There are 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet.
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the second letter in Arabic alphabet is(ب)
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The first letter in the Arabic alphabet is called "alif". It's written like this in Arabic: أ
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There are 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet--Lebanese is a dialect of Arabic, and all of the Arabic dialects have the same letters.
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The fifth letter of the Arabic alphabet is the letter "د" which is pronounced as "daal" and has a similar sound to the English letter "D".
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A modified version of the Arabic alphabet is used for Persian. It is the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet, plus 4 additional letters used only in Persian.
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Hebrew uses the Hebrew alphabet, and Arabic uses the Arabic alphabet. Both alphabets are consonant-based.
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There are many differences. Here are a few:
Arabic letters are connected. Latin letters are not.
Arabic is written right-to-left. Latin is written left-to-write.
The Arabic alphabet has no vowels. Latin does.
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The 20th letter of the Arabic alphabet is "ك", which is called "kaf".
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The Arabic Alphabet was not created by one person. It was a slow evolution from the Phoenician alphabet and developed in the Hejaz region in the early first millennium.
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There are a few alphabets with 28 letters, most notably the Arabic alphabet.
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Arabic writing uses a different alphabet made up of Arabic symbols.
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The most coolest alphabet is the Muslim's. Which is Arabic.
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If you are asking what it means, it refers to an alphabet that has been replaced by a newer alphabet.
If you are asking for an example:
The Turkish alphabet was written with Arabic letters prior to 1927. Then it switched over to the Latin alphabet. The Arabic version would be considered the "Former" alphabet of Turkish.
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Many researchers confidently claim that the first half of the Arabic alphabet represents more surnames than the second half of the Arabic alphabet.
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Israel uses the Hebrew alphabet for the Hebrew language, the Arabic alphabet for the Arabic language, and the Latin alphabet for the English languages.
Signs in all three languages can be found throughout Israel.
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The first letter of the Arabic alphabet is "ا" which is pronounced as "alif". It is equivalent to the letter "A" in English.
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In the Arabic alphabet, strength is written as قوة.
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(stylized characters)
Hebrew uses the Hebrew alphabet, a block-letter alphabet, which consists of 22 consonants and no vowels.
Arabic uses the Arabic alphabet, a cursive-style alphabet, which consists of 28 consonants (29 if you include Hamza), and no vowels.
Most of the letters of of the Hebrew alphabet have similar names to their Arabic equivalents. Some of the emphatic letters of Arabic are missing in Hebrew, and the Hebrew letter Samech (ס) is missing from Arabic.
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the Arabic people were the first to create the alphabet.
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The question as posed is nonsensical and likely derives from the misunderstanding of how Arabic is written. Arabic is not written with symbols or ideographs (like Chinese), but is written with letters in an alphabet. It just happens that the alphabet used in Arabic is different than the Latin alphabet used in English.
The word for sister in Arabic is "okht" and it is written like this (???).
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There is no such thing as an Egyptian alphabet, so you cannot compare the two. Ancient Egyptian used thousands of pictures that represented ideas as well as consonants. The Arabic alphabet consists of 28 consonants.
There are no similarities, except that Egyptian was occasionally written right to left, just as Arabic is.
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The letter sin (س ) is the Arabic equivalent of S.
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The first Arabic alphabet character is "Alif." It is the first letter in the standard Arabic alphabetical order and has a phonetic value of a glottal stop sound.
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The way to spell the name Lisa using the Arabic alphabet is ليسا.
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To say "dessert" in Arabic, one would say "halwaa" which is spelled in the Arabic alphabet as حلوى.
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deceit = خداع (pronounced khada3 or 5ada3, using the Arabic chat alphabet)
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More languages use or adapt the Arabic alphabet, including English, French and Esperanto, than any other alphabet.
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There is only one Urdu alphabet. It's called "The Arabic Alphabet for Urdu"
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There is only 1 Arabic alphabet in use. It is used by other langugaes as well, such as Urdu and Persian.
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To translate the name George using the Arabic alphabet, one would write جورج.
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