Apollodorus was a common name in ancient Greece and we know about several historical figures whose name was Apollodorus.
Some of them were philosophers and Rhetoricians and scholars. Apollodorus of Phaleron (5th century BC) was a disciple of the philosopher Socrates. Apollodorus of Seleucia was a Stoic philosopher of the 2nd century BC. Apollodorus the Epicurean (2nd century BC) was the head of the Epicurean school of philosophy in Athens. Apollodorus of Athens (c. 180- c. 120 BC) was a historian and grammarian. Apollodorus of Artemita (c. 130-87 BC) wrote a history of the Parthian Empire. Pseudo-Apollodorus (2nd century BC) was the author of the Bibliotheca, acompendium of Greek myths and heroic legends. Apollodorus of Pergamon was one of the two most prominent teachers of rhetoric in the 1st century BC.
Apollodorus of Gela (342-290) was a writer of comedies and Apollodorus of Carystus wrote comedies in the New Comedy Style of the 3rc century BC.
Apollodorus Skiagraphos (5th century BC) was an important painter who introduced great improvements in perspective and chiaroscuro. Apollodorus of Damascus was a 2nd century Ad architect.
Apollodorus of Amphipolis was a Macedonian general. Apollodorus the Sicilian was a member of the court of Cleopatra VII, the queen of Egypt.
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No. Apollodorus lived approximately 100 years before Cleopatra.
By the time of Cleopatra, Apollodorus was a very common name and she could very possibly have had a slave by that name, but as far as we know, she had no lover by that name.
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Apollodorus of Damascus was Emperor Trajan's architect. He is given credit for the Baths of Trajan and the Forum of Trajan, among other buildings.
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The architect born in Damascus between 60 and 70 AD.
Source- Apollodorus of Damascus and Trajan's Column: from tradition to project By Giuliana Calcani, Maamoun
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The original Pantheon in Rome was designed by the Roman architect Apollodorus of Damascus under the rule of Emperor Hadrian in the 2nd century AD. The building is renowned for its striking dome and innovative design.
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Apollodorus of Damascus was a renowned Greek architect and engineer who designed various structures, most notably Trajan's Forum and Trajan's Bridge in ancient Rome. His work in architecture and engineering helped shape Roman construction techniques and architectural styles, influencing the development of public infrastructure in his time. Apollodorus' innovative designs and engineering skills left a lasting impact on the built environment of ancient Rome.
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A merchant named Apollodorus rolled her into a carpet and gave the carpet to Ceaser.
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The architect of the Pantheon in Rome was Apollodorus of Damascus. It was a temple commissioned by Marcus Agrippa in honor of Emperor Augustus.
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W. E. J. . Kuiper has written:
'Two comedies of Apollodorus of Carystus'
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Plato and Apollodorus portray Socrates as a principled philosopher who values pursuing truth and wisdom through dialogue and inquiry. They emphasize Socrates' commitment to self-examination, moral integrity, and intellectual humility, highlighting his role as a thought-provoking figure who challenges conventional beliefs and encourages critical thinking.
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Trajan's column was constructed by order of the senate to commemorate Trajan's Dacian victories. An architect named Apollodorus of Damascus is credited with actually building it.
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Trajan's column was constructed by order of the senate to commemorate Trajan's Dacian victories. An architect named Apollodorus of Damascus is credited with actually building it.
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The Greek slave Pasion was alive in the 4th century BC, and was owned by Antisthenes and Archestratus. He later became a clerk and had a son, Apollodorus.
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Tranjan's Bridge, or Bridge of Apollodorus, was built over the Danube River around 103-105 AD.
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No, she is possibility the eldest, for is named first among her siblings by Pseudo-Apollodorus in Bibliotheca:
"Nike, Kratos, Zelos, and Bia were born to Pallas and Styx."
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We only know of three slaves that are named. The first is Apollodorus, the one who delivered her to Caesar, and the other two are Iras and Charmion, the two slaves who committed suicide with her.
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The Roman Emperor Trajan spent the gold extracted from the conquest of Dacia on many buildings in Rome. One area Trajan wished to improve was the public baths. Reportedly, he had the architect Apollodorus of Damascus design a huge complex of public baths. Citizens could enjoy hot and cold baths. The baths were a great way to socialize in ancient Rome.
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It is generally considered that Hercules (Heracles, Herakles) was the one to rescue Theseus...
This is what is described by Apollodorus, of which some of the text can be found using the Related link:
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Aphrodite is mentioned as the daughter of Zeus (and Dione) in Homer's Iliad; Euripides' Helen, by Apollodorus - and Cicero's De Natura Deorum.
However in the Theogony, she is the daughter of Ouranos (heaven).
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Aphrodite is mentioned as the daughter of Zeus (and Dione) in Homer's Iliad; Euripides' Helen, by Apollodorus - and Cicero's De Natura Deorum.
However in the Theogony, she is the daughter of Ouranos (heaven).
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I'm pretty sure it was Europa.
- In the Iliad, Europa is mentioned as the daughter of Phoenix, the first king of Phoenicia. However, according to Apollodorus, Europa was his sister, not his daughter.
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No, Homer did not write the legend of Hercules. The hero Hercules is part of Greek mythology and his stories were written by various authors, with the most famous being Apollodorus and Ovid. Homer is known for composing the epics "The Iliad" and "The Odyssey."
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Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca :
"It fell to the lot of Herakles to go mad because of the jealousy of Hera. In his madness he threw into a fire his and Megara's children, as well as two belonging to Iphikles."
Hercules did not eat the children he killed.
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As a queen, Cleopatra would have had hundreds of slaves. Unfortunately only the names of three slaves have come down to us. They were Apollodorus, the one who smuggled her into Caesar, and two of her personal slaves who died with her. The personal slaves were named Charmin and Iras.
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Trajan's Forum, as the name indicates, was built by Trajan, the 13th Roman emperor.
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You can read the myth of Perseus and Andromeda in classical Greek mythology texts, such as Ovid's "Metamorphoses" or Apollodorus' "Library." These stories recount the tale of Perseus slaying the sea monster to save Andromeda, whom he later marries.
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In the Epitome of pseudo-Apollodorus, a genealogy is given for Chrysaor ("of the golden sword") that would make him a double of Bellerophon; he too is called the son of Glaucus the son of Sisyphus. Chrysaor has no myth save that of his birth: from the severed neck of Medusa, who was with child by Poseidon, he and Pegasus both sprang at the moment of her death.
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Bellerophon's father was Glaucus, the son of Sisyphus.
In the Epitome of pseudo-Apollodorus, a genealogy is given for Chrysaor ("of the golden sword") that would make him a double of Bellerophon; he too is called the son of Glaucus the son of Sisyphus. Chrysaor has no myth save that of his birth: from the severed neck of Medusa, who was with child by Poseidon, he and Pegasus both sprang at the moment of her death.
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The Messenger 10 spacecraft flyby near Mercury on 14 January 1974 revealed a 'radial web' (Fossae) of troughs located in the giant Caloris basin, 100 km and more in length like a 'spider' formation possibly by the impact of asteroid to form a crater 40 km across , named Apollodorus, the architect of Pantheon in Rome.
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Mythical narration plays an important role in nearly every genre of Greek literature. Nevertheless, the only general mythographical handbook to survive from Greek antiquity was the Library of Pseudo-Apollodorus. This work attempts to reconcile the contradictory tales of the poets and provides a grand summary of traditional Greek mythology and heroic legends
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Greek myth does imply so:
Pseudo-Apollodorus, Bibliotheca :
"Plouton [Haides] fell in love with Persephone, and with Zeus' help secretly kidnapped her. "
Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter:
"[Demeter's] trim-ankled daughter whom Aidoneus [Haides] rapt away, given to him by all-seeing Zeus the loud-thunderer. "
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According to a fragment of Pindar, and Apollodorus Orpheus' father was Oeagrus (Οίαγρος) a Thracian king (or, according to another version of the story, the god Apollo); his mother was the muse Calliope or a daughter of Pierus son of Makednos.
As you can gather from the above, the trouble with the Greek myths is that there are always alternative stories.
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According to Apollodorus Achilles was 15 when they set off at the first gathering at Aulis which was 8 years before the Trojan War proper and 17 years before the end of the 9th year of the war, so Achilles was at least 32 when he died. But if you accept Apollonius' account of Achilles being born at the time of the voyage of the Argo then he was about 62.
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Some of the Greek writers who recorded myths for future generations include Homer, Hesiod, and Apollodorus. In Roman mythology, Ovid's "Metamorphoses" is a significant work that contains numerous myths.
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The Kyklopes;
"After ten years of fighting [the Gods against the Titanes] Ge prophesied a victory for Zeus if he were to secure the prisoners [the three Kyklopes] down in Tartaros as his allies ... [he did so and] the Kyklopes gave Zeus thunder, lightning, and a thunderbolt, as well as a helmet for Plouton [Haides] and a trident for Poseidon. Armed with these the three gods overpowered the Titanes, confined them in Tartaros." - Apollodorus, The Library 1.6-7
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The Kyklopes;
"After ten years of fighting [the Gods against the Titanes] Ge prophesied a victory for Zeus if he were to secure the prisoners [the three Kyklopes] down in Tartaros as his allies ... [he did so and] the Kyklopes gave Zeus thunder, lightning, and a thunderbolt, as well as a helmet for Plouton [Haides] and a trident for Poseidon. Armed with these the three gods overpowered the Titanes, confined them in Tartaros." - Apollodorus, The Library 1.6-7
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The cast of Caesar und Cleopatra - 1964 includes: Lukas Ammann as Britannus Fritz Asmussen Christoph Bantzer as Apollodorus Claus Biederstaedt as Rufio Elisabeth Flickenschildt as Ftatateeta Friedrich Gynrod Monika John as Charmian Hans Karl Friedrich as Pothinus Isolde Miler Max Nemetz Uta Sax as Cleopatra Bernhard Sinkel Wolfgang Unterzaucher Jaspar von Oertzen
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In Greek mythology Ceyx was the son of Eosphorus and the king of Thessaly.He was married to Halcyone. They were very happy together, and according to Pseudo-Apollodorus's account, often called each other "Zeus" and "Hera". This angered Zeus, so while Ceyx was at sea, the god threw a thunderbolt at his ship. Ceyx appeared to Halcyone as an apparition to tell her of his fate, and she threw herself into the sea in her grief. Out of compassion, the gods changed them both into halcyon birds.
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The cast of Caesar und Cleopatra - 1970 includes: Ursula Braun as Ftatateeta Werner Ehrlicher as Lucius Septimius Harald Halgardt as Britannus Wolf Kaiser as Caesar Wilfried Ortmann as Pothinus Ernst Peter Berndt as Perser Monika Tews as Iras Joachim Tomaschewsky as Theodotus Karin Ugowski as Charmian Winfried Wagner as Apollodorus Harald Warmbrunn as Rufio Friedrich Wilhelm Dann as Belzanor
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The surface of planet Mercury is fairly similar in appearance to our Moon - without atmosphere to moderate impacts, it is mostly heavily cratered plains. Mercury has a significant variety of features more greatly appreciated from recent observations, including ridges, valleys, plains, escarpments, and mountainous areas. One feature of interest is Apollodorus crater with an unusual radiating spider-like pattern.
Surface composition is believed to be mostly silicates but to be poorer or lower in metal content (iron, titanium etc.) than other rocky planets.
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Graham Faulkner has: Played St. Francis of Assisi in "Fratello sole, sorella luna" in 1972. Played Maurice Dudevant-Sand in "Notorious Woman" in 1974. Played Mark Denby in "Angels" in 1975. Played Fred Dickens in "Dickens of London" in 1976. Played Southwold in "The Children of the New Forest" in 1977. Played Cornish Farmer in "Priest of Love" in 1981. Played Apollodorus in "The Cleopatras" in 1983. Played Staff Nurse in "Shroud for a Nightingale" in 1984.
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The cast of Caesar and Cleopatra - 1976 includes: Jolyon Bates as Ptolemy Michael Bryant as Britannus Margaret Courtenay as Ftatateeta Iain Cuthbertson as Rufio Clive Francis as Apollodorus Alec Guinness as Julius Caesar Kristin Hatfield as Iras Ludmilla Nova as Charmian Warwick Paul Evans as Roman Soldier Neville Phillips as Major-Domo Michael Poole as Centurion David Steuart as Theodotus Gareth Thomas as Achillas Noel Willman as Pothinus
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A pantheon was a temple dedicated to all gods, unlike other temples which were dedicated to one or two to three gods. Pantheon is a Greek word which means "of/for all gods" or "common to all gods" by combining the words pan (all) and theoios "(of or for the gods).
There were several pantheons around the Roman Empire. The most famous of is the one in Rome. The first building was built by Marcus Agrippa in 27 BC. It burned in 80 AD and was rebuilt by the emperor Domitian. It burn again and was rebuilt the emperor Trajan's architect Apollodorus of Damascus. The emperor Hadrian had it repaired again after yet another fire in 126 AD. However, it is now thought that the current building was actually manly the work of Apollodorus of Damascus. Agrippa's first design was rectangular, like most of the Roman temples. A rotunda with a dome was built at its back, in the place where there was a circular square. An inscription which said that Agrippa built the temple was retained on its frieze.
The Pantheon in Rome is well preserved because it was converted into a Catholic church. It still has the largest unreinforced concrete dome on the world.
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The surface of planet Mercury is fairly similar in appearance to our Moon - without atmosphere to moderate impacts, it is mostly heavily cratered plains. Mercury has a significant variety of features more greatly appreciated from recent observations, including ridges, valleys, plains, escarpments, and mountainous areas. One feature of interest is Apollodorus crater with an unusual radiating spider-like pattern.
Surface composition is believed to be mostly silicates but to be poorer or lower in metal content (iron, titanium etc.) than other rocky planets.
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The tales say that over millenniums of time rocks, planets, etc. crashed together creating the greek titaness Gaea. The dust shot up into the air making a male named Uranus. They populated children and named their race 'titans'. Kind of like the story in the bible 'Adam and Eve'
The Greek scholar and grammarian, Apollodorus, created Greek Mythology. Though it was the Roman poet Ovid who created Roman Mythology and started off the characters that are now in Greek Mythology. (Greek and Roman Mythology are the same, but have a different telling of stories.)
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The famous story about the Great Flood is best known from the Bible (Genesis 6-9). It has always been known that there were similar stories from Greece and Rome (like the ones by Apollodorus, Ovid, and Hyginus), but in the nineteenth century, several texts from ancient Iraq were added. The first discovery was Tablet XI of the Babylonian Epic of Gilgameš (in 1872), the second the Sumerian original, now called the Eridu Genesis (1914), and the third the Epic of Atrahasis (1956). It is now clear that the Biblical account stays close to an earlier Babylonian model.
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Teiresias saw two snakes sexually couples in the area of Kyllene, and when he injured them he changed from a man into a woman.
Or: "Teiresias saw two snakes sexually couples in the area of Kyllene, and when he injured them he changed from a man into a woman. Later, seeing the same snakes again mating, he was changed back into a man. Thus, when Hera and Zeus were arguing as to whether men or women enjoy sex more, they put the question to Teiresias. He said that on a scale of ten, women enjoy it nine times to men's one. Whereupon Hera blinded him, and Zeus gave him the power of prophecy." Source: Apollodorus, The Library 3.711 answer