Tarantula Hawk Wasp
1 answer
Yes it can. If your rottweiler was stung by the Arizona bark scorpion--the most dangerous of the Arizona scorpions, and you didn't know about it the dog could die. scorpion sting symptoms: immediate pain or burning, very little swelling, sensitivity to touch, and a numbness/tingling sensation. The Arizona Bark Scorpion is venomous. The Arizona Bark Scorpion sting may have additional symptoms such as numbness or tingling of extremities or face, blurry vision, or muscle twitching. Your rottweiler can not tell you these sympotms so if you think your dog has been stung take him or her to the vet immediately.
It is true! Sadly a scorpion can kill anything by one sting. I have two rottweilers and my dad is a professional dog trainer and started with his dogs then went off to other peoples dogs!
I Love Rottweilers! :)2 answers
it is unposibe that sting could have a sting tail
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Well, wasp sting is more poisonous than bee sting
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Wasps are fairly common in the deserts of California and Arizona especially species in the genera Pepsis and Hemipepsis in the family Pompilidae. They are quite large and females hunt large spiders or tarantulas which they paralyze with a sting. The still living tarantula is then buried with eggs of the wasp and serve as food for the developing larval wasps. The sting from these wasps is quite painful, one of the most painful of all insect stings.
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having a sting or the capacity to sting; "stinging insects"; "stinging nettles"
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They are not poisonous but they sting. The sting feels like a bee sting.
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they sting you so that wherever they sting you they get parallized
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The main chemical in a bee sting is melittin, a peptide toxin. It causes pain and inflammation at the site of the sting.
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The nature of the bee and wasp sting is that they are usually inflammatory and acidic.
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There are varieties of stingless bee, but it could also be a male (drone) because no male of any bee variety has a sting.
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bumblebees actually bite and don't sting; however, yellow jackets sting once and loose their stingers making them unable to sting again
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A bee does not sting itself, but a wasp sometimes will. Bees will sting other bees if they are fighting.
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A bee only dies if it loses its sting. If it can get away with its sting intact it will survive.
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they dont sting from top They have stingers in their tentacles.
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