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It was called so cause in Amenemhat's period here was a very big loss due to famine but later they tied up with other civilization and was very successful period. There were excess of recourses in Egypt and in Amenemhat iii's period they were also developed in art and architecture.

1 answer

The Pharaoh during Joseph's time in ancient Egypt was believed to be Pharaoh Amenemhat III.

1 answer

The Pharaoh during Joseph's time in Egypt was likely Pharaoh Amenemhat III, who ruled during the Middle Kingdom period.

1 answer

The form "Amenemhat" is just one of several modern versions of the name that was written in hieroglyphs, using the signs that mean "the god Amun is at the forefront". Hieroglyphs did not record any vowels (the i is used to represent an Egyptian consonant sound that is not found in English) so we can never know how the name was actually pronounced by the ancient Egyptians, who obviously knew the correct vowels to insert.

Since Amenemhat is a modern, invented version of the name, you can say it any way you like - it will never be the way the Egyptians said it. Egyptologists simply put in the vowel "e" in most cases to replace the unknown vowels and make Egyptian words easier to pronounce today.

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Senusret I was the second pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty and ruled from 1971 BCE to 1926 BCE. He died of old age and before he died he appointed his successor Amenemhat II.

4 answers

There are several Amenenhat's in the 18th dynasty.

1. Amenemhat, son of Amenhotep I and Queen Ahmose-Meritamon. Died young

2. Amenenhat, son of Thutmose III and his possible mothers are Satiah, Nebtu, Merytre-Hatshepsut or Neferure. Amenenhat was murdered at a very young age.

3. Amenemhat, son of Mutemwiya and Thutmose IV. Died roughly 17-23, had one son, who we know little of. His wife is unknown.

1 answer

Yes. Webensenu, son of Amenhotep II, the alleged Exodus pharaoh. It was once thought that Ramesses II, and his firstborn died. However, his son died long after the alleged Exodus date of 1260 BC. Thus, our only candidates for the Exodus prince who died is either Webensenu, son of Amenhotep, or Amenemhat, son of Thutmose III. Thus, your question is answered. The firstborn of pharaoh was killed in the final plague: The Plague of Death over the Firstborn. Every firstborn, including the crown prince, was killed by the Angel of Death.

1 answer

The name Amenemhet or Amenemhat was the name of several pharoahs of Middle Kingdom Egypt, in the 12th Dynasty. The name means "foremost of Amun." It was his "Son of Ra" name (Pharoahs had five names as a rule).

1 answer

* I and II Samuel * I and II Kings * I and II Chronicles * I and II Corinthians * I and II Thessalonians * I and II Timothy * The Gospel of John and I, II, and III John

1 answer

The stage of meiosis II that is skipped is interphase. Meiosis II immediately follows meiosis I and consists of prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, and telophase II.

2 answers

As a Roman numeral ii or II is equivalent to 2

1 answer

Anedjib (possibly deposed),

Teti (assassinated accordinhg to Manetho, highly likely),

Userkare (probably deposed),

Merenre II (assassinated according to Manetho),

Mentuhotep IV (possibly deposed),

Amenemhat I, (assassinated)

Intef VIII (possibly murdered),

Seqenenre Tao (either killed in battle, executed, or assassinated),

Akhenaten (possibly murdered),

Smenkhare (possibly murdered),

Tutankhamun (possibly murdered),

Amenmesse (probably deposed),

Twosret (possibly deposed),

Ramesses III (assassinated),

Apries (deposed),

Amyrtaeus (deposed),

Psammuthes (probably deposed),

Nepherites II (deposed and probably killed),

Teos (deposed)

3 answers

Examples (Romanian names): Munții Făgăraș, Munții Măcinului, Munții Apuseni, Munții Retezat, Munții Rodnei, Munții Bucegi, Munții Baiului, Munții Ciucaș etc.

1 answer

E II R stands for E=Elizabeth; II = second; R= Regina. Hence E II R = Elizabeth II Regina.

1 answer

There is no Civil War II. There is a World War II

1 answer

Copper (II) bromide.

6 answers

Yes they were Charles II died without a legitimate heir and James II succeeded him.

1 answer

prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II

1 answer

Justin II followed Justinian as emperor.

Justin II followed Justinian as emperor.

Justin II followed Justinian as emperor.

Justin II followed Justinian as emperor.

Justin II followed Justinian as emperor.

Justin II followed Justinian as emperor.

Justin II followed Justinian as emperor.

Justin II followed Justinian as emperor.

Justin II followed Justinian as emperor.

3 answers

João II or John II of Portugal was from Lisbon, Portugal

1 answer

The order of the phases of meiosis is: prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, cytokinesis, prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II, and cytokinesis. During meiosis I, homologous chromosomes separate, while during meiosis II, sister chromatids separate.

2 answers

Cairo Amen II goes by Cairo Ben Amen II, CBA II, and Ben.

1 answer

I = 1 and II = 2

1 answer

The chemical name of SnCr2O7 is tin(IV) dichromate.

7 answers

see eye two eye = ci ii

2 answers

C r ii S ii S and K r ii S ii S

1 answer

Nickel (II) oxalate dihydrate; used in battery production.

6 answers

Guitars I, II; Keyboards I, II, III: Electric Bass; Drums; Percussion; Reeds I, II; Trumpet; Trombone;Violin I, II, III, IV; Cello I, II

1 answer

The possessive form of the proper noun Henry II is Henry II's or Henry's.

Example: King Henry II's son was Richard the Lionheart.

1 answer

WBBrown II's birth name is Walter B Brown II.

1 answer

well that question is easy and hard.okay lets put it like this, a water fall is water that has escaped from the ocean and flows into a river so if we are polluting the ocean that pollution is dragged to a water fall (all of the water on earth has been in different areas, because water moves. so water from the ocean can end up in a river). so i hope i helped


locals may be in need of money and build tourist attractions around such as shops, restaurants, hotels and roads. this causes pollution and litter etc. it also ruins the natural views and beauty around the waterfalls. it makes them look less beautiful and maybe less people would want to go and visit them, then they would lose the tourists and will have ruined the area.

7 answers

Meiosis I 1. Interphase I 2. Prophase I 3. Metaphase I 4. Anaphase I 5. Telophase I 6. Interphase II Meiosis II 7. Prophase II 8. Metaphase II 9. Anaphase II 10. Telophase II

1 answer

The chemical name for PbCr2O7 is lead dichromate.

8 answers

Joseph II

2 answers

You remember the moctezuma II for?

1 answer

Ramses ii was a maniac

1 answer

There is no pope named Pope II.

1 answer

Darksiders II happened in 360.

1 answer

No, Elizabeth II is not single.

1 answer

No, Nicholas II is not single.

1 answer

made a Type II error.

made a Type II error.

made a Type II error.

made a Type II error.

2 answers

prophase I, anaphase I, metaphase I, telophase I, prophase II, anaphase II, metaphase II, telophase II.

By the way, cytokinesis is not a stage of meiosis

1 answer

* Amenemhat IV (1815 BC to 1806 BC) * Tutimaios (circa 1690 BC)- also known as Dudimose A Hyksos king (circa 1648 BC to 1540 BC) * Ahmose I (1550 BC to 1525 BC) * Thutmose I * Thutmose III (1479 BC to 1425 BC) * Amenhotep II (1427 BC to 1401 BC) * Amenhotep IV, also known as Akhenaten (1352 BC - 1336 BC) * Horemheb (circa 1319 BC to 1292 BC) * Ramesses I (circa 1292 BC to 1290 BC) * Ramesses II (1279 BC to 1213 BC) * Merneptah (1213 BC to 1203 BC) * Amenmesse (1203 BC to 1199 BC) * Setnakhte (1190 BC to 1186 BC

1 answer

There is no Tin(II) dioxide. It is Tin dioxide (SnO2) or Tin(II) oxide (SnO)

1 answer