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The definition of the suffixes -dynia and -algia mean?

1 answer

The suffix "-algia" comes from the Greek word "álgos," meaning pain. This suffix is commonly used in medical terminology to denote a condition involving pain.

2 answers

The root word "algia" means pain. It is commonly used in medical terminology to refer to painful conditions or sensations.

2 answers

The word that contains "algia" in it is "fibromyalgia," which is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain and tenderness.

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Algia or Dynia

1 answer

"-algia" doesn't need a combining vowel, because it brings its own -- it starts with a vowel.

1 answer

No there is not. Algia and dynia are simply two different medical terms explaining the same condition. Pain.

1 answer

Fibro myalgia. My/o is the combining form meaning muscle. -Algia means pain. Myalgia equals muscle pain.

1 answer

The prefix "algia" refers to pain or suffering. It is commonly used in medical terminology to indicate a condition involving pain.

2 answers

Algia means pain. Some examples are neuralgia (nerve pain), analgesia (no pain), etc.
-algia is a suffix that means pain or painful condition.
-algia is a suffix meaning pain or painful condition.

2 answers

Yes Algia is another word for pain

1 answer

Pains, painful, painfully, painless, painlessly, painfulness, paining, painsome

7 answers

It refers to pain (algia) in the ear (ot), or a simple earache.

1 answer

The suffix in neuralgia is "-algia," which refers to pain.

3 answers

Both the suffix "-dynia" and the suffix "-algia" refer to pain.

1 answer

fibro=fiber or appearing like fiber mya= muscle algia=pain

1 answer

laryngalgia means larynx pain. Algia is a medical suffix that means pain.

1 answer

algia- refers to pain, so this term refers to pain in/of the cervical spine ( neck pain)

1 answer

nostalgia, cardialgia, cephalalgia, otalgia, neuralgia, odontalgia

2 answers


aden/o (root word referring to glands)
-algia (suffix for pain)

1 answer

Otalgia is another name for earache.

2 answers

The medical term for stomach pain is gastralgia. The suffix for gastralgia is -algia, meaning "pain."

1 answer

The word parts that make up fibromyalgia are fibro(fibrous tissue) and Myo(muscle), and Algia(illness).

2 answers

The medical terminology combining form meaning "ache" is alg/o.

2 answers

gastr/o meaning stomach and the suffix -algia meaning pain, is the medical term meaning pain in the stomach

1 answer

The root word of arthralgia is "arthro-" which means joint, and "-algia" which means pain. So, arthralgia refers to pain in a joint.

1 answer

There is no prefix in the term "neuralgia".

Neur/o = combining form meaning nerve(s).

-algia = suffix meaning pain or painful condition.

1 answer

Causalgia is the medical term meaning burning pain: algia~pain, Caus/o~burning

3 answers

The medical terminology combining form meaning pain is "alg/o".

2 answers

Suffixes that require the use of combining vowels when added to a word include: -cele, -dynia, -rrhage.

1 answer

Nociception is the medical term meaning pain detection. -algia or -dynia is the medical terminology combining form meaning pain. The traditional Latin term meaning pain is dolor.

1 answer

The term "Fibromyalgia" comes from both Latin and Greek roots. Fibro (latin) meaning the Fiberous tissues. Mya (from the Greek Myo) meaning muscles. Algia (greek) meaning pain.

1 answer

well the muscle for your back arm is called your triceps if thats what your after.

8 answers

The prefix that means painful or difficult is


5 answers

"Nostalgia" came from the Greek words "nost" (to come home) and "algia" (pain.)

2 answers



4 answers

my(o) is the rootword and algia is the suffix. Myalgia means muscle pain.


No. The root is alg-, meaning pain, distress. My(o)- is a prefix meaning muscle. The main element of a compound word contains the root, which may be modified by affixes.

2 answers

The word "polymyalgia" can be broken up into its syllables as "pol-y-my-al-gia."

2 answers

The medical term for inflammation of the urethra is called 'urethritis'.

6 answers

Cephalalgia refers to a headache anywhere in the region of the neck or head. It is a pain in the head caused by the dilation of cerebral arteries. It can also be caused by muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs.

2 answers

There is no common abbreviation for pain in medical terminology. There may be on for a specific area or speciality.

The combining form for "pain" is -algia or -dynia.


Otalgia (pain in the ear -- earache)

Cardiodynia (heart pain)

Analgesia (no pain)

Fibromyalgia (hurting muscles & tendons)

3 answers

Causalgia is the medical term meaning burning pain.

Caus/o means burning

-algia means pain

2 answers

Algae eaters do not normally latch on to fish and they certainly don't "suck colour off ". Maybe you have missed something and jumped to a wrong conclusion. BTW. All algae eaters that I know of are tropical fish. I hope you don't have them in with goldfish. (They are coldwater fish)

1 answer

Osteoalgia is not a commonly recognized medical term. It may be a misspelling or a less common term used to describe pain related to osteoarthritis or other conditions affecting the bones and joints. It's important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

2 answers

Some words that have the suffix "-odynia" include "cephalodynia" (headache), "dysmenodynia" (painful menstruation), and "goniodynia" (pain in the knee). The suffix "-odynia" is commonly used in medical terminology to indicate pain or discomfort in a specific area of the body.

4 answers

Gastricalgia refers to stomach pain or discomfort, often associated with conditions like gastritis, ulcers, or indigestion. It can present as a sharp or dull ache in the upper abdomen and may be accompanied by other symptoms like bloating, nausea, or heartburn. Treatment depends on the underlying cause.

2 answers

Arthralgia is the medical term for joint pain. Arth=joint... -algia=pain

Joint inflammation is arthritis.

There are many causes of joint pain, and in order to find joint pain remedies, you need to find the cause of your pain. Joint pain can in general be divided into a few separate categories, or causes in general. Sometimes it may be a combination of more than one
Arthralgia is a general term for any joint pain.
Arthralgia is pain in a joint. Arth- means joint, -algia is pain.

Polyarthralgia can be used to describe pain in multiple joints (usually used when there is pain in five or more joints.) Poly- means many.

Related terms:

Arthritis means pain from inflammation, which could be caused by a disease, disorder, injury, or infection of the joint.

Polyarthritis means pain from inflammation of multiple joints.

2 answers