The prefix "ante" comes from Latin. It means "before" or "prior to."
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"Previx ante" is likely a misspelling of "prefix ante." "Prefix ante" could refer to a term or concept that is set before or in front of another term or concept, usually to modify its meaning.
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d (anted).
Words that use ante- as a prefix include antediluvian (before the flood) and antebellum(before the war).
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One prefix that means before is "pre" as in the word pretest.
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The prefix word for before giving birth is "ante-" (for example, ante-natal).
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There are no words that contain both the prefix "ante" and the root word "cest" in the English language.
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The prefix pre- means before. You can easily see that in the word prefix.
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The prefix "ante-" means "before" or "prior to." It is commonly used in English to indicate something that comes before or precedes something else.
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"ante" is a prefix meaning "before" eg. antechamber, antebellum
"anti" is a prefix meaning "against" eg. anti-inflammatory, anti-war protestor
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There are few if any latin prefixes. The preposition for "before" is ante
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It's got to be "ante" because it means before and I can't think of any other prefix that means "beginning".
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Answer #1 Yes, you add the prefix "pre-" or "ante." The prefix is "pre-" if the phrase "before the computer" is meant to convey time, that is, before [the time or the age of] the computer. The resulting word is "pre-computer." The prefix is "ante-" if the phrase is meant to convey space, that is, [something that is located physically in front of or] before the computer. The resulting word is "ante-computer."
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The prefix "ante-" combined with "flexion" means forward curvature of a part or organ.
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The prefix "endo-" can be used to indicate within or inside, so "endoroom" or "endochamber" could be used to convey the idea of a room or chamber.
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The person would be spelled 'aunty' or 'auntie'.
The prefix would be spelled 'anti'.
The increasing of an amount wagered (like in poker) would be an 'ante'.
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The prefix "pre-" means before or earlier than. For example, "preview" means to see something before it is fully released or shown.
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One prefix for the word above would be "supra-" Example, Suprarenal, which means "above the kidneys"
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AnteBefore, forwardAntecubital (before elbow); anteflexion (forward bending)
a prefix meaning 'before in time or in place': anteflexion, antepartal.
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Some words that begin with 'ante' are: anteroom, antechamber, antebellum, antechapel, antedate(d), antecedent, antediluvian, anteed, and just for kicks: Ante Mame (JOking...)... but there's also anteater, antelope, anterior, and anteverts...
Please see the related link below for... SO MUCH MORE! (69 of 'em listed) A list of words with the prefix ante includes antenatal, antelope and antenna. Others include anterior, anteroom, antecede and antecessor.
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the correct spelling is antemortem; and as a bit from says:
"-adjective before death: an antemortem confession.
Also, ante-mortem, ante mortem."
In paleopathology or forensic anthropology and osteology, antemortem refers to damage done before death, as opposed to perimortem damage done at the time of death and post-mortem damage, as done on CSI (post death trauma!)
Anti- is the prefix for against, or opposite, while ante- is the prefix for before or in advance of. Hope this helps!
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A prefix can be one of a number of word segments used preceeding a word to alter the word's meaning.
Common examples are:
pre- = before
post- = after
sub- = under
tele- = far
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The syllable added at the beginning of a word is typically called a prefix. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning or create a new word.
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The prefix "ante-" would be added to the root "date" to convey the meaning of marking as if it happened earlier, forming the word "antedate."
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The ante-mortem of the body was done to the body. It is a sentence containing the word ante-mortem.
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I placed my bet in the poker game before the ante was raised.
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The Latin word ante meridiem refers to "before noon" in English language.
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