An DAC convert digital signal to analog signal i.e Digital to Analog Converter. An ADC convert analog signal to digital signal i.e Analog to Digital Converter.
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An analog-to-digital converter is a device which converts an infinite resolution analog signal to a finite resolution digital signal.
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Digital to analog converter.
An analog to digital converter and digital to analog converter are present in a computer. they serve this purpose. They are present in the form of ICs inside.
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where an analog signal is to be converted into digital signal,because in some applications we need digital signal where we have analog signal that is we use an A/D converter
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Well you can use Digital-Analog Converter to do the same operation.
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When you convert digital signal to analog, it is called as an analog signal.
The device used is called digital to analog converter.
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Get a digital to analog converter box or connect it to a digital DVD or vcr.
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An analog-to-digital converter is a device which converts an infinite resolution analog signal to a finite resolution digital signal.
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Analog instrument are interface with digital instrument with the help of analog to digital converter(ADC).ADC converts analog signals to digital signals.
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No its not possible.To transform a group of discrete number into a continuous analog voltage we need digital to analog converter.
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The basic elements in digital signal processing are an analog to digital converter, digital signal processor, and digital to analog converter. This process can take an analog input signal, convert it to digital for processing and offer an analog output.
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It will work with the channels that have switched to digital, but unless your converter box can take in both analog and digital, you will have to wait for the analog ones to switch.
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Buy a new digital ready tv, get a digital receiver Sky or Freeview for your analogue tv
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There is a device called a digital to analog converter (DAC).
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When digital values are converted to create an analog sound, the term used is Digital-to-Analog converter.
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The devices are known very simply as analog to digital converters and digital to analog converters. They are frequently shorted to A-D and D-A converters.
A complete analog to digital converter will not only convert the analog signal into a set of numbers, it will also format the digital data ready to deliver to the next step in the signal chain. In television, this means generating a fairly complex stream of data that will carry not only the picture but audio and other data as well.
Digital to analog converters reverse the process and use the incoming data to generate an analog signal. In television, well know examples are the digital set top boxes. They receive digital data from an antenna and convert the numbers into analog audio and video signals.
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Analogue-to-Digital Converters,Digital-to-analog converter.
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Information about a digital to analog converter can be found on the site Hardware Secrets which divulges that real world signals such as light and sound can be converted into digital signals by a circuit called ADC (Analog-to-digital converter) so that the information, once converted, can be processed and stored digitally.
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To have digital to audio played back it has to be changed back to analog with the use of a DAC or digital to analog converter. The DAC will take the digital signal and try to recreate it as a analog signal.
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Radio "signals" are always analog, not digital. To send a digital signal, it must be converted to analog format, and then the received signal has to be re-converted to digital.
So the Voyager and Viking space probes, for example, include a digital-to-analog converter attached to the radio transmitter, and the radio receivers here on Earth are routed through an analog-to-digital converter to make sense of them.
You yourself may have such an "analog-to-digital" converter; they are called "modems", or "modulator/demodulator".
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Its an IC which converts the analog signal at its input into digital output suitable for digital applications. It is an essential part of any digital system
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A digital converter converts the analog signals that are received by your TV to digital signals. Most TV providers only offer digital TV these days, so you only need it if you're still using analog.
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application in analog to digital converter,digital clock, digital voltmeter.
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An analog to digital converter can be purchased at any large electronic store such as Best Buy or Radioshack. It can also be purchased at large retailers like Walmart and Target.
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The resolution of an analogue to digital converter is defined as the minimum input step change that can be detected as different on the digital side.
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A: An ADC will convert the analog to a digital value compared to a known analogue reference. Each digital output will represent a value in BCD form as bits to analog input
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A: An ADC will convert the analog to a digital value compared to a known analogue reference. Each digital output will represent a value in BCD form as bits to analog input
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it is an DAC (Digital to analogue converter
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The set top box that your provider gives you is what converts the Digital signal to the analog signal.
The digital signal is compressed at the provider and sent to the end user. The "tuner" (which can be built into a tv, a set top box or a cable card) Then decompresses the digital signal and converts it into an analog signal.
There is much more to this did not know how technical you wanted your answer.
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A: An ADC will convert the analog to a digital value compared to a known analogue reference. Each digital output will represent a value in BCD form as bits to analog input
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The clock time of analog to digital converters depends on the design of the converter, which depends on the performance expectations for the system.
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A converter box will perform this function. more accurately a digital to analog chip an example is a AD558
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a modem
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The digital tuner also demodulates the normal analog broadcasting. The tuner outputs a analog composite video signal to Video Processing Chip. In that chip, there is a ADC to convert the analog to digital, then after procession, display the content on the screen
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In datacommunications this is a modulator/demodulator, commonly known as a modem.
In electronics a digital to analog converter (DAC) chip is used to convert digital signals to analog and an analog to digital converter (ADC) chip to convert analog signals to digital. Some chips are available which include both ADC and DAC functionality.
There are thousands of different types of DAC and ADC sytems and which one to use largely depends on how fast you want to do the conversion.
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If connected to a digital to analog converter box , yes.
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AD is Analog to Digital conversion the use is to do digital measurements of analog voltages and currents, a computer soundcard is an AD converter that convert analog sound to digital sound so that it can be played on a computer, and DA is the opposite, digital to analog conversion, the digital sound on the computer is converted to analog sound to drive a speaker or headphone
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Demodulation is needed with modulation becoz modulation it is converting analog to digital signal n we can't understand digital. That's why we require digital to analog converter or demodulator.
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analog to digital converter
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No, Pulse Code Modulation is a communication method used to carry digital data but is not part of any analog to digital conversion.
PCM is often used to carry audio data as a digital stream and therefore is the encoding used as the signal is first converted to a digital format.
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A to D converter... same regardless of voltage
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No, you can still use an analog TV, but you will need a converter box to receive digital cable.
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No, you should not need a digital converter box anymore (unless you are still using an old analog television). Most digital televisions sold are capable of receiving both digital signals and the few remaining analog signals (permitted for very low power stations only at this time).
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It's not as simple as making a cable that fits. Digital audio cables and digital signals, both coaxial and optical, require a digital input. You need to convert the digital signal to analog to work with older receivers. These are available (Google Digital to Analog Converter or DA Converter). Just about every device that has a digital output will also have an analog stereo output, which will work with your old gear.
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