"Union"; In order to take over Austria, Hitler simply announced a union with the country since most of its population favored unification anyway
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The union between Germany and Austria on March 12, 1938 was referred to as Anschluss, which literally means "union."
6 answers
When talking about history the word 'Anschluss' (a German word for 'link, connection') refers to the invasion and annexation of Austria by Germany in March 1938. The word 'annexation' is misleading, though correct in terms of international law. In Linz and Vienna Hitler was greeted with delirious applause that made even the Nuremberg rallies seem tame. In Vienna there was an explosion of Jew-baiting and elderly Jews were forced to sweep the streets with tooth brushes while onlookers laughed and hooted with glee. Joncey
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In 1938 the Anschluss was signed. Anschluss is the German word for "union." The treaty united Germany and the country of Austria.
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The Anschluss, also known as the Anschluss Österreichs, was the annexation of Austria into Nazi Germany on 12 March 1938. The idea of an Anschluss (a united Austria and Germany that would form a "Greater Germany") began after the unification of Germany excluded Austria and the German Austrians from the Prussian-dominated German Empire in 1871.
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The Anschluss was the annexation of Austria by Germany in March 1938.
The Union between Nazis Germany and Austria in March 1938
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I am pretty sure that it was a type-o. The correct spelling of this German word is Anschluss (for a translation see http://www.dict.cc/?s=Anschluss)
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Austria, Germany, and Czechoslovakia.
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The Anschluss placed Czechoslovakia in danger because of its location. Part of its territory laid between Germany and Austria making it a prime candidate for annexation and attack.
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In English "Anschluss" means:
1 - Junction, union, joining, linkup.
2 - Connection, (phone connection, electrical connection, train connection).
3 - Annexation, Union (Annexation of Austria to Germany).
4 - Contact, acquaintance and/or friendship with other people.
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Anschluss was the annexation of Austria to the Greater Germany in 1938 by the Nazi regime.
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Wonder Woman - 1975 Anschluss '77 - 2.2 was released on:
USA: 23 September 1977
UK: 2 February 1979
Japan: 12 October 1980
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Austria was economically suffering after World War One, due to the heavy reparation fee and the break-up of its empire, both as a result of the Saint-Germain Treaty. There was a great feeling amongst the public that a union with Germany would be best in aidng the country in over-coming these financial difficulties. There were many loyal Nazi Party members living in Austria who co-ordinated mass demonstrations and riots in favour of Anschluss with Germany.
Anschluss had been forbidden in the Treaty of Versailles and the treaty of Saint-Germain. By participating in Anschluss with Austria he was openly defying those terms agreed in the peace treaties. Anschluss was also helping him to fufill his foreign policy aim of Grossdeutschland (or Greater Germany) where he strived for a superior Aryan race.
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In March 1938 Hitlers army entered Austria who were welcomed and united
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Wonder Woman - 1975 Anschluss '77 2-2 was released on:
USA: 23 September 1977
UK: 2 February 1979
Japan: 12 October 1980
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The term 'Anschluss' refers to an event that occurred in 1938 when Germany annexed Austria just prior to World War II. The word 'Anschluss' means 'connection' or 'union' in German and is meant to define the act of combining the two countries.
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they were close to taking them over with austria in 1938
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This was called the "Anschluss", thus pretending that Austria voluntarily joined Germany.
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the medal is worth about $100.00 but im not sure about the case
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