."

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INVestigation of Assault with a Deadly Weapon

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According to O.C.G.A. § 16-5-21, Aggravated assault with a deadly weapon is punishable by no less than one year in prison and no more than 20 years in prison.

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It depends on what weapon he is carrying, grenades, any weapon upgrades, and the number of marines in the unit.

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It could be from two years up to five years. It depends on what type or what degree of assault and whether a weapon was used or not.

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Some of these questions make me want to commit felonious assault.

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assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury

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Usually for a person to be charged with this offense he must have an actual deadly weapon or device with which he could kill someone. A person could otherwise be charged with aggravated assault under the right circumstances.

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NO. Verbal assault is illegal, and threatening someone is considered just as bad legally as actually brandishing a weapon.

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The unique weapon you want is located in vault 34, the gun is in the armoury there and is called the All-American.

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Yes, even though it is not deadly when used in an inappropriate way it can be considered a weapon.

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Either the MA5C Individual Combat Weapon System (Assault Rifle) or the BR55HB SR Battle Rifle (Battle Rifle)

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Not necessarily, it may depend on WHAT type of assault you are referring to. You can commit an "assault" by utilizing or displaying a weapon that puts the victim in fear of their life or great bodily injury - and it is not necessary for you to "touch" them with it, simply placing them "in fear" suffices. However - in so-called "simple assault" (no weapon-just bodily contact; hands or fists, etc) an actual physical touching must occur. Although used quite often in the common vernacular, there really is no such thing as a "verbal assault" or "assault by intimidation."

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virtually any physical object that can be used to inflict injury can be classified as a weapon. I've seen an assault with a weapon charge where the "weapon" was a cell phone.

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The short answer is that they allow criminals to possess more firepower than police. A full-auto assault rifle can put remarkable amounts of bullets downrange, meaning that even a modest marksman can shoot his way out of a rough situation. The ammunition used by assault rifles also tends to be of a higher velocity; AK-47 and M16 rounds travel at about 3,000 fps. This allows them to penetrate some obstacles that average bullets could not, such as car doors and ballistic vests.

However, assault rifles that are not automatic use these same rounds, and are legal. So the short answer is that they fire too rapidly for the tastes of lawmakers.

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Yes. If there is evidence that a deadly weapon was used (e.g. a gunshot wound or camera footage), then the verdict should be guilty.

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If you are referring to the U.S.A. Armies standard weapon for infantry it is/was the range of M16 Assault rifles. Now they are being phased out and replaced with M4 Carbines.

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Felony. ANY "armed" assault is generally charged as a felony ESPECIALLY if the weapon is capable of causing great bodily harm or death.

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I don't recomend doing it, but i am thinking Jail time depending on the age.

Added; Assault With a Deadly Weapon.

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Cutting someone with the intent to harm can result in criminal charges such as assault with a deadly weapon or aggravated assault, depending on the severity of the injury and the circumstances of the incident.

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An AK47 is an assault rifle, often incorrectly referred to as a machine gun.

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Usually the mandatory sentence one could expect to get if charged with assault with a deadly weapon is one to twenty years in jail. Circumstances surrounding the case can give more concrete information about the length of the sentence.

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