Her family died, because of some group, or someone against them, tricked them into getting killed. Some say, Anastasia escaped, but no ones knows for sure!! It is still a mystery, some people thought it was some girl who might be Anastasia, but after the girl died, they did blood test, and it wasn't Anastasia!! It is still a mystery........I found this all out on Wikiepedia, so look on that!!
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The truth maybe be connected with Bulgaria, i know a prosecutor who has developed a very persuading theory that they have come and lived till their death in Bulgaria.The only problem is that he doesn't have enough money for a DNA analysis as a final proof. If you are interested look at his site http://russianking.hit.bg/
if you can help contact me at egm2@abv.bg
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Okay comrades of the White cause, here it is: adapted to US standard measurements. Name" Anastasia Romanov. Height: Five Foot Nine inches ( as was, coincidentally, Amelia Earhart- the two gals have a lot in common) Hair- Red, auburn ( cartoon was accurate there) EYES-blue, Lips-Pink, Politics- White! Last seen wearing Brownish trenchcoat and possibly non-rated ( as used by subway conductors, police photographers, etc) Black Garrison Cap with blue band. wears Boots. May be accompanied by Russian Wolfhound puppy named Pooka. Be advised SHE IS PRECIOUS. In Platinum, Eyes Only! Dimitri out. PS may also have Field Grade/nobility Conventional Ruyssian hat ( round type) of Red Sable fur ( this not shown in the movie).
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Anastasia Sakelaris's birth name is Anastasia Nicole Sakelaris.
3 answers
Anastasia Fontaines's birth name is Anastasia Fontaine.
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Meg Ryan provided the voice of Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova .
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Ok. one assumes you mean Unsolved Case # l of the KGB! Name of Father- Czar Nicholas of Russia, Mother- Alexandra, Empress of Russia- Nee Alexandra Von Hess (of German background). siblings- Olga- born l895 and at the time of the Massacre she was Six Foot two inches tall, Tatiana- Born l897, Maria, Born l899, all had red hair and blue eyes. The only Grand Duchess who had a (Straight) occupation was Olga, who was a registered Nurse. Tatiana was an honorary Intelligence ( IKGB) officer, probably of rank grade of Major or Inspector. (o-4 in US Parlance). Her Brother, assumed obviously lost in the Revolution, Alexis, the hemophiliac prince, was born in l904, and as a male outranked, technically the four Czarevnas ( Crown princesses born of the Czar) By the way code names for the four girls- possibly coined by the IKGb or later the NKVD were- Big Girl (Olga) Bow-wow (Tatiana) Apples (Marie) and the best-known Grand Duchess was code-named IMP which may have been an acronym for Imperial Princess, which she was. that"s your title Lady, Anastasia.
Siblings: Olga had dirty blonde hair,Tatiana aurburn-brownish hair not called bow wow but she was "The Governess", Maria light brown hair she was called 'Little Fat Bow Wow, Anastasia was the only one that had red hair out of her sisters and was also called Malenkaya which is little one is Russian, Shivbzik is also imp in Russian (that is of course not how you spell shivbzik or malenkaya in Russian just how they are pronounced) It's Alexis in English but pronouced like Alexei in Russian.
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Anastasia Myskina's birth name is Anastasia Andreyevna Myskina.
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Anastasia Wiley's birth name is Anastasia Maria Wiley.
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Anastasia Ganias's birth name is Anastasia F. Ganias.
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Anastasia Horne's birth name is Anastasia Nicole Horne.
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Anastasia Kolesnikova's birth name is Anastasia Nikolayevna Kolesnikova.
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Anastasia Mara's birth name is Anastasia Viktoria Mosharova.
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Princess Anastasia appeared in the 1997 animated film of the same name "Anastasia".
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Cinderella's step sisters names are Drizila and Anastasia.
5 answers
Grand Duchess Anastasia's birth name is Anastasia Nicholaievna Romanova.
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The Production Budget for Anastasia was $53,000,000.
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