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The e/m ratio for an alpha particle is the same as the e/m ratio for a particle carrying two positive charges (2e) since an alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons. This ratio can be determined using experimental techniques such as Thomson's method or the mass spectrometer.

2 answers

Two types of ionizing radiation are X-rays and gamma rays.

4 answers

The correct order is c) Alpha particle, beta particle, gamma ray. Alpha particles have the greatest mass, followed by beta particles, and then gamma rays which have no mass.

3 answers

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no, it is an alpha particle.

1 answer

Gamma ray is not a particle. It is a form of electromagnetic radiation.

2 answers

The mass of an alpha particle is 4 atomic mass units, 2 protons and 2 neutrons, or about 6.644656 x 10-27 kg.

11 answers

The person who invented the Imaging X-ray Spectrometer

1 answer

An alpha particle has the largest mass among the options listed. It is made up of two protons and two neutrons, making it the heaviest particle. Gamma rays have no mass, while both positrons and beta particles are much lighter than alpha particles.

4 answers

This process is known as alpha decay. During alpha decay, an unstable atomic nucleus emits an alpha particle, which consists of two protons and two neutrons. This emission results in the transformation of the original nucleus into a new, lighter element with a lower atomic number.

2 answers

the spectrometer was first created in the back woods of Germany by a man called ucko lusidfer he was trying to build a time machine but he was deranged and built the wrong thing leaving everyone in gasp

5 answers

There are 2 neutron in an alpha particle.

1 answer

A stream of particles containing two neutrons and two protons is an alpha particle. Alpha particles are emitted during alpha decay in radioactive processes. They have a positive charge and are relatively heavy compared to other types of particles.

4 answers

Yes, the alpha particle is nonfundamental.

1 answer

A beta particle with low energy or a gamma ray with low energy might not be able to penetrate paper as paper can act as a barrier to these types of particles.

2 answers

An alpha particle has a charge of +2e, where e represents the elementary charge of a proton. This means that an alpha particle has a charge equivalent to two protons.

3 answers

Alpha particles have the least penetrating power compared to gamma rays and beta particles. This is because alpha particles are heavier and more positively charged, which makes them easily absorbed by materials, including skin.

4 answers

An analytical instrument is the instrument used to determine the chemical composition of materials, qualitatively or quantitatively; ex.: internally coupled plasma mass spectrometer, polarograph, atomic absorption spectrometer, X-ray spectrometer, coulometer, Karl Fischer titrator, etc.

1 answer

An alpha particle has a charge of 2, which means it is positively charged.

1 answer

An alpha particle is larger and has more mass than a beta particle. An alpha particle is made up of two protons and two neutrons, giving it a mass of 4 atomic mass units, whereas a beta particle is much lighter and has a mass close to that of an electron. Size-wise, an alpha particle is larger in diameter compared to a beta particle.

2 answers

A nucleon is the amount of protons and neutrons. An alpha particle has an atomic number of 2 and a atomic mass of 4 then it has 2 protons and 2 neutrons.

There are 4 nucleons in an alpha particle.

6 answers

An alpha particle is a helium-4 nucleus. It has a mass of about 4 atomic mass units.

1 answer

In alpha decay, the emitted particle has a charge of 2.

1 answer

The symbol for an alpha particle is ( \alpha ), and its charge is ( +2e ), where ( e ) is the elementary charge ( 1.6 \times 10^{-19} ) coulombs.

2 answers

Gamma rays are not particles, they are a form of electromagnetic radiation. Alpha and beta particles are types of particles emitted during radioactive decay.

2 answers

The nucleus of a helium atom is called the alpha particle, which consists of two protons and two neutrons. It is positively charged and accounts for most of the mass of the helium atom.

8 answers

An alpha particle is two protons and two neutrons, this is the same as a helium nucleus.

1 answer

Yes it is. an alpha particle can be represented as 2He4

1 answer

An alpha particle is about four times heavier than a proton.

1 answer

An alpha particle is a helium nucleus; it has a charge of +2.

3 answers

The alpha particle has a charge of +2e, where e is the elementary charge of a proton. This means the alpha particle has a positive charge of twice the charge of a single proton.

2 answers

An alpha particle is equivalent to a helium-4 nucleus, or a helium-4 ion. A difference is that an alpha particle has a certain amount of energy associated with it, so it can said to be fast or hot. The energy is measured in thousands or millions of electron volts (keV or MeV).

5 answers

Alpha particles are the same size as a helium nucleus and are made up of 2 protons and two neutrons. They have no electrons so an alpha particle has a +2 charge

8 answers

A stream of particles containing 2 neutrons and 2 protons is called an alpha particle. It is a type of ionizing radiation emitted by some radioactive materials.

2 answers

An alpha particle consists of two protons and two neutrons.

2 answers

The chaarge of an alpha particle is +2.

1 answer

An alpha particle is a helium nucleus. So, it contains 2 protons and 2 neutrons.

1 answer

The chaarge of an alpha particle is +2.

1 answer

A beta particle is an electron. It is emitted during radioactive decay from the nucleus of an atom. Helium nuclei, on the other hand, are called alpha particles.

3 answers

The symbol of the alpha particle is the small Greek letter alpha, α

1 answer

From Physics Forums The alpha particle has a 2+ charge, beta has 1- charge, and the gamma is neutral (no charge).

The beta particle could also have a 1+ charge if it undergoes positron emission [a proton turns into a neutron and a positron (the "anti-electron")]

4 answers

An alpha particle is a positively charged particle, so it will experience a force perpendicular to both its velocity and the magnetic field direction. This force causes the alpha particle to move in a circular path due to the magnetic field's influence. The radius of the circle will depend on the velocity of the alpha particle and the strength of the magnetic field.

1 answer

A subatomic particle with two neutrons that is emitted during some types of radioactive decay is called an alpha particle. It consists of two protons and two neutrons, and is used to reduce the mass and atomic number of the parent nucleus.

5 answers

When californium emits an alpha particle, it creates curium.

2 answers

An alpha particle is the nucleus of a helium-4 atom, that is, it consists of two protons and two neutrons.

1 answer