When Bobby stuck his finger in a fan, his appendage was severely cut and bruised.
1 answer
The red fleshy appendage you see on a turkey's neck is their wattle.
2 answers
You can put any word in a sentence. Appendage is relating to an external body part such as the arms or legs. Contexting is very important. For example: John Doe lost an appendage in a car accident.
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No, an appendage is a part of the body like an arm or a leg. A muscle is a group of tissues that works together to preform a function.
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Oh, dude, you're talking about a short person and a rooster's appendage? Well, technically, a rooster's appendage is called a comb, and a short person could refer to someone vertically challenged. So, if you put them together, you might get a short person admiring a rooster's stylish comb... or something like that.
3 answers
The function of the epiploic appendage is actually unknown. These are small pouches of the peritoneum filled with fat and are situated along the colon.
1 answer
An appendication is an obsolete term for an appendage, something added to something else.
6 answers
An appendage is a part of something which is joined to something longer, a natural projection from any part of an organism, such as an external body part which projects from the body.
1 answer
Short Answer: arms and legs. Long Answer: The Head, as an appendage, includes ears, eyes, nose, lips ... neck!
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The palate appendage in your mouth is called the uvula. It is a fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate and plays a role in speech and swallowing.
2 answers
A part or organ, such as an arm, leg, tail, or fin, that is joined to the axis or trunk of a body. in botany, an ARIL as in the appendage of a nutmeg seed or a yew seed
3 answers
Appendage: A projecting part of an organism, with a distinct appearance or function.
The trunk projects from an elephant, is easily recognizable and is used to breathing from, grasping, manipulating things, and spraying water.
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according to Modern Human Physiology by Frederick D. Cornett and prof. Pauline Gratz, an "Axon" is a four letter word for an appendage of a neuron.
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A whiplike appendage is a long, slender extension resembling a whip found on certain organisms, such as flagellated bacteria or some protozoa. It is used for propulsion or movement through a fluid medium.
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A seed appendage is a structure attached to a seed that aids in dispersal. Examples include wings or hairs that help carry the seed by wind or animals to new locations for germination. These appendages increase the likelihood of the seed finding suitable growing conditions.
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supplement, postscript, adjunct, appendage, addendum, addition
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