



Appendicitis, or inflammation of the appendix, is a medical emergency. It can lead to a rupture, and is a risk for peritonitis and shock. It can be life threatening.

322 Questions

Why urea abnormal for patient perforated appendicitis?

A pee test, likewise called a urinalysis, might be finished. A urinalysis ensures that a urinary plot contamination or a kidney stone isn't causing the aggravation. Imaging tests. Imaging tests might assist with affirming a ruptured appendix or track down different foundations for torment

What is appendicitis and how is it caused?

Appendicitis is the Inflammation of the appendix and is caused by a blockage covering the only opening of the appendix.

Who is the likely group of people to get appendicitis?

Appendicitis is the most common abdominal emergency found in children and young adults. One person in 15 develops appendicitis in his or her lifetime. The incidence is highest among males aged 10-14, and among females aged 15-19.

Can appendicitis happen again after appendectomy?

nope. you cant stitch a appendix back it would hurt too much. Also, you cant grow an appendix.

What is the significance of studying appendicitis?

A delay can result in perforation, or rupture, of the appendix. When this happens, the infected contents of the appendix spill into the abdomen, potentially causing a serious infection of the abdomen called peritonitis.

How do you know if you are having an appendicitis attack?

You usually know that you have one if you have gut wrenching cramps in your right side right above your hip bone.

Can you be dizzy with appendicitis?

yes, in a case of pre ileal or a post ileal appendix, the irritation of the terminal ileum can present with symptoms of diarrhea also non obstructive appendicitis caused by an organism which causes enteritis eventually inflaming appendix can be a predominant symptom presenting initially as diarrhea.

What is First aid for appendicitis?

surgery. and after wards a lot of rest.

How do you tell the difference in kidney infection and appendicitis?

Yes, of course you can have a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) and appendicitis. They are from different body systems. The UTI is fixed with antibiotics and appendicitis is ONLY fixed with surgery. If you had appendicitis you would get sicker every day with more pain and fever. You would know if you had appendicitis, it DOESN:T go away!

How long do you have to wait to be active after appendicitis?

It depends on the grade of the appendicitis. Some people recover fast but in some cases the illness can lead to a complication called peritonitis (if the infection is spread through the abdomen). In this case it may take month to heal and patient must take an antibiotic.

What do you do if you am having appendicitis symptoms?

If you are having symptoms of appendicitis you should see a doctor as soon as possible, since appendicitis can become very serious quickly. If you have abdominal pain that makes it impossible to sit or stay still, go to the emergency room.

Can you have appendicitis surgery while you are 5 weeks pregnant?

The doctors would be most carefull not to interfere with the baby in the process.

There is always a chance of something going wrong though, as surgery stresses the body.

I do not think the chances of having a miscarriage due to removal of appendix is large.

Why is appendicitis more common in males?

Appendicitis is more common in male may be because of active dynamic life and specific life style, nothing approved this when it comes to evidence based medicine,also there is speculations that appendicitis affecting teen more than other group of patients because possibility of lumen's obstruction is high , again this is not supported by evidence based medicine.

The others possibility is inheritance ; appendicitis more common when member of family develop it , why this ? The only explanation is inheritance . But why it's more common in male ; again the possible explanation is inheritance.

The other possible cause is type of diet: no thing proved by research, however diet is predisposing factor , but why specific type of diet cause appendicitis ? Nothing proved by solid research.

The other possibility is genetic constitution:

Appendicitis may be under diagnosed in women because assumption that the symptoms are due to pelvic organs pathology rather than appendicitis and this makes diagnosis less in women , on contrary men with right side lower abdominal pain the first differential diagnosis would be acute appendicitis.

The other possible cause is relatively easy diagnosis in men compared to women.

The other possible cause is modern antibiotics ; use of antibiotics may abolish appendicitis in women if mistreated for urinary tract infection ir pelvic infection .

All these information are not supported by strong evidence from literature.

I hope this had answered the question

Mr Abdulzahra Hussain , FRCSI,FRCSENG ,FRCS(Gen.Surg)


How long does it take for appendicitis symptoms to occur?

It takes hours and not days to develop the symptoms of appendicitis.

Diarrhea dull pain on lower left side back ache is it appendicitis?

Appendicitis is pain on your right side not your left. Pain on the left could be from stomach, colon, liver, kidney stones- sounds a lot like kidney infection or stones. Call your MD- don't believe things on the internet as pain usually indicates something is wrong!

Typical Appendicitis symptoms are crippling pain on the left side of the abdomen, just under the ribs, accompanied by vomiting. Eventually the vomiting and pain will stop and the sufferer will begin to feel better. This is a bad sign as it means the appendix has burst and the sufferer must seek medical attention immediately. The symptoms you describe could be due to food poisoning or possibly a bladder or kidney infection.

Is headache a sign of appendicitis?

No pain in the lower part of your abdomen is and fever. The pain can go on for days and get worse until one finally get that it's time to go to the hospital. It differs a bit between patients.

Yes, a headache can be one of the symptoms of appendicitis. I had appendicitis and a severe headache over a 3-day period was one of my symptoms, along with general pain in my abdomen, nausea and one bout of vomiting over the 3-day period.

Headache is the sign of a infection in your body or fever. It's not a typical symptom of appendicitis.

What are the most common symptoms of appendicitis?

Severe pain in umbilical region, fallowed by vomiting is the first symptom of acute appendicitis. Shortly the pain shift to right iliac region. vomiting after getting pain in abdomen and loss of appetite is prominent symptom.

What are the signs of an appendicitis?

Pain in the umbilical area is there in the beginning. This pain shifts towards right lower abdomen eventually. You can have bout of vomiting. There has to be loss of appetite in almost every case.

Can a two year old get appendicitis?

Yes. You can get appendicitis at any age (as long as you have an appendix).